As someone still only just past halfway through this and rapidly losing patience with it, the only way they could make a sequel work for me:
- Making it about raiding tombs might be nice.
- Replace ubiquitous shit combat with ubiquitous puzzles. The early games had shit combat too. But they had puzzles. Decent ones too. Something more complicated than Angry Birds or lighting everything on fire would be just super.
- Location spoiler -
Fuck your shallow setpiece. The first time I walked into St. Francis' Folly and looked down? Now that was a fucking setpiece. You know why it holds power even now when the old games look a bit shit? Because you look down in New Tomb Raider and you know that it's either nothing but wallpaper (Go on, jump and prove it to yourself. I did. There's nothing down there but fog and an autodeath), or if it's actually part of the level, there's gonna be some middling platforming, or worse an on-rails sequence or cutscene to get you down there. You look down in Old Tomb Raider, and you don't have a clue how you're gonna get down there or what's waiting for you, every experiment could kill you, and it only reveals itself to you one step at a time.When I first walked into the Chasm Monastery stairway, I was impressed. It captured my imagination. 3 or 4 sets of hold forward or mash X platforming later, it was ruined. The bell part? That part was pretty neat. Make more parts like the bell part. Make the platforming challenging. Make the player have to time jumps to avoid gusts of wind, or dodge to avoid flying debris or something, anything.- More supernatural enemies that require unique ways to kill them. Fuck 20 waves of commando dudes with heads poking above crates. And not some bullet sponge big brute either, more like a Team Ico Colossus. Give it a weak point, or make a puzzle where you have use a trap to kill it. 10 or 12 good, tough enemies with completely unique ways they must be defeated would fix 80% of what I hate about the combat in this game.
- I'd prefer an orchestrated soundtrack with atmospheric compositions. I'm sure the guy they have doing the OST for this is a great guy with a lot of talent, but this particular soundtrack is just completely forgettable incidental filler.
- Did I mention making it about raiding tombs might be nice?
At this point, I doubt I'm going to finish, or if I do it will be over the course of the next couple months, but I agree with you 100%.
Edit: lol @ the reason for being critical of a game being: