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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune


So hearing how shantytown was complete shit had me worried before I got to that point. I guess I'm failing to see what the big deal is. The combat is good enough in this that I'm finding every encounter pretty fun to get through. I'm genuinely surprised at how much more fun I'm having with the game than I thought I would.


So hearing how shantytown was complete shit had me worried before I got to that point. I guess I'm failing to see what the big deal is. The combat is good enough in this that I'm finding every encounter pretty fun to get through. I'm genuinely surprised at how much more fun I'm having with the game than I thought I would.

Well...if you think the combat is fun, then lots more of it in waves isn't a problem. If you think it's boring, easy, and waves of enemies silly, you might think otherwise. I actually enjoyed Shantytown, but that was the first instance of waves and kind of made sense for the area. Then they kept doing it and I was like ugh.


An blind dancing ho
If SE want a sequel of this (hopefully they don't) here is how Crystal Dynamics can fix some of the game issues and make it decent instead of the horrible thing they made.

-add real platforming here and there,ok you don't want classic TR this don't mean you can't have real 3D platforming.
-big optional tombs(not tiny caves) with environmental puzzles.
-make interesting locations (the island was boring as all hell) and add multiple paths to the areas,make them layered and make them complex, this will make the exploration and fights more interesting.
-make it somewhat challenging to reward the players,competent artificial intelligence for the enemies, satisfaction is big part of video game this should not be push the analog stick forward simulation.
-less cinematic bullshit,more real in-gameplay situations like what was in shadow of the colossus so you can risk falling down and die.
-throw soul and identity to the new Lara,new is just a boring Hollywood style character with nothing unique or new about here, start from scratch and make her likable and iconic.
-hire new actress for Lara..seriously.
-and hire a new writer (actually good this time) for your story.


If SE want a sequel of this (hopefully they don't) here is how Crystal Dynamics can fix some of the game issues and make it decent instead of the horrible thing they made.

-add real platforming here and there,ok you don't want classic TR this don't mean you can't have real 3D platforming.
-big optional tombs(not tiny caves) with environmental puzzles.
-make interesting locations (the island was boring as all hell) and add multiple paths to the areas,make them layered and make them complex, this will make the exploration and fights more interesting.
-make it somewhat challenging to reward the players,competent artificial intelligence for the enemies, satisfaction is big part of video game this should not be push the analog stick forward simulation.
-less cinematic bullshit,more real in-gameplay situation like what was in shadow of the colossus so you can risk falling down and die.
-throw soul and identity to the new Lara,new is just a boring Hollywood style character with nothing unique or new about here, start from scratch and make her likable and iconic.
-hire new actress for Lara..seriously.
-and hire new writer (actually good this time) for your story.
Don't disagree with a lot of this, (cept the actress, I think she's fine enough) but I'll be surprised if hardly any of it actually comes to fruition. If it's actually selling as well as they say it is.


PC Patch Released - 1.0.722.3 - March 15th 2013
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.0.722.3. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

In addition to various PC specific fixes this patch brings all the fixes available in the 1.02 console patch to the PC as well, but note that the majority of those was already included in the originally released PC game or version 718.4.

New fixes in 722.3:

Addressed an issue in ”Shipwreck Beach” where the mast on the wooden ship was occasionally missing depending on the player’s path.
Fixed a gating issue in “Research Bunker” where the elevator would get stuck in an unintended state.
Multiplayer Connectivity: An issue related to security certificates that stopped many users from connection to Square Enix servers was resolved.
Multiplayer Connectivity: Improved messages when you are unable to connect with Square Enix servers.
Voice Chat: New Push-To-Talk feature, by default mapped to F1.
Voice Chat: New voice-chat volume option.
Voice Chat: Improved overall quality of voice-chat.
Fixes for crashes on startup in specific situations when no audio output is available.
Fixes for various reported crashes during both single-player and multi-player.
Movies are showing up again when using SSAA.
Cost of TressFX reduced, especially in combination with SSAA.
TressFX memory usage reduced for AMD Eyefinity and NVIDIA Surround setups.
TressFX simulation and graphical quality improvements.

New Ultra-quality shadow mode for contact hardening shadows. This is not enabled by default in any quality profile, but can be enabled from the advanced settings.
Improvements to fullscreen/windowed switching and multiple display handling.
Various UI improvements.

While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build718.4, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.

We’ve been working closely with NVIDIA to address the issues experienced by some Tomb Raider players. In conjunction with this patch, NVIDIA will be releasing updated drivers that help to improve stability and performance of Tomb Raider on NVIDIA GeForce GPUs. We are continuing to work together to resolve any remaining outstanding issues. We recommend that GeForce users update to the latest GeForce 314.21 drivers (posting today) for the best experience in Tomb Raider.

We are planning further patches beyond this one to address various issues that have come out of consumer feedback since the release of the game.



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Why are the optional tombs in this game so damn small? The first on I did I was I thought "ok this is just a starter tomb and they will get grander and grander as the game goes on." Well fuck, that sure as hell didn't happen, the only thing that did happen was that it took longer to walk to the tomb entrance in the latter tombs.


That's it. This game convinced.

I'm gonna buy a motherfucking bow. And motherfucking arrows. Straight up.

My dad is going to teach me to shoot his soon. Between Arrow, Far Cry 3 and now this game, I've really wanted to give it a go. I've always been interested, but these kind of pushed me over the edge.


I got grudge sucked!
Anyone else getting a wierd glitching effect when the game first loads (PS3)? Its when the title screen first comes up, there are these wierd black lines that come up and glitch around for about 3 seconds. They never appear anywhere else in the game so I don't think its a stylistic thing. I've stayed out of this thread so I don't know if this has been addressed.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Anyone else getting a wierd glitching effect when the game first loads (PS3)? Its when the title screen first comes up, there are these wierd black lines that come up and glitch around for about 3 seconds. They never appear anywhere else in the game so I don't think its a stylistic thing. I've stayed out of this thread so I don't know if this has been addressed.

It is a stylistic thing.
Anyone else getting a wierd glitching effect when the game first loads (PS3)? Its when the title screen first comes up, there are these wierd black lines that come up and glitch around for about 3 seconds. They never appear anywhere else in the game so I don't think its a stylistic thing. I've stayed out of this thread so I don't know if this has been addressed.

It's a stylistic thing. Happens on PC too, and yes it scared the crap out of me when I first played it as I thought my graphics card was about to die on me.


Crystal Dynamics could make a pretty amazing Green Arrow game after playing this. I feel like using guns kind of took the fun away so I tried to use the bow and arrow as much as I could.


Started playing last night. It's ok. I played for a few hours and dropped it, disgusted at what they'd done to Tomb Raider, all the pointless arbitrary XP powerups, the audio logs in ridiculous locations, etc. Picked it up again today deciding to give it the benefit of the doubt, and it's all right. Nothing out of this world, but it plays ok, and once you kill the initial wave of enemies you spend most of the time actually traversing the environments.

The only complaint I want to make right now regards the subtitles. Why is CD always so inept at them? Not only are they stylistically horrible with the colors corresponding to different characters, but apparently "subtitles" now mean Closed Captions, so that when I'm fighting a wolf and he jumps out of the bushes at me a giant-ass caption pops up in the middle of the screen saying "Lara's breath quickens as a wolf lunges at her" or something like that--all during gameplay!!! It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in a game.


Started playing last night. It's ok. I played for a few hours and dropped it, disgusted at what they'd done to Tomb Raider, all the pointless arbitrary XP powerups, the audio logs in ridiculous locations, etc. Picked it up again today deciding to give it the benefit of the doubt, and it's all right. Nothing out of this world, but it plays ok, and once you kill the initial wave of enemies you spend most of the time actually traversing the environments.

The only complaint I want to make right now regards the subtitles. Why is CD always so inept at them? Not only are they stylistically horrible with the colors corresponding to different characters, but apparently "subtitles" now mean Closed Captions, so that when I'm fighting a wolf and he jumps out of the bushes at me a giant-ass caption pops up in the middle of the screen saying "Lara's breath quickens as a wolf lunges at her" or something like that--all during gameplay!!! It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in a game.

Actually I appreciate the colored captions. It's far easier to read.


That's it. This game convinced.

I'm gonna buy a motherfucking bow. And motherfucking arrows. Straight up.

My dad is going to teach me to shoot his soon. Between Arrow, Far Cry 3 and now this game, I've really wanted to give it a go. I've always been interested, but these kind of pushed me over the edge.

You people should watch the Archery events during the Olympics, it's amazing.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Just finished, credits are rolling as I type this.

I liked it well enough, but I am glad it was a rental. Bow only was the only way to play in my opinion, I hope they don't take it out next round in favor of the duel pistols. I never once shot the pistol/shotgun/assault rifle unless I had to because of the game design.

They really need to do actual Tomb designs next time and not just one short puzzle to get to a useless (in the broader sense) treasure, thanks for the scrap ancient civilization!

I look forward to seeing what they do with the next game but I want the difficulty amped up please.
Rented it earlier and played a couple of hours on hard. First impressions:
-I love hubs overall so I liked the hubs in this, but because collecting shit is pointless I don't really feel the need to explore. I'm exploring anyway because that's the type of bro I am, but it's not really satisfying.
-Combat is easy as shit, game is offering no challenge right now... But I want to say that's because I'm still pretty early
just got the shotgun
-these set pieces leave me feeling hollow, wish they didn't waste their time on them
-Platforming is awful sauce, I'll just put it in the boring traversal pile
-Tombs are just tiny rooms with one easy ass puzzle
-Bow is pretty sweet and auto duck behind cover is cool
-Story is there, it's not that interesting. But the dissonance at the beginning is pretty hilarious.
-I like it when Lara is Lara...


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Finished the game 100% after 18 hours.


+ Graphics. There's games with way better textures, lighting, and all that jazz but TR was a fairly detailed game. Lara's animations and facial expressions weren't Uncharted level but were still of excellent quality. Little details like her yellow watch and her cuts and bruises helped immensely. The cuts and bruises were not what I'd call fan service either like a certain Woman of a Cat nature in another game (it just wouldn't fit with the more serious tone of this game). And who doesn't like weapon upgrades actually having a cosmetic effect?
+ The violence. Shooting an arrow through a guy's face. Shooting a handgun through a guy's face at point blank range. Putting the wrong end of a shotgun up to a man's jaw and experiencing the sweet release.
+ Lara. She's beautiful.
+ Very solid controls. You turn on a dime and can stop your jump in mid-air (and even redirect it). With the exception of a few invisible walls, Lara did exactly what I wanted her too when I controlled her to do it.
+ No-toggle cover system MUST be the future for third-person action adventure games
+ The production values are awesome
+ Definitely more variety than Uncharted. TR is 55% action, 30% platforming/exploring, 15% puzzles. Uncharted is more like 70% action, 20% platforming/exploring, 10% puzzles. Biggest contributor to this is the Arkham City style "hubs" that actually give you the feeling of traversing throughout an entire island.

Her redesign turned out pretty damn awesome


Fuck that


- No gore. You show Lara's skull being impaled by a tree branch but I can't see peoples' limbs being blown off or animal entrails?
- Uncharted style linear levels. Play through them once and it's kind of cool, but not the type of videogame with replay value.
- Way too easy. This is a problem with all of the post-Core Design Tomb Raider games, including the beloved Anniversary (although if you use Manual Grab you're getting a bit more of a challenge and a bit more fun)
- "A Survivor Is Born"...yeah, except you play as a commando badass throughout the entire thing. The only things that get tougher in this game are your weapons. Any survival aspect is sure as hell not illustrated through gameplay.
You're telling me you made a game with respawning wildlife, different streams of fresh drinkeable water, and camp fires spread throughout, but you didn't implement Food, Water, Injury, or Sleep mechanics? You have all the assets for these things; you just had to implement them. There's no sense of survival or tension at all in this game because there's no consequence to doing poorly. At least the Uncharted games got fairly tough near the end. I would've even taken a half-assed Hardcore mode a la Fallout New Vegas.
- Lara wearing the same clothes for the entire ordeal. You're climbing up a snowy mountain, put on a jacket for chrissake, or at least give us the option to make the cosmetic change ourselves and roleplay to that small extent.
- The weapon upgrades, collectables, and tombs were ok. But the Skills were so pointless. Like 50% of the skills were to level up faster to get more Skills and Upgrades lol
- Huge lack of puzzles. If you combined all the puzzles in this game that would be like just one singular level from the PS1 games.
- Some people take a "if you don't like it just don't play. It doesn't affect the main game" approach to tacked on multiplayer modes...but even just seeing that in the main menu angers me. Get that shit out of here.
- Glitches:


Night time with daytime lighting o_O


Give me 5

Verdict: 6/10. Buy at $10 or less (keep in mind I'm a poor college student so don't look at the $10 as a percentage out of $60 representing the game's quality...look at the 6/10). Despite my cons being stronger in number than my pros, Tomb Raider managed to not be a waste of time with it's slick presentation and in fact if you're going to spend your money on a AAA cinematic Press A to Awesome game, Tomb Raider is one of a very small handful that I'd actually recommend to you. The Style didn't make up for the Substance, but it does justify a playthrough.

What I Want to See in Tomb Raider 2: Puzzles. Difficulty. Short Shorts. Survival. Rome and Greece and Egypt and cool places like that. Dinosaurs. But especially short shorts.

P.S. Everytime I look at a bird on a phone line or something outside I get the urge to shoot it with a bow.

P.S. 2 When you get all the GPS caches it makes the Secret sound effect from the old Tomb Raider. Nice touch :)
Why are the optional tombs in this game so damn small? The first on I did I was I thought "ok this is just a starter tomb and they will get grander and grander as the game goes on." Well fuck, that sure as hell didn't happen, the only thing that did happen was that it took longer to walk to the tomb entrance in the latter tombs.

welcome to 'room raider' :) ...
Man, if you think there's not enough gore, you need to put about 4 hours into this.

Edit: woops, got 2 posts mixed up.

I really dunno, there's gore all over in this. I suppose it's pretty low res though, and certainly until you mentioned it, I didn't think about how nothing you kill really does much but ragdoll in the air.
PC Version question

So I'm about to get out of the wolf cave and there's a cut scene where you have to wrestle with the wolf with quick time buttons, is it the mouse you have to move left and right or the A and D buttons?


Just finished this yesterday alongside DmC.

Enjoyed it overall, but the combat got tiresome and the puzzles and tombs were laughable.
Bow is cool, but for obvious reasons I don't see it returning. (Lara isn't Turok)

One last thing...
Alex died for a spanner and a screwdriver.


So I just downloaded an 88MB update on the PS3 (1.02). Apparently these are the patch notes:

Playstation Plus auto downloaded a Tomb Raider patch last night, but when checked the game it only says version (1.01)

I guess it could be because it's the digital version it's not the same number.

Ban Puncher

Finished this evening, 100% everything in single player. What a delightful romp.

If anyone has a spare Shanty Town code on 360 and wants to swap for a Challenge Tomb one let me know.


Finished this evening, 100% everything in single player. What a delightful romp.

If anyone has a spare Shanty Town code on 360 and wants to swap for a Challenge Tomb one let me know.

Challenge Tomb? Is that an actual in-game physics puzzle? Why did I waste my Shanty Town code???? Haha...

I hope they release 15-30 Tombs as DLC. I would pay money for this.
I cleared the tombs without using survival instinct and they were still too easy. Harder puzzles next time please, they aren't even mandatory to progress in the game, why not make them challenging? Give us some credit.


Just finished this yesterday alongside DmC.


My goodness! Where are your Spoiler tags?! If I hadn't finished that, I would've been upset.

But it really is hilarious! Some of characterization in this game turns into full effect comedy- his Notebook page dialogue was pathetic and amazing all in one.
My goodness! Where are your Spoiler tags?! If I hadn't finished that, I would've been upset.

But it really is hilarious! Some of characterization in this game turns into full effect comedy- his Notebook page dialogue was pathetic and amazing all in one.

Yeah, I'd be upset about the spoiler too, but these characters man. Might as well have said "there's a spot where a goomba dies just so Mario can reach a coin".

I think I'm right near the end. Everything after the game went all Michael Bay has been a return to the form the game had towards the beginning, and I've enjoyed it for what it is. Hell, they even found a way to make the wave combat fun by skipping assholes with assault rifles for once and giving you an obstacle course instead of a barrel to sit behind. Made me wish the whole game had been structured that way.

I know I said I probably wouldn't bother with a post of final impressions, but I think I'll probably give a bullet list after all.
If they're anything like the Tombs already in the game that's 15 minutes to 60 minutes of gameplay tops lol

Protip: If you can set it on fire, set it on fire

Surprisingly, the first puzzle (the one during the first cave) with the barrels took me longer than any of the tombs because I didn't realize I could jump on the thing in the middle.


Junior Member
Hi guys... well, I've played for three hours, more or less... great game, by the way.

BUT... I found this gamebreaking bug on a video:


I'm not there yet... but I really don't want to lose my game there.

Is there a solution? Is something random?

I'm playing on PS3, by the way.

Thanks, guys.
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