No but really? Can I be a female in this game? Besides the premade women???Resetera approve.
Great game, fantastic remake. Only flaw is it reminds me of how shitty I was at the games originally. This is one of those games that I LOVE to play but can never get good no matter how hard I try. I suck at it but have tons of fun anyway.
I can. The face I selected I thought was a woman, was indeeda man, a beautiful man XDNo but really? Can I be a female in this game? Besides the premade women???
You might not want to do that. In the demo, there was nothing to separate scores achieved with mods and scores that were not. There's something in the stats menu in the full game that lists both best run with mods and without, but that's only for that area, and it isn't per level. I would guess that the main scores stats on each level won't know the difference. You should consider just getting better over the days and weeks like you did 20 years ago. Longevity and replay value aren't a bad thing. But being stuck with an insane "high score" because you turned on cheats sounds like a bad idea.
I'm having trouble grasping the physics in this game.
Even though I maxed out my air stats and have a full special bar, the distance and height of my jumps over gaps and onto ledges seems completely random. As a result, I cannot complete the jump the rooftop gaps on Downtown. I'm quite frustrated because, again, sometimes I can clear a gap easily and other times I can't, and it seems completely random.
Any tips? This is really ruining my enjoyment of this game at the moment.
Thanks. I'm using the Reaper and Tony Hawk, and sometimes I clear the gap, and other times I can't clear the same gap. I'm still stuck on the Rooftop Gaps. I'm building up speed on the vert ramp, and ugh...Some characters seem to have a much easier time, I didn't have nearly maxed stats with Tony, but I was able to clear that gap very easily after doing a few tricks in the vert ramp first then hitting it head on, make sure you do a boneless too, double tap up right before you leave the ramp for extra distance.
I tried again with Mullen and he wasn't even getting close, I had to go get a ton more stat points and crank his Air, Hangtime, and Ollie and Speed just to be able to make it across that one gap. just keep raising relevant stats, make sure you do a bunch of tricks before the ramp approach so your speed is up, do a boneless, and you'll eventually get it.
My copy still didn't arrive. And just as a bonus kick in the stones, my mate who lives about a mile up the road pre-ordered from the same place and his turned up this morning.
Is it worth it to get the deluxe edition for the extra create a skater options?
I would say no, but you should decide for yourself:
Can I create a female custom skater with a female body?
So far it seems I can chose a woman's head but she has a male body
No but really? Can I be a female in this game? Besides the premade women???
Can anyone tell me if it's 30fos or 60fps on console?
Also, is it 60fps on PC?
Seemed to be the way back then. Just being a kid, playing video games and playing outside all day with your friends. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater was something else...felt like one of those games that brought everyone together. Actually that was probably the few games beside Super Mario 64, Smash Bros. games, Mario Kart 64, and maybe some other that truly was a blockbuster game in that everyone you knew and were friends with were at your pad and playing
On a 144hz monitor it looks smoother. I can really tell the difference. It won't get you a better score though I wouldn't imagine.Is there really any benefit in going over 60 fps in this kind of games ?
Apart from "money we'll spend" feeling of course.
So glad this came out. It was much needed for me. I was getting really bored with all these super serious games that have been releasing and this cured that nostalgic, arcady, in game collecting, and just pure fun itch. Yes it gets frustrating too, but damn I cant put it down. Absolutely incredible game.
He said Resetera approved.No but really? Can I be a female in this game? Besides the premade women???
+1 I would also like to know if this info is out there I had a quick google and couldn't find anything.I want this game on PC, but I've finally realised that I don't play games that I've bought from the EGS and I always re-buy them when they come to Steam. So I'm finally learning to wait... When is this coming to Steam?