reading about the issues with the PC version,I'd say Nixxes fault ,since they were working on two game at the same time(Hitman:Abomination),they are usually the very best in porting but I guess you can't get quality and quantity together.
I get 60 fps with this on. Of course, I do have a GTX 680...
So where is the wind blowing... left or right... must I believe Lara's hair or the ship flags?
So where is the wind blowing... left or right... must I believe Lara's hair or the ship flags?
I haven't had that happen since 2005 with Perfect Dark Zero.
So where is the wind blowing... left or right... must I believe Lara's hair or the ship flags?
Many people voted ME3 goty on here. Many more actually made 2 the goty on here. I wouldn't look at it too seriously.
Not worth it,look at the other gifs people posted, it's really bad looking hair and it move just completely wrong.
Probably because a lot of people felt that way. Funny how that works, huh, Derrick?
Looks like AMD (sort of) shit the bed with TressFX. Kills FPS on all but the highest-end of cards, and the implementation looks shoddy at best. Invisible force-field around her shoulders, shadow casting is screwed up, etc. Why am I not surprised by any of this?
I'll pass.
Looks like AMD (sort of) shit the bed with TressFX. Kills FPS on all but the highest-end of cards, and the implementation looks shoddy at best. Invisible force-field around her shoulders, shadow casting is screwed up, etc. Why am I not surprised by any of this?
I'll pass.
she's standing in the middle of a tornado.
that's the final twist to the game
How is Camillas sexy voice?
Don't you mean...the final twister?
You'll have a very confused boner as Lara is brutalized by the enemies and elements.
Until she starts fighting back.
Wait with hair? SLI or no?!
What settings are you using?
Don't you mean...the final twister?
To be fair, if the is a large wall behind Lara, the wind could be tunneling around her. I doubt that's what they were going for, however.
You'll have a very confused boner as Lara is brutalized by the enemies and elements.
Until she starts fighting back.
Holy fucking shit. This is a PROFOUND statement.
Just tried it. TressFX looks awful. Glitchy as hell and looks weirdly highlighted against the environment, like it's not properly lit. The tech idea looks like it has a lot of potential but the implementation here is not very convincing.
Sounds like early PhysX complaints. At least it will get better from here.
Doom isn't perfect, but the level design isn't terrible either.
Sad that I can't have the non-shitty looking hair without performance crippling physics. :/
So where is the wind blowing... left or right... must I believe Lara's hair or the ship flags?
That's generally how computational power works.
Single 680. Max graphical settings.
That's where the 20 hours of gameplay is from. 1 hour of actual gameplay, 19 of them just sitting there doing that.
Many people voted ME3 goty on here. Many more actually made 2 the goty on here. I wouldn't look at it too seriously.
Why does it really anger you so much people liked games?
What's a free VPN to use to unlock this?
I mean I don't understand why can't I have nice looking hair without the physics. The normal hair looks like a blob of a polygon. I don't think you need fancy ShampooFX to have hair that LOOKS like Lara's without the physics of it.
What's a free VPN to use to unlock this?
So where is the wind blowing... left or right... must I believe Lara's hair or the ship flags?
It's also rewarding to clear out an area and then get to explore it, which I find a more satisfying than any 'kill', 'cutscene' or 'xp' could be.
I'm calling shenanigans. I've got an i7-920@4Ghz/GTX 680/12gb ram set up and I get 36 fps average according to the benchmark with TressFX and everything else maxed out. 56 fps without it. You sure you don't have a few settings turned down? The general consensus is that TressFx gives about a 20 fps hit when turned on.
That's where the 20 hours of gameplay is from. 1 hour of actual gameplay, 19 of them just sitting there doing that.
VpnSecure has a $2 two day trial. That's what I usually use to vpn for a game. Not free, but it's only $2. It does work for TR too. I just unlocked it myself.
What is the correct process to unlocking it so Valve doesn't freeze my account?
What is the correct process to unlocking it so Valve doesn't freeze my account?