I am really enjoying this game a lot, but at the same time if they incorporated more TR stuff from recent games along with this new stuff, this game could on another level. Like if instead of relying on super-easy traversal and too many setpieces in the linear sections, how about that is where you put more classic challenging platforming and puzzles. You could still leave the more open hubs as are. More about exploring and finding routes, using abilities and stuff to find various things.
There are some moments that happen that make me think they just aren't full utilizing the items and platforming possibilities here. Like this little moment where you had to pull this swing bar so you could make a jump across this gap. I just started imagining this big puzzle where you had to turn various bars and make quick jumps before they turned back. Like that on a much larger scale. Hazards (like blade traps and stuff in more traditional tombs) could also go a long way towards making the platforming more challenging too. The game's biggest failing so far is definitely how easy it is.
This game seems to bring all these elements from different games in. And there is still a little TR in there, but it has kind of been overshadowed by some of the other elements. Uncharted, Arkham, etc. Even LOST as some have mentioned. And it makes for a good game to me. The combination even kind of feels like a thing of its own, but at the same time not that original.
Now Tomb Raider previous to this, was like one of the only games on the market like it. You know a challenging platformer with thoughtful puzzles. A game that made you think as opposed to challenge you with combat or something like a lot of other games do.
So I just think a sequel that could kind of combine this game with more of that classic TR feel would be really excellent. You know more Tombs and large scale puzzles. Challenging platforming. Even some other old stuff could be worked into this game structure. Make swimming a new ability of sorts. And you get some kind of air tank upgrade that lets you get further with the swimming to open up new areas or get to collectibles. Bring in the grapple as a swing device and then have it upgrade to the wallrun move or used to repel.
I am still not finished this game and I hope I don't sound like a downer because I am loving it, but I just keep thinking how much better it could be at times. And I hope the sequel will be able to pull that off.