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Tonight's Adventures in Retail (Or: Stop the presses, I bought an XBox)



Pretty much me tonight, except replace "a presell for Panzer Dragoon Orta" with "a copy of Burnout 3." Also, there was more muttering and whispering on my end as I tried to get the words out of my mouth. ;)

But seriously, this was inevitable. I bugged my parents for weeks, months for a Sega Master System so I can play Outrun, and now that the sequel is coming out for the XBox, well, it seemed only appropriate that I buy the system for that one franchise as well. :p BO3 is really just so I can get my feet wet with the system in the interim.

The only thing that stings is that at least temporarily, I have to retire my Genesis and Master System from the TV deck. There's no space for them all. I predict a bigger TV stand in the future so they can once again claim their rightful spot under the Dreamcast.

Also, a Live kit, but I'm going to sleep on whether or not I return it. My PS2 BBA doesn't get much use, and it's not because of any lack of friends lists or whatever, it's because I hate playing games with strangers.


Lazy8s said:
Should've listened to Gabe and gotten Panzer Dragoon Orta too.

Actually, it's on order. It'll get here when it gets here, buy.com is always pretty slow with getting stuff to me. (I have no idea why.)


What? No welcome to the darkside posts?

Welcome to the darkside. BTW don't judge Xbox graphic capabilities on BO3. PS2 wise they may be great but there are way better looking games out there.


AniHawk said:
Get Knights of the Old Republic. GET IT.

For now, it's primarily going to be my Outrun 2 TV adapter. PDO and BO3 are just there for me when I need to take a breather from rockin' to Magical Sound Shower.

Sysgen said:
What? No welcome to the darkside posts?

Welcome to the darkside. BTW don't judge Xbox graphic capabilities on BO3. PS2 wise they may be great but there are way better looking games out there.

I think I've made my opinion clear enough times in the past, but for the sake of just saying it nicely: I could give a rat's bottom about graphics, so don't worry. :p

Shenmue II. NOW.
Got it for the Dreamcast, because I'm a TRuE faan!!~!!!!! :p
(Actually, I haven't even started it yet, because I've just been very, very lazy about finishing the first one.)


AniHawk said:
Get it anyway, so then you can play KOTOR II this December!

Dude, have you seen the backlog of non-arcade, story-driven games I have to get through? :p

(Actually, no you haven't. Dumb question.)

The point is that the only non-arcade game I plan on getting between now and Whenever 2005 is Metroid Prime 2, and that's only because like Metroid Prime, I'll probably just completely dedicate myself to it for days or weeks until I'm finished. It's rare - very rare - that I get that wrapped up in a story.

OK, know what? That's all a lie. I just hate Star Wars. :p


xsarien said:
I think I've made my opinion clear enough times in the past, but for the sake of just saying it nicely: I could give a rat's bottom about graphics, so don't worry. :p

I've heard that before. Then they buy an Xbox and then graphics make a difference. Some go as far as selling their PS2. Not saying this will happen to you but it does happen. After PDO and after RS2 and after Crimson Skies and after Otogi and after and after ......

Wario64 said:
I got an Xbox yesterday too but no games. I just stare at the box

I bet it stares back.


Sysgen said:
I've heard that before. Then they buy an Xbox and then graphics make a difference. Some go as far as selling their PS2. Not saying this will happen to you but it does happen. After PDO and after RS2 and after Crimson Skies and after Otogi and after and after ......

Pfft. Rez, Final Fantazy, Ico...The PS2's not going anywhere. I don't have as many games for it as my GameCube, but it's earned its keep, and will continue to do so.


TheGreenGiant said:
how old are you?

When I was bugging my parents for the Sega Master System? I dunno, I guess about seven or eight. Give or take a year. I can't recall precisely when I got it, only that Outrun was at least out for it by then.

Just to clarify, in case it's what you thought, I wasn't bugging anybody but myself to get an XBox. I'd imagine that once I tell my father, he'll have a crack or two about Microsoft ready. ;)


Nfans falling to the darkside all around me... who in the hell is left to argue with?

Dave Long -- fallen
Duckhunt Dog -- fallen (I think)
Meier -- fallen
MAF -- fallen
Mario 64 -- fallen

Just leaves jarrod and efralope.


jedimike said:
Nfans falling to the darkside all around me... who in the hell is left to argue with?

Dave Long -- fallen
Duckhunt Dog -- fallen (I think)
Meier -- fallen
MAF -- fallen
Mario 64 -- fallen

Just leaves jarrod and efralope.

Aw, no worries. You'll still get plenty of fight out of me. Consider it a purchase of necessity. :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
Except I'm not really an Nfan :p At least I don't consider myself to be one, despite the nick and all


Wario64 said:
Except I'm not really an Nfan :p At least I don't consider myself to be one, despite the nick and all

I know... and MAF was more PS2, but I was drawing blanks and had to throw out someone's name... lol


jedimike said:
I know... and MAF was more PS2, but I was drawing blanks and had to throw out someone's name... lol

And, you know, for the record I'd like to think that even before tonight, I was fairly balanced in my criticism. I think you just remember what I say about the XBox more than the others. :) You know it's possible to be a "fan" of more than one console, right?

Anyway, let's not start in, this is a happy thread.


Get Rallisport Challenge 2. Pure arcade rally goodness


Steel Battalion ;)
Ninja GAIDEN!!

Xbox Live:

Top Spin
Crimson Skies
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorow

Next week


Coming Up

Halo 2
Jade Empire
Splinter Cell 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 4
Mech Assault 2


works for Gamestop (lol)
Just got my Xbox modded today, good shit :)

But I still don't have any Xbox games

Yeah, I just hope I copied the code down correctly for that Xbox Live subscription...


I'm bumping this for a question:

I'm most likely going to return the $70 Live kit I purchased with the XBox because, as I found out a few nights ago when opening everything, BO3 comes with a 2 month free trial. That seems decent enough, it'll let me compare, on my own setup, the differences between PS2 online (which I've admittedly not touched in months) to the XBox setup.

So in the unlikely event that I actually start to dig Live (I'm the most cynical person on the planet, you see), what are my options to extend the account? Microsoft is pretty damned vague on all of this stuff. Can I use the card in the "Starter" kit even though I wouldn't technically be starting, but continuing? Would I be some kind of pariah if I didn't use the headset (incidentally, for two months I'd be headset-less)? Does anybody have a 12-month card lying around? ;)

The focus on the starter kits is pretty much based in the fact that it actually saves me a few bucks than a single 12-month card and headset bought seperately. It also comes with Crimson Skies, which has been on my list of "Games I'd Get if I Didn't Have to Pay For Them" for awhile (read: It showed up on my radar before I bought an XBox.)


xsarien said:
it'll let me compare, on my own setup, the differences between PS2 online (which I've admittedly not touched in months) to the XBox setup.
if you're going to do that, make sure you try a non-burnout 3 live game. seriously, ea really fucked up the implementation. when you're in a game, it's fine, but all the neat little features/niceties common to other live games are gone, and replaced by ea's shitty online system.

even if you don't particularly care for the game, rent project gotham racing 2 to see what a great implementation is like.


Damn, 1 less Xbox-hater around here... These boards are gonna get awfully stale very soon :D

Anyway, does anyone else remember the good ole days on these boards way back before (or around) the time the Xbox was released??? The hate was so thick you could slice through it with a butter knife and the vast majority of the peeps didn't give the Xbox a chance in hell at doing anything significant in the console market. I guess it's nice to think that I was among the very few early on that had lots of faith in Microsoft's little black box ;)


open_mouth_ said:
Damn, 1 less Xbox-hater around here... These boards are gonna get awfully stale very soon

The fact that I own my own XBox now doesn't preclude me from being occasionally critical of it, don't worry. ;) The XBox and I have come to an understanding: As long as it plays Outrun 2, I agree to give it shelter and feed it a Game Gear cartridge (or a live mouse, whichever's easier to come by) twice a month.

Dave Long

Heh...all the games people are recommending are ones I got already... Gunvalkyrie, PDO, JSRF... at least some folks still retain their good taste after buying one of these hideously large boxes.

I like the games I'm playing on the Xbox, but seriously... all the size stuff... that's so warranted. And goddamn it the top of the next system better be FLAT!

Dave Long

Defensor said:
Better use that XBOX live access code Wario before it expires.

Is this the code to activate it? They never expire. I just set up my Live account for one year on Sep. 1, 2004 with a kit that was purchased at the launch of Xbox Live in November of 2002. The outside of the box with the expirations and whatnot is bogus.
xsarien said:
I'm bumping this for a question:

I'm most likely going to return the $70 Live kit I purchased with the XBox because, as I found out a few nights ago when opening everything, BO3 comes with a 2 month free trial. That seems decent enough, it'll let me compare, on my own setup, the differences between PS2 online (which I've admittedly not touched in months) to the XBox setup.

So in the unlikely event that I actually start to dig Live (I'm the most cynical person on the planet, you see), what are my options to extend the account? Microsoft is pretty damned vague on all of this stuff. Can I use the card in the "Starter" kit even though I wouldn't technically be starting, but continuing? Would I be some kind of pariah if I didn't use the headset (incidentally, for two months I'd be headset-less)? Does anybody have a 12-month card lying around? ;)

The focus on the starter kits is pretty much based in the fact that it actually saves me a few bucks than a single 12-month card and headset bought seperately. It also comes with Crimson Skies, which has been on my list of "Games I'd Get if I Didn't Have to Pay For Them" for awhile (read: It showed up on my radar before I bought an XBox.)

You may want to hit any Toys-R-Us outlets in your area. You know they're starting to makr things down and then give another 50% off, and it chancges weekly. I was in 2 weeks ago and they had an XBL version 2 kit listed for $49.99 and it was 50% off!! I had some Geoffery Dollars (I have a TRU card and that's one of the perks) and I ended up picking up another XBL kit for like $16. You're a new owner and if you want to pick up some cheap stuff to trade in or see if you can come across a good deal...check out Toys-R-Us....


Apharmd Battler said:
You may want to hit any Toys-R-Us outlets in your area. You know they're starting to makr things down and then give another 50% off, and it chancges weekly. I was in 2 weeks ago and they had an XBL version 2 kit listed for $49.99 and it was 50% off!!

And can I assume the software's upgraded once I plug in the ethernet cable?
xsarien said:
And can I assume the software's upgraded once I plug in the ethernet cable?

Yes, of course. XBL updates itself so ANY kit you can get should be dine. You may get lucky and see some older kits out there for cheap. The one I picked up for cheap was the starter kit for 1 year of service and comes packed with headset Tetris Worlds and MotoGP demo, and MechAssault demo. I've got it just sitting in my closet Not bad, $16 for another full year of XBL service. I was going to stop back in today and have a look around but I ran out of time.

Dave Long

It's absolutely crazy of them to mark the kits down. Every one of them is identical with the exception of the games included. You get the free year of service no matter what.


epmode said:
if you're going to do that, make sure you try a non-burnout 3 live game. seriously, ea really fucked up the implementation.

this needs to be said a million times. Jesus christ i've never seen sucha poorly implemented interface, not to mention the pain in the ass setup.

I really hope people dont go onto Xbox Live for the first time playing Burnout 3. Its going to put them off all together.

I have to cross my fingers hoping not to get kicked after every race ends, even when im hosting the races.

If you want to see Live at its best, buy Microsoft titles like Crimson Skies, PGR2, UC and maybe Splinter Cell PT.


Prine said:
If you want to see Live at its best, buy Microsoft titles like Crimson Skies, PGR2, UC and maybe Splinter Cell PT.

No, no, no, and HELL no.

Live "at it's best" = Return to Castle Wolfenstein.


jedimike said:
Nfans falling to the darkside all around me... who in the hell is left to argue with?

Dave Long -- fallen
Duckhunt Dog -- fallen (I think)
Meier -- fallen
MAF -- fallen
Mario 64 -- fallen

Just leaves jarrod and efralope.
Ha, this is pre-emptive setting-of-expectations (so that it would seem like an n-fan was disappointed w/ GCN) in the face of comments from me that I'd get an XBox, so it doesn't really count if I get one, since I'd already said I'd get one, and I already made positive comments about some of the games and Microsoft's plan to take on Sony.

Really, I've already played quite a few XBox games w/ a friend of mine and they just aren't that great IMO. Buying an XBox won't change that opinion, but it's the only way I'm going to get to play JSRF and Panzar Dragoon Orta, so nobody is going to any "darkside" or think highly of Microsoft.
Dont worry efralope. I dont think Xbot army is that desperate they would want you to join. Or what do you say, our master and commander, King Cockles?

Infact, you staying in Nintendo-camp might turn people away from Nintendo. ;)


Rodriguez said:
No, no, no, and HELL no.

Live "at it's best" = Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Actually, Crimson Skies on Live is hellacious fun. And the single player is awesome too.

Crimson Skies just all-around rocks. Get it!


you should have used the Xbox money and put a preorder on a DS or PSP or if you really want to stoop low, a Xenon. With the Xenon not having backwards compatibility and Xenon being released in 2005, at this point in the Xbox's life, what is the point?


works for Gamestop (lol)
P90 said:
you should have used the Xbox money and put a preorder on a DS or PSP or if you really want to stoop low, a Xenon. With the Xenon not having backwards compatibility and Xenon being released in 2005, at this point in the Xbox's life, what is the point?

I already have a DS on preorder. Wait, make that three NDS's on preorder.

I got an Xbox because I want to play the games I've missed. For chrissakes, I haven't even played the single player of Halo until 2 days ago. That's how behind the times I am
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