Themission was garbage. Dudebro Michael Bay COD style mission to the max. I think that mission alone had about 60% of the EXPLOSIONS of the entire game thus far.Solaris Fortress
Thewere nice though.Geothermal Caves
I would've said so too until I reached. No way can you run n slash against 20 armed men sitting behind cover and 3 shotting you even during your evade or tossing dynamites and shit. Before this mission I had like 2-3 combat deaths but after this I had like 10+ deaths all within like 2 combat set pieces. You had to spam the grenade launcher in that area because enemy formations were so god damn dense.Solaris Fortress
I want to see the receipts on the people who said they beat Tomb Raider on Hard only dying 3 times. Not saying the game is hard but you would've gotten extremely lucky not dying in the game where one automatic fire round usually kills you.
Is this game what Uncharted is like? I never owned a PS3, so I never got any exposure to that series. But Tomb Raider sounds a lot like I've heard it described -- lotsa cover shooting, lotsa big scripted setpieces in exotic locales.
I doubt TR is the first game to do it, but GOD DAMN it sure is nice having a cover system that just intuitively works. No cumbersome bullshit like "Press A to get into cover, Press B to get out of cover, Press X to to hop over cover." You don't get stuck to cover just move in and out of it at will. The designers trusted you to know what the hell you're doing, and that's pretty nice.
Are there other games with a cover system that is this easy and fluid? I'd probably play more shooters if there were.
Re-quote me, I spoiler tagged some stuff.C'mon mang, spoiler tag specific stuff. Ya know, for those people that don't like spoilers.
I am not saying it's impossible or even that hard but it's not "oh I beat the game dying only 3 times" easy. And Shotgun is fucking garbage for running n gunning because it does no damage outside of 3 feet. You can't run n gun against 5 well positioned enemies with automatic rifles hiding behind cover, you are bound to get flanked and kill... no dodge can save you there. Your best way to beat that area is to play it like a standard TPS... stay in cover, play it safe, use grenades against enemies behind cover and shoot the ones trying to get close.Its entirely doable, just have to keep moving and have that shotgun ready. Dodge + arrow in the knee helps as well.
Not gonna say I did it in one try tho.
Its not even pure metroidvania, but it has elements, and I can see the Alan Wake comparison as well.I don't think TR plays even remotely close to Uncharted. It borrows some aspects of the UC series but they aren't even in the same family imo. TR feels more like a metroidvania, mixed with some Alan Wake and Lost while Uncharted feels like Indiana Jones.
People keep trying to shoe horn them into the same box but I think outside of following the basic blueprint of ND's formula they are nothing alike. Which is a good thing.
I've died in combat a few times. Sometimes it was from moving *past* a cover spot instead of staying behind it, or even getting shot through cover (happened once), and of course the thrown molotovs and explosives. But that was mostly because I hadn't gotten a handle on scrambling yet.
QTEs have killed me far more often though, that and the scripted run-and-jump scenes. Sometimes you'll replay them and try to take a jump early and die because the game hasn't crumbled the building into the perfect spot yet. I don't think I'll ever understand this kind of design.
Its not even pure metroidvania, but it has elements, and I can see the Alan Wake comparison as well.
In the end, I feel like it kind of ended up being its own beast. Yeah you can tell where it takes most of its influences from, but the final product mixes them all really well, and flows extremely natural. None of it really feels out place and it does feel like its own thing in the end. Not quite like Uncharted or anything else. Claims of it a pure copy/paste job are wholesale exaggerations I feel.
The splash launcher automatically resets the AA from SSAA to FXAA every time you start up the game, you have to manually set SSAA every time you start up the game.Is it just me or does this game always have FXAA enabled?
I don't think TR plays even remotely close to Uncharted. It borrows some aspects of the UC series but they aren't even in the same family imo. TR feels more like a metroidvania, mixed with some Alan Wake and Lost while Uncharted feels like Indiana Jones.
People keep trying to shoe horn them into the same box but I think outside of following the basic blueprint of ND's formula they are nothing alike. Which is a good thing.
Right, Uncharted really for the most part is a shooter with a cinematic/adventure like presentation. TR is more of an adventure game, though it has some Uncharted like moments, but still fairly different games.
Is it just me or does this game always have FXAA enabled?
When did you try and change it? For me, if I altered the game's settings while playing and applied them, the changes didn't take effect until I rebooted.
That said, once I did that I was able to ditch FXAA in favour of SMAA injector.
It is a bit sad that Lime and others need to defend their right to criticise something. If he didn't articulate why he thinks the way he does it would be one thing, but he did.
I wish more negative posts on forums didn't contain as much venom and were more relaxed, but I don't think the posts in this thread are very guilty of that.
Army of Two also has the auto-cover without being attached. But its always in your control, as opposed to TR.The dodge is from Alan Wake, the platforming is from Uncharted, the upgrade system is from Arkham. That said, the cover mechanic is entirely their own. The closest example I can think of is DS3 but it actually works here. Also for obvious timing reasons, DS3 could not have been an inspiration for TR.
But I noticed the FPS hit instantly, the only thing was, the FXAA blurryness was still present. Are they still using FXAA when you choose SMAA? FXAA+SMAA i mean?
I just looked at the ending again and if that's a clue about what the sequel will be about that's gonna suck![]()
SMAA isn't selectable in the game. I turned AA off in TR and used SweetFX configurator to set SMAA. The game looked noticeably cleaner so I have to assume FXAA stayed off.
The platforming in TR is just far too fluid for me to even bother comparing it to Uncharted.The dodge is from Alan Wake, the platforming is from Uncharted, the upgrade system is from Arkham. That said, the cover mechanic is entirely their own. The closest example I can think of is DS3 but it actually works here. Also for obvious timing reasons, DS3 could not have been an inspiration for TR.
Someone posted patch notes here
Just got through an area where enemies shouted and scrambled nervously for cover after seeing Lara, after which she shouted something like "Run. I'm coming for all of you." Straight up killing machine.
Ugh, I'm stuck at the optional tomb where she keeps doing "I need to time this just right" BUT I CAN'T GET IT RIGHT. UGH! I either miss the platform or just jump too early...
Which is? What did you see. I might have missed it.
The Alan Wake thing is weird. It's a combination of the way Lara controls and the scenery in some parts. It does actually combine to create an Alan Wake vibe.
The platforming in TR is just far too fluid for me to even bother comparing it to Uncharted.
Platforming in UC basically feels like an obligation and far more rigid as you're guided to the next setpiece. TR lets you kinda just do your thing in the environment you're in
They rolled it back last night due to complaints of profiles becoming corrupted post-patch. Hopefully they fix that shit and put it out again today. It made TressFX look substantially better.The update is not up for me.....
It embarrassingly took me over 20 tries.Ugh, I'm stuck at the optional tomb where she keeps saying "I need to time this just right" BUT I CAN'T GET IT RIGHT. UGH! I either miss the platform or just jump too early...
Crank the one on the left, run over to the other crank, wait for the bottom doors to blow open, crank the second one, and jump on to the moving platform.
I just did it now.
The dodge is from Alan Wake, the platforming is from Uncharted, the upgrade system is from Arkham. That said, the cover mechanic is entirely their own. The closest example I can think of is DS3 but it actually works here. Also for obvious timing reasons, DS3 could not have been an inspiration for TR.
The platforming in TR is just far too fluid for me to even bother comparing it to Uncharted.
Platforming in UC basically feels like an obligation and far more rigid as you're guided to the next setpiece. TR lets you kinda just do your thing in the environment you're in
No I'm not. There is no form of gameplay in this game that has any kind of depth to it. The platforming and stealth are automatically handled by the game and the combat is basically duck hunt behind a piece of cover (and sometimes not even that with how bad the AI is, they'll stand out in the open sometimes).
I said before that the game take elements from many games,Unfortunately the execution is not as good as the other games TR getting inspired from.
CD ended with no identity and throwing too many ideas from here and there really impacted the core gameplay of it in a bad way,they didn't perfected any of it and it felt unfocused mess most of the time.
Doesn't your favorite game this Gen consist of talking to people and letting VATS shoot for you?
WellI said before that the game take elements from many games,Unfortunately the execution is not as good as the other games TR getting inspired from.
CD ended with no identity and throwing too many ideas from here and there really impacted the core gameplay of it in a bad way,they didn't perfected any of it and it felt unfocused mess most of the time.
Yeah its definitely better. The only time I like the platforming in UC is when it is combined with the gunplay
My favorite game of this gen isn't fallout 3, so no.
New Vegas has a regular FPS aiming option.
I feel stupid now,Mountain Village Tomb with the wind and the balancing crate etc etc as me stomped guys...what the dealio here please(spoiler it please)...
Anyone?...went over to Gamefaq and I am doing what it says but it's not working...I left for now.
Anyone?...went over to Gamefaq and I am doing what it says but it's not working...I left for now.
Sorry guys but I can't call that "platforming" I just can't not here and not in Uncharted or Enslaved,when there is no skill required this is not real platforming.
I guess people need to return to something like Alice Madness Return or Mirror Edge to remember what platforming is.