Another crash
God damn it
with Tressfx? or just the game in general?
Another crash
God damn it
What is best site to upload pics to?
Any way I can unlock my game early? =(
So how is the 360 version ? Good graphics for console ? Performance ?
Why do all these gifs look like 1024x768? The textures don't look very crisp.
Why do all these gifs look like 1024x768? The textures don't look very crisp.
Did you end up fixing your game save or did you lose it and start all over again?
with Tressfx? or just the game in general?
The movement of the hair in that raining scene looked pretty good, imo. But I'm on a work monitor, so take that as you will.
What are your specs, Diehard?
So this shit is basically a ponytail simulator then? In that case Witcher 2 unintentionally beat them to the punch with the hair effects.
If I use an Australian VPN what needs to be done during that process? Do I just click on the install and then log out and install back on my normal IP or do I need to actually buy it there? The screenshot the L.O.R.D. posted looks quite nice in terms of the hair, strands!
I just saw on livestream that hair is casting very precise shadows on her face.
Watched the stream for 10 seconds, the game gives FC3 a run for its shitty pop-ups. Can they be disabled?
Sorry for off-topic, but can they be disabled in Far Cry 3? I'm interested in that game, but such popups annoy me a lot.
Watched the stream for 10 seconds, the game gives FC3 a run for its shitty pop-ups. Can they be disabled?
Achievement progress 20/40 monkeys slain!!
Map updated!
*select symbol* press this button for the map!
looks like horse hair
looks like horse hair
- Close Steam
- Log onto theVPN service and get the Australian IP
- Check your IP address to make sure that your IP has changed accordingly
- Start Steam
- Start Tomb Raider - it will now unlock
- After it has unlocked, start the game, and switch Steam to offline mode
- Go back to your regular IP address
- Make sure that next time you start Steam that you have no internet connection so that it will automatically start in offline mode. Otherwise it will revert the unlock.
Thanks a million mate, will try in a minute. Do wonder though, can I do the same thing but instead of using a VPN just have my friend over there unlock it with my account?
No, it needs to be local from your own machine.
To anyone who has the PS3 version, is there any framerate slowdown?
To the "mash left and right" boss, please please please please go away and never come back. I hate you so much after 90 mins game play.
Aside from that totally dick PC port game play issue it all looks fine (not running in ultra so no hair issues)
you will want to comb her hair...
I've done that an hour ago, Im' in France.
Checked IP, steam showed the usual window "available now", but game still in preload...