So must we play with Steam in offline mode until it's properly release in our region?
Also, no controller support? :\
Playing with a 360 pad right now.
So must we play with Steam in offline mode until it's properly release in our region?
Also, no controller support? :\
Ok thanks.
Playing with a 360 pad right now.
That actually sounds pretty good. I wasn't expecting much of a story, but for what it's worth I really enjoyed Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider trilogy (I think I 100% completed Legend on my shitty-ass laptop back in the day, which is saying something).
Anyway I found this multiplayer video, and honestly it doesn't look half bad. It's pretty simplistic, people spawning on different sides of a map, running their way to the middle and engaging in firefights. But what I think is promising is that it doesn't have any of that extra crap that most shooters have these days - killstreaks and minimaps and attachments upon attachments upon attachments. It's what I loved about Uncharted 2 multiplayer, so I'm not writing this mode off just yet.
It´s not that the story is bad - It´s just not told very well. Supporting cast is pretty weak unlike UC (2) where it was fantastic.
Funny thing is that about half way through TB when I thought the story was pretty much told it really kicked in and got a lot better.
And I got to level 30 on multiplayer and the game wiped my progress.
And I got to level 30 on multiplayer and the game wiped my progress.
I'd applaud Crystal Dynamics for this. The stats should rightfull be wiped ahead of launch. People shouldn't be encouraged to acquire the game ahead of the release date to gain an edge.
Man. I can't believe I'm saying this but so far this game is actually better than Uncharted 2.
Yes. 2.
Holy shit.
I have no problem with multiplayer being reset for street date.
I don't think this was intentional, the game froze up and I had to do a hard reset and THEN it resetted.
And I got to level 30 on multiplayer and the game wiped my progress.
[IMG ][/IMG]
You can have that look too if you're willing to sacrifice almost half your framerate for some strange reason.
Wait, really?
That sucks.
Is the multiplayer any good? I'm guessing you're enjoying it if you got up to level 30.
I think I am only enjoying it because I have study I should be doing.
I really respect the way that almost all of the feature of the actual game make it into the multiplayer - climbing and platforming and the like. There are special things added in too - you can set traps (one is erecting lightning rods so that anyone who steps near them gets electrocuted, or setting up those noose things that suspend your opponent in the air and they can take you our or shoot the lasoo down).
It's just really all over the place with performance though :/
Third person shooters aren't traditional?
That actually sounds pretty good. I wasn't expecting much of a story, but for what it's worth I really enjoyed Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider trilogy (I think I 100% completed Legend on my shitty-ass laptop back in the day, which is saying something).
Anyway I found this multiplayer video, and honestly it doesn't look half bad. It's pretty simplistic, people spawning on different sides of a map, running their way to the middle and engaging in firefights. But what I think is promising is that it doesn't have any of that extra crap that most shooters have these days - killstreaks and minimaps and attachments upon attachments upon attachments. It's what I loved about Uncharted 2 multiplayer, so I'm not writing this mode off just yet.
You mean lag or framerate? The videos I've watched online seem pretty laggy, although that could just be due to the lack of people for good matchmaking.
Quoting from the PC screenshot thread. HOT MAMA.
You can have that look too if you're willing to sacrifice almost half your framerate for some strange reason.
Hmmm something strange keeps happening to me...
After about half an hour of play the GPU stops responding, the TV goes to no signal and i'm forced to do a hard reset :\
Not worth it,look at the other gifs people posted, it's really bad looking hair and it move just completely wrong.
People willing to pay a few bucks to connect to a foreign VPN and unlock the game on Steam early. Or people who live in those time zones.Where are all those WONDROUS PC screenshots coming from?
Debating whether I should get this. I played TR:A and mostly hated it but I love Uncharted 2/3.
Yeah it's a complete bust of a feature. I'm not sure if it's because Nixxes rushed it in since it's new, or if it's just another AMD failure.
Sweet, ill check out some videos on lunch break. My boss was hyping this up and I thought he was trolling me but I guess people are enjoying it?Sounds like it's right up your alley, then.
Unlocked through VPN, first half hour impressions:
+ It's a nice looking game, nothing breathtaking but pretty
- The tresswhatever hair is bad and heavy on resources
- Fuck all the QTE shit.
- Fuck the instinct crap, I dont want to use it, I want to figure it out myself, stop remiding me of it constantly "You are dumb! Press Q"
Pretty sure he wasn't trolling you, this could be one of the games of the year.Sweet, ill check out some videos on lunch break. My boss was hyping this up and I thought he was trolling me but I guess people are enjoying it?
Good to hear that =)First hour or so is pretty QTE heavy - Gets a lot less afterwards.
Pretty sure he wasn't trolling you, this could be one of the games of the year.
Many are already saying it is.
Many people voted ME3 goty on here. Many more actually made 2 the goty on here. I wouldn't look at it too seriously.
you will want to comb her hair...