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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD |OT| LIGHTS OUT, GUERILLA RADI... oh (28k)


Reading reviews and watching vids (along side user impressions) has made me decide to just pass on this all together. I'll stick to my old PSX and PS2 versions. Hunting down a copy of THPS2X as we speak.


I played the demo of it this morning, while the demo was short, it felt like old-school Tony Hawk and that's all I have been asking for the last five years or so, going to go get a Microsoft Points card today so I can buy it. Oh and I found myself bobbing my head along to "Superman" while playing the Warehouse level in the demo


Reading reviews and watching vids (along side user impressions) has made me decide to just pass on this all together. I'll stick to my old PSX and PS2 versions. Hunting down a copy of THPS2X as we speak.
2X is the shit. I know that liking anything old is strictly "nostalgia speaking" but I just played it last week and it's great.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Game apparently sucks.

Guess I'm buying THPS 2X and the PC version of THPS 3, after all.

And for the dude above me who asked, 3 is apparently best on PC, from what I've heard.
Is activision fucking serious? They only give you 1:30 for the demo, not even 2 minutes for the first level? Even the the damn jampack demo from ages ago gave you the full 2 minutes. What a load of crap.


it doesn't need to make up the lionshare to significantly effect the average, espescially when the titles that *aren't* being reviewed are of noticeably poorer quality than the ones that are, as is the case here.

it's not wishful thinking of me to point out that you are incorrect to think that you can look at the average score Destructoid assign the games they bother to review and presume it has any bearing on what they claim makes for an average game when looking at every game released.

i never said that if they reviewed every game that it would average a 5. i told you, correctly, that the average score that they assign does not contradict their review scale. their review scale may or may not be off, but the statistic you provided has absolutely no bearing on that.

7 is an average for the games Destructiod review. 5 can still be average for all the games, whether they review them or not. these are not equivalent averages that you can compare against the other.

The fact that they don't make up the bulk of titles is exactly the reason why a 5 cannot be an "average" score. In fact, in order for Destructoid's average score to decrease to 5, a third of those unreviewed shovelware games you believe are out there would have to score a 1. Never mind that those games would, of course, not be average but rather abysmally broken. In order for actual average games to decrease the score to 5, then these so called "average" games would actually have to make up the majority of games on a system.

Now, I'll grant you that this does not automatically invalidate their review scale and, to their credit, they don't define 5 as "average" but rather as "mediocre". However, the average score they assign to games does invalidate the scale because anything below a 7 is seen as a sub-par effort, as well it should, and to expect any gamer to view a score of 5 or lower from their reviewers as anything other than a title worth ignoring is most definitely wishful thinking, and this holds true for almost all gaming sites.
Yeah this demo was offensively short. Fastest I've ever deleted a demo on xbla. Game looks like horseshit too but maybe that's because I've just started into PC gaming recently. But really, you couldn't at least pull off 60fps on a remake of 13 year old game from 2 generations ago? How embarrassing.

It feels like something that could have released on the 360s launch day.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm too lazy to read the whole thread. What's the general consensus? It seems like a lot of people are buying 2x or something?


I'm too lazy to read the whole thread. What's the general consensus? It seems like a lot of people are buying 2x or something?

General census is that it's above average. Not as bad as it could be, but it should be better than it is.
I'm too lazy to read the whole thread. What's the general consensus? It seems like a lot of people are buying 2x or something?

It seems to show that it's been made to make money, rather than it's been made for any kind of love of the series on the developer's part with the money coming as a byproduct of that. It's cheaply made and sold expensively.

Compare it to what Sega are doing with their HD updates these days, for example. You really feel like Sega know what the fans of these old games want and are doing whatever they can to deliver it. Activision and Robomodo? Not so much.


I don't care about 60 fps. I don't mind the graphics(PC gamer here, FWIW). No splitscreen? I'm more looking forward to online score battles with buddies on my FL, tbh. The heavy-handed ragdoll physics are offputting but I'll even let that slide. What is truly damning is how sluggish your player feels,it's not because of low stats or anything like that, Robomodo seem to have fucked up the physics something fierce.
This had potential to be something special, and for me, they missed the mark.

It is still fun and possibly still worth the cash, but it's far from being the definitive Tony Hawk experience that I was hoping for. Physics are wrong, framerate stuttered a lot on my first run (but seemed to level out the more I played) and it's a little light on content.

Now, it is still score attacking fun on well designed levels with multiple challenges and online modes. Maybe I could look at it as a different Tony Hawk experience, or maybe I'll just boot up the Dreamcast and play the real thing. Either way, l'll wait for a sale.


It's okay, Activision.

Just hurry up and bring the game to PC. And don't make it too hard to mod.

We'll make it better. A lot better. :D


i was on the dev staff for a couple of the ns games. was somewhat eager to try this (at the very least, the demo) but things sound fairly bleak. i'll probably load it up for the hell of it, but it doesn't sound good :(

on the plus side, jsr sounds like it will be done properly - when's that due again?


This had potential to be something special, and for me, they missed the mark.

It is still fun and possibly still worth the cash, but it's far from being the definitive Tony Hawk experience that I was hoping for. Physics are wrong, framerate stuttered a lot on my first run (but seemed to level out the more I played) and it's a little light on content.

Now, it is still score attacking fun on well designed levels with multiple challenges and online modes. Maybe I could look at it as a different Tony Hawk experience, or maybe I'll just boot up the Dreamcast and play the real thing. Either way, l'll wait for a sale.

Love how so many people in this thread have the Dreamcast versions. <3
The fact that they don't make up the bulk of titles is exactly the reason why a 5 cannot be an "average" score. In fact, in order for Destructoid's average score to decrease to 5, a third of those unreviewed shovelware games you believe are out there would have to score a 1. Never mind that those games would, of course, not be average but rather abysmally broken. In order for actual average games to decrease the score to 5, then these so called "average" games would actually have to make up the majority of games on a system.
not at all. average things can be incredibly rare if we're talking about average something measured on a scale. there's little evidence that we'd be looking at a bell curve if we look at gaming on a whole, and nothing to suggest that we'd be looking at a bell curve when it comes to the games that Destructoid review.

Now, I'll grant you that this does not automatically invalidate their review scale and, to their credit, they don't define 5 as "average" but rather as "mediocre". However, the average score they assign to games does invalidate the scale because anything below a 7 is seen as a sub-par effort, as well it should, and to expect any gamer to view a score of 5 or lower from their reviewers as anything other than a title worth ignoring is most definitely wishful thinking, and this holds true for almost all gaming sites.
i don't follow you here at all. setting up a scale so that the *average* game you actually bother reviewing gets an average score is pointless. the smaller the site, the less you review, so the more you'll focus on the major games and the higher your average will be. if we followed this logic, small sites would be much harsher on games than ones that can review something more like an accurate cross section of gaming.

you score on the quality of gaming in general, not on the quality of what you can afford time and money to cover. even those of us that rate harshly, would probably find an average score above 5 if we looked at the games we've bought.

but i'm done with this silly tangent anyways. Destructoid have told you what they thought of the game with words in the review. if you want to get upset about the number, or want to say the number means it's worse than destructoid said it was in their review, knock yourself out.

i really don't give a crap what number is tagged onto the end of a review.

Did any of the old versions run at 60fps?
yep. not on every platform of course and this one will likely run at 60 on PC.


i was on the dev staff for a couple of the ns games. was somewhat eager to try this (at the very least, the demo) but things sound fairly bleak. i'll probably load it up for the hell of it, but it doesn't sound good :(

on the plus side, jsr sounds like it will be done properly - when's that due again?
JSR is definitely being done properly. As for a release? Who knows. Summer was what they were saying but rumors have popped up saying Fall.

It feels bad for me because I was so excited for months that two of my favorite games were getting HD releases. I had high hopes for Tony Hawk and a lot of fears for JSR (like a gimped soundtrack, same old controls, etc). But as time passed, TH started looking worse and JSR better.

I can't believe that GamesRadar review lumped 'Nail the Trick' in with what they consider useless additions to the series. I flipped out the first time the camera in P8 zoomed in and I was in control of both feet and spun the board any way I wanted too. That shit was cool as hell.


Wow, what a terrible game

- Not 60fps
- Controls are laggy (why is there such a delay for spinning in the air?)
- Ugly visuals
- I found it hard to spin sometimes. I used to hold down for example, and then slightly to the right. It's not as subtle anymore, I have to go all the way left for a spin.
- Poor animations

They've just changed a bunch of small things which they didn't need to. What they did is build a brand new game while trying to emulate the old game as much as possible. This was the wrong way of approaching it. They should have simply re-skinned the old game with the same code, like the way Perfect Dark HD was handled. They messed around and changed the physics, which didn't make any sense.

If you want to play Tony Hawk in HD, just get American Wasteland for the 360. Or hell even Project 8. Not to mention they run at 60fps.
This is glitchy as shit. The number of times I've lost combos because my character has spazzed out on some scenery I'm not even touching before flying 50 feet in the air is in excess of 100. Really pissing me off.
Wow, what a terrible game

- Not 60fps
- Controls are laggy (why is there such a delay for spinning in the air?)
- Ugly visuals
- I found it hard to spin sometimes. I used to hold down for example, and then slightly to the right. It's not as subtle anymore, I have to go all the way left for a spin.
- Poor animations

They've just changed a bunch of small things which they didn't need to. What they did is build a brand new game while trying to emulate the old game as much as possible. This was the wrong way of approaching it. They should have simply re-skinned the old game with the same code, like the way Perfect Dark HD was handled. They messed around and changed the physics, which didn't make any sense.

If you want to play Tony Hawk in HD, just get American Wasteland for the 360. Or hell even Project 8. Not to mention they run at 60fps.

Project 8 ran at 60fps about 20% of the time.


formerly cjelly
This is glitchy as shit. The number of times I've lost combos because my character has spazzed out on some scenery I'm not even touching before flying 50 feet in the air is in excess of 100. Really pissing me off.

Yeah hopefully they tone down how easily the character goes in to ragdoll.
2X never coming out in the UK is the worst thing to ever happen in the games industry, they could have at least kept it region free if they had no plans to bring it here.


Is activision fucking serious? They only give you 1:30 for the demo, not even 2 minutes for the first level? Even the the damn jampack demo from ages ago gave you the full 2 minutes. What a load of crap.

Yeah, I was leaning towards buying THPS HD until that happened to me in the demo. It's not even enough time to enjoy the game or string together combos -- some combos that I landed before in the original and THPS2 I don't seem to be able to land in THPS HD. A lot of the game seems really 'off' to me.

If I want to play Tony Hawk on a HDTV, I'm going to stick with Project 8.
Yeah, I was leaning towards buying THPS HD until that happened to me in the demo. It's not even enough time to enjoy the game or string together combos -- some combos that I landed before in the original and THPS2 I don't seem to be able to land in THPS HD. A lot of the game seems really 'off' to me.

If I want to play Tony Hawk on a HDTV, I'm going to stick with Project 8.

Ya, the DLC and then the bullshit of ending the demo early has really left a bad taste in my mouth. Seems like a shitty cash grab by them. :/


I just played the demo and it felt disgusting. I could have lived with it if the demo didn't just end the way it did. Left a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. I mean, it was bad enough that it didn't start off playing Superman :p

Hopes shattered, thumbs down
I am actually finding this game really fun! The gameplay to me is pretty awesome minus the few glitches that are in the game right now. This is coming from someone who hasn't played any skating game in 6 or so years but I have played everyone up to the second Underground.
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