Tuesday can't come fast enough so we actually have something relevant and interesting to discuss here, haha.
Tell me again how awesome Spec Ops is.......
something to talk about, right? 
Tuesday can't come fast enough so we actually have something relevant and interesting to discuss here, haha.
Tuesday can't come fast enough so we actually have something relevant and interesting to discuss here, haha.
Tuesday can't come fast enough so we actually have something relevant and interesting to discuss here, haha.
There any details on what the PC port will be like?
Seriously. The conversations are running on empty here.
There will be some beautiful hair.
edit: Post below wins.
We can just keep anticipating how Lara's hair will steal the show!
Omega_Tom_Hanks said:Is that hair shit exclusive to AMD?
I got DmC almost a week earlier than normal street date time. I beat it in one sitting in one day. It wasn't because I was so enthralled by the game but it was because people wanted to hear unbiased, PR free impressions from a long time fan and I was one of the first few people to fit the criteria.I think the fact that people who have gotten it as early as Thursday have beaten it already is probably a good sign that it will be a good game.
Usually if people don't enjoy playing a game, they won't beat it as quickly in terms of days, or they will just stop playing.
I could be totally off base though, and the driving force of beating it before everyone else is motivating them.
Is that hair shit exclusive to AMD?
Finished it on hard. About 77%.
There are but no difficulty achievements/trophies.
Weren't ppl saying there was no difficulty levels in this game?
Weren't ppl saying there was no difficulty levels in this game?
For anyone interested in the PC version, it can be had at greenmangaming for $36 (with coupon: GMG20-P4DLK-FKYRS). PC version will have realistic hair physics...so you know you want it...
I'm contemplating getting it myself - but wondering about replayability and game length. Don't care at all about the MP. Any comments?
Weren't ppl saying there was no difficulty levels in this game?
DAMN!!!!! I literally just purchased TR on Steam and then I see your post after I have been charged already. AAARGHHHHH!!!!
DAMN!!!!! I literally just purchased TR on Steam and then I see your post after I have been charged already. AAARGHHHHH!!!!
I got DmC almost a week earlier than normal street date time. I beat it in one sitting in one day. It wasn't because I was so enthralled by the game but it was because people wanted to hear unbiased, PR free impressions from a long time fan and I was one of the first few people to fit the criteria.
DAMN!!!!! I literally just purchased TR on Steam and then I see your post after I have been charged already. AAARGHHHHH!!!!
because there are none.Difficulties yes, achievements, unlockables, something to make the difficulties worth it, no. Apparently. No one really commenting on bonuses.
You took this the wrong way. I actually agree with you.
That isn't what I was doing at all, but okay.
I think in this era of PC gaming it's best to make a strong effort to look around for good deals like that before pulling the trigger full price. It's pretty safe to assume that there is a pre-order discount going on for pretty much every high profile game.
I got both Tomb Raider and DmC day 1 for a little more than $30.
Rule of thumb: If it's Steamworks, don't buy it on Steam.
Yea same here, I want this game playing on my PC already.You know what sucks? Seeing a lot of people here finishing and Im here looking at my locked preload :/
Of course.does this game have steam achievements?
As someone who has never played Team Fortress 2, everything about the economy of that game fascinates the shit out of me.
Because I have no idea how it works.
Do we know if Tomb Raider will be available as a day one digital download off PSN? I've been meaning to pick up Journey for a while now and wouldn't mind a $10 discount on it.
Check a page or two back where I quoted the blog - short answer, we won't know till Tuesday.
You know what sucks? Seeing a lot of people here finishing and Im here looking at my locked preload :/
Try to pull one of the boxes, and the game will start it broken animation. Now, go to the floor doors, aim with your bow and start waling slowly on the small ridge of either left or right edge [where the hinges of the door should be]. If you walk just right, Lara will not drop her bow and then re-aim, but she will enter in her "unsteady falling" animation. Try to keep that animation running for 1 sec, and you will fall "through the crack".
Here is the picture I just made:
How long do you expect a single player narrative driven experience to last?This is why I think episodic content is the future. How long did it take to make this game? 2-4 years? Supply can't meet demand when people are beating it on hard and its not even released.
They said Dead Space 3 had framerate issues on PS3 as well, and I only encountered anything like that twice during the entire game. Technical issues are often overblown by Xbox fanboys. Get the game on the platform you like.