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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune


The last tomb I did gave me a weapon piece, so that was better than a random artifact, albeit a little nonsensical.

Anyone else distracted by the fact that Lara isn't wearing a bra? I mean so much detail was put into her double tank tops and other clothes and gadgets but somehow she has magic boobs that don't bounce.
That whole
Blood Pit



The last tomb I did gave me a weapon piece, so that was better than a random artifact, albeit a little nonsensical.

Anyone else distracted by the fact that Lara isn't wearing a bra? I mean so much detail was put into her double tank tops and other clothes and gadgets but somehow she has magic boobs that don't bounce.

Uh, I... what?
Dunnnnnnnnnnnnn, Dunnnnnnnnnnn, Duuh DOOHHHHHHH

Gets me everytime.

wait this has a lot of enemy gangbangs? I can think of few things worse in videogames. it's the sole reason why I could never replay the infamous games and is one of the worst things about Dead Space.

But when your combat is sublime(Arkham City, Asylum) It can be the best things about the game.


Man the visuals and art in this game is quite excellent. I am just going around finding collectibles and soaking up the scenery. I know the game doesn't quite have the textures of a UC game (maybe it does on everything set to max on a top PC) but this game is real nice on the eye balls.


Game play wise you are rewarded a lot for doing the Tombs. All hidden items are revealed on the map because you get the map for the area, you get a boat load of EXP which almost always gives you a skill point and of course you get a lot of salvage. You should always aim to do the Tomb first in a new area if you plan on 100% the game.

I guess that's a reward if you plan to hunt down all the junk that they scattered throughout the world. But that's gotta be less than 3% of players. I just want a visual reward or a gameplay-oriented reward. Shit, at least tell me what's in the treasure chest since you seem so intent on telling me about every damned Relic. As for 100% completion, I have neither the time nor the will for that stuff.

I tend to hate it huge collect-a-thons, because it leads to a lot of false positives when puzzle solving or exploring. You think you're progressing the game when you discover some secret, and you end up winding up with some dumb collectible. "Oh that hidden spot there, I bet that's the entrance to the villain's secret lair! I'm so glad to figure it out! Oh wait, it's just a secret cave that contains some stupid doodad that I need to collect 100 more of."

I actually like that Tomb Raider just scattered all their collectibles throughout the world, rather than building really unique puzzles and secrets for finding them. Never once did I think I solved a puzzle when I actually just found a GPS or Relic.

While we're on the topic though, what are the rewards for collecting all this items? The Relics, the Documents, the GPS, and so on...
You have a point. The rewards for the Tombs should be more substantial (shit, I'd just love more lore. I love all the Documents I'm finding on the history of the Island). I do like the relics and Lara talking about them. It's a nice touch.
Yeah, XP is not a reward in and of itself. Relics and journals are interesting and have some work put into them so it feels more substantial when you find them. And why would I want to hunt them down for extra XP after finishing the story if there's no new game+?

I don't like the optional tombs, in any way really. If anything I'd rather they were part of the normal world landscape, but still optional. Blend them into the hubs themselves and make them part of the discovery, exploration and experimentation in each area, but not the golden path. A side benefit here is they could also end up serving a purpose to aid stealth or provide alternate firing positions/cover/routes when there are enemies about. If they're going to "hide" them off the beaten path, it'd be nice if they were actually hidden, and far more challenging.

Tomb Raiding defines Lara, right? So the rewards for these should be something special.

That said, my session tonight was definitely the best so far. The environments have gone from lush to full on amazing, and while the combat isn't stellar, its grown on me. The best section in the game, combat wise has been
hunting enemies silently in a darkened forest, where wolves will attack if you just open up by going loud. Stalking my prey, waiting for them to wander far enough away alone and then dropping them, scavenging them and moving up felt far more like hunting and played to the game's themes. Really good stuff. BUT, after I had cleared one big area and creeped my way all the way over to the opposite side, a guard stumbled upon one of the bodies. Immediately everybody knew where I was and opened fire even though not one of them had a line of sight and I was far away from the body. Lame.

Actually I think the only combat I dig is when the enemies are already on the field and patrolling or searching. Whenever an event triggers a bunch of enemies spawning in, or drops me into a room I have to survive or just throws waves of dudes, its just plain rote and showcases how oblivious the enemy AI can be.

But because of the better setup combat encounters and the fuck-awesome environments, this game was firing on all cylinders tonight, in a good way.


You get EXP of course for getting all Relics/GPS. What did you think the reward was going to be... Lara starts taking parts of her clothing the closer you get to 100%?

A fully upgraded Bow is beastly as fuck.
Loving this game oh my god it's amazing.

I just went through the Parachute section (in the forest). Anyone mind telling me how far in I am? Am I like 75% through with the game now? Seems like it.


There are a lot of weird RE4 similarities in TR. Shanty Town looks like its straight out of RE4, the whole cult worship story line, the candle lights in the caves looking like some of the indoor caves in RE4, the whole Mountain pass lift sequence, general atmosphere of some of the levels, the Radiotower mission etc.

Let's not forget the more obvious similarities like QTEs, death sequences and over the shoulder camera.
I hate to say it, but I don't think I've disliked so much of a game's audio in a long time. The VA is mediocre and the music might as well be Philip Glass' cat walking across a synth.

All in all though, I am enjoying myself.


The VA and soundtrack is mediocre but the sound design overall is amazing. The ambient environment sounds, the sound of the weapons, effects is all top notch. Great game to play with head phones on.


You get EXP of course for getting all Relics/GPS. What did you think the reward was going to be... Lara starts taking parts of her clothing the closer you get to 100%?

I'd like a reward that is unique, and enhances gameplay in some fashion. I started doing the tombs because I got a Weapon Part from one and hoped the rest might give me a Weapon Part too. I soon discovered that wasn't going to happen, but even that would have been sufficient.

The tombs do give good XP, but the relative value of XP is pretty low when you can always go back to previous areas and farm more XP. If the amount of XP earned was finite, then XP might be a more significant reward.
I wish you could adjust the SE and dialog volume separately. I'll have to turn this up tomorrow night when the lady isn't sleeping.

Hey Tricky, I just ate crow.

Right after I killed one with my bow.
The MP is just so.... ugh.

Also, anyone encounter a relic bug at the
Research Base
? Says it's in one place, put a way point on the map and it moves to a completely different location... with nothing there.
I'm a little less than half way through, but I'm loving the game. Part of me wishes they went the survival horror route though. So many potentially creepy environments.
Man the visuals and art in this game is quite excellent. I am just going around finding collectibles and soaking up the scenery. I know the game doesn't quite have the textures of a UC game (maybe it does on everything set to max on a top PC) but this game is real nice on the eye balls.

It doesn't. If anything a pc just makes it apparent how many low textures and polygons there are. I do love the art though but the game shines the most during the night sections where it can mask a lot of issues it has.


I just finished the game. I loved it. I enjoyed the more human emotions of the characters and I also enjoyed all the pulp adventure and bombast. The engine, animations, and sound design are incredible. I'm going to play it again. Not sure if I'll bother with the multiplayer, though I might try it just for kicks.


All in all, I really liked this game. I agree parts of this game reminded me of RE4. The controls + the whole cult thing. Hopefully that's not too much of a spoiler, I'll stop there.

If I had any gripe, I guess it's that I wish there was more time for exploration and puzzles. I know you can technically wander around when you want. And I also know you can continue the game after you beat it. And for most of the game, I wouldn't leave an area until I was sure I had gotten everything. But I just felt like, towards the 2nd half of the game, it just felt like one long battle sequence after the next. And that got a little bit repetitive.

I can't really complain though, because this far passed my expectations. I'm really happy with it, and will definitely be playing again in the summer (especially after they get some of the kinks figured out with the PC version).


Just got past the radio tower and really, really digging the game. Loving that very light metroidvania-esque feel it has, though I can't help but wonder how awesome it might have been if they went fully down that rabbit hole (like Arkham Asylum). So far it's the best Uncharted game next to Uncharted 2!

Exploring the environments is a blast and I'm stoked my nVidia PC can max the game out with tress FX on and run silky smooth. That said, even maxed on my PC, I feel the game doesn't look quite as good as Uncharted 2 and 3 do at their best, but it's also rendering far bigger environments, has the unfortunate distinction of having been developed with 360 hardware in mind, and in general, has yet to enjoy stellar lighting that highlights the color due to the weather in the first few hours of the game. Though the mountain peaks when you first get up there do look gorgeous.


People called Romanes they go the house?
So has anyone had it glitch to where an entire area won't load?

I had it where an entire tomb I had just finished and was leaving when I stopped playing and came back later, but a reboot fixed the issue on PC.

Just finished the game. Really put together well, despite some overabundance of combat in certain sections. Tight (but admittedly to the point of being restrictive in some cases) controls, and a fun vertical exploration sense even if there wasn't enough room to really play with the toys and make your own path so much as follow out what CD had scripted.

I'm interested to see where they take Lara after this, if there is in fact a direct-ish sequel. Since she's presumably alone and is now "battle-hardened", I don't know how CD is going to continue to develop and flesh out her character given that they just built her back up from the ground up back to a similar combat readiness level of the older games.

One way I can see it going is (super-mild spoilers, I keep it really vague)....

that the other crew members join up with her "team" and provide some on-site backup or something, to keep Lara interacting with others and not just being by herself in the wilderness,
as that really stalls a lot of interesting character interaction and development.

If they somehow manage an Arkham Asylum -> Arkham City-ish leap, that'd be awesome.



I'm done with the single player mode for now. I'm missing 3 achievements though so I might just play it from the beginning again.


So, I haven't got to the end but is the
supernatural aspect of the game remains supernatural at the end or will it be explained in Scooby-Doo style?
I hope it's the former and not the later.


Just finished, have a few more tombs to raid and some things to find. Overall it's one ofthe better games I've played this gen. Multiplayer trophies suck.


Hmmm. 6 hours later and I just got to the part in
Solarii Fortress where you see Sam with a gun who then runs off
. I'm guessing I'm pretty much at the end of the game. I still have a good chunk of game to go but I'm pretty much set in my way on this one. So since I'm getting ready to finish it I can give my impression of the overall game. I'm still trying to find the right words. It's Uncharted: Lara's Fortune but it doesn't necessarily make it a bad game. It was a fun game. However, besides the pretty visuals and fun gamplay, this was a very by the numbers game. The story is average, the VA work actually pissed me off with Lara's VA mispronouncing several Japanese words (You're a fucking archaeologist. You should know how to pronounce the fucking word. I don't care if you're from Jolly old England.), and the game is just too easy. Everyone kept on hyping up Shantytown but when I actually got there, it was just an exercise in killing mass numbers of cult members. I haven't played MP yet so I have to give that a try but after playing TR, Uncharted is definitely the better game. Hopefully when TR2 comes out, they'll build upon what they have already established here but this game isn't winning GotY 2013.


Just finished it with the credits rolling now. I enjoyed it for the most part. It started to drag on a bit, but I tend to prefer games around 6 hours or so. I had a free day today so I played through it basically in one sitting. I haven't done that in literally like 15 years. I didn't go for 100% or trophies because I don't get enjoyment out of that stuff. If I had purchased it I'd probably go back and 100% it, or close. I guess all that really leaves for me to play through is crysis 3.



I'm done with the single player mode for now. I'm missing 3 achievements though so I might just play it from the beginning again.

I asked this before but nobody answered -- do you get anything cool for collecting all the Relics and GPS and Documents and stuff? I've tried looking at FAQs, but they don't seem to mention anything.


Finally got around to starting the game. Loving it so far. Gameplay just screams Uncharted, which I very much like. Also, I'm loving the gorey death animations. :p


I asked this before but nobody answered -- do you get anything cool for collecting all the Relics and GPS and Documents and stuff? I've tried looking at FAQs, but they don't seem to mention anything.

No. Unless you find achievements cool.


I asked this before but nobody answered -- do you get anything cool for collecting all the Relics and GPS and Documents and stuff? I've tried looking at FAQs, but they don't seem to mention anything.

With will unlock all the Extras content from the menu, not much then just viewing their concept arts of each map and all the characters model from the game in 3d view, but of course each concept is set to be unlocked only to that specific part of the map, while you advance through the game. There are some pretty cool stuff to watch because it will show you how everything started and how each individual or map was build.
OMG I can't find the last skull thing from the coastal forest area, and I can't find the last egg/nest. This is going to drive me insane.


I just dont get how this game is so popular and dead space 3 gets all the hate.
the games are surprisingly similiar, but dead space 3 is so much better.

both stray away from their predecessors, but dead space 3 is clearly closer to them
both games focus on action, but dead space 3 has much much better gunplay, more satisfying hit feedback and more diverse gameplay and enviroments.
both games feature a weapon upgrade system, while dead space 3's is much deeper and more sophisticated.

I am not saying tomb raider is a bad game, not at all, but dead space 3 was a much more satisfying experience, at least for me.


No. Unless you find achievements cool.

Good lord. I don't know how you 100%'ers do it. I never look up what collect-a-thon rewards in games are, but I always figure it's something like an alternate costume or cool usable item or the ability to turn on infinite ammo cheats.

Even if I got $20 as a reward I'd probably be too lazy to collect 1001 trinkets. I'm aghast to hear that people do it just for a 25 point Achievement or some concept art. I don't get what drives people to do it -- especially when it so frequently is just a thoughtless and cynical attempt to pad out the game length. Stuff like audiologues and journals I can understand collecting if you are into the game's story and mythos, but crap like the Relics and GPS were almost completely useless and unrelated to anything.

If it's fun for you then more power to you, though.
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