So I start OpenVPN/new zealand, then open up steam, says still "pre-load, not unlocked" - what am i doing wrong?
I wonder. Was interesting to see an ad for it during Walking Dead last night. Good move to do that the weekend before release.I'm pretty sure this game is going to do gangbusters.
Form an opinion all you want. Most people do. But when it verges into the territory of being invested in a game turning out poorly. Wishing it would get bad reviews. Poor sales. Then it becomes laughable. Don't like the move the franchise made? Sorry, play something else. Why shit on a game for something that it's not trying to be in it's OT? This is the Tomb Raider game they chose to make. No amount of hand-wringing is going to change that. We get it, you wanted something else. Too bad. What they gave us was this and by the sounds of it, from reviewers and gamers alike, they delivered something really special.
I was intending on waiting for a sale on this but Amazon sells this for 40 (PS3). Is it worth it? The video review in the OP was kinda negative. I've been reading the thread and many people are talking how amazing the game is. Please sell me on the game![]()
Apparently it's better than Resident Evil 4 and Uncharted 2 combined.
Or something.
So I start OpenVPN/new zealand, then open up steam, says still "pre-load, not unlocked" - what am i doing wrong?
I'm pretty sure this game is going to do gangbusters.
So guys here, do you think this is going to be a big hit in sales from your impressions playing and the vibe? I reckon it will be the most successful for the first half of this year.
So I start OpenVPN/new zealand, then open up steam, says still "pre-load, not unlocked" - what am i doing wrong?
The deuce:Define gangbusters.
Despite the hate from some people here, the game has received almost universal praise and has tons of buzz. It should hopefully do very well.
*Mine just shipped yay!*
Does anyone know the download size for the PC version? I'm sorry if it's been asked before, I couldn't go back the 72 pages to verify it![]()
Thank you! I think it'll take a while to download it, maybe tomorrow only (20mbps).8.9GB.
The deuce:
gangbusters plural of gang·bust·er (Noun)
1. A police officer or other person who takes part in breaking up criminal gangs.
2. Very successful, esp. commercially: "the restaurant did a gangbuster business".
Who do you think I am? Pachter?Let me rephrase that.
Do you mean gangbusters as in exceeds SquareEnix's projections?
Do you mean over 2M? Over 3M?
Some quantifiable number.
Who do you think I am? Pachter?
You don't have to go in the spread. Just an over/under then.
Man. I can't believe I'm saying this but so far this game is actually better than Uncharted 2.
Yes. 2.
Holy shit.
Sim City? Sim City gonna bomb hard. I still have 2k installed, why would I ever get another Sim City?
Sim City? Sim City gonna bomb hard. I still have 2k installed, why would I ever get another Sim City?
TR would probably do less than SC2 and Sim City but better than Bioshock. Don't know how it will so against God of War. Isn't there also a new Gears of War game coming?
TR should still do well. The initial reveal got people generally hyped and the marketing for the game has been turned on full force along with very solid reviews.
Well I haven't given a shit about Gears since GoW3 but it's hard to say how the sales pan out for the game. It's obvious that it will perform lower than the other GoW games.I'm not on the pulse of the Gears franchise, but does anyone give a shit about Judgment?
I'm sure it will sell fine, but I don't see it being a smash.
TRs last best selling game was nearly two decades ago and at least half a dozen games apart. DMC's best selling game was its most recent one and not even 5 years had passed since then. To say that Capcom pulled the reboot card too early for DMC would be an understatement.The initial campaign was nearly thrown off track, but they did rebound rather nicely. I doubt it'll suffer the same fate DmC did. It'll probably go on to do higher numbers than Underworld.
You don't have to go in the spread. Just an over/under then.
More than Bioshock, less than StarCraft.
Well Uncharted 3 is pretty crap so I would hope it would be better.
This game is buggy as shit. It's literally frozen my computer three times.
Disable tesselation.