My man.For those conerned 4 is the best in the series.
Just heard on an interview that Tony himself, 'forced' that level into the game. :lolDownhill Jam.
How's the local multi in 4? Does it have split screen or hotseat?I have no Internet access right now, this is killing me. Been actually skating for around 17 years. Bought every THPS on launch and took the day off from school or work to play it. I even have Ride but that was bought at Best Buy for 10 bucks a few months ago.
For those conerned 4 is the best in the series. Had the most replayability, the best levels and the most challenges. It runs at 60 fps and is backwards compatible with the 360 and looks amazing. Back in the day I even invested in a controller converter so I could play the Xbox version (best graphics) with the PS2 controller for the d pad.
Just heard on an interview that Tony himself, 'forced' that level into the game. :lol
How's the local multi in 4? Does it have split screen or hotseat?
For those conerned 4 is the best in the series. Had the most replayability, the best levels and the most challenges. It runs at 60 fps and is backwards compatible with the 360 and looks amazing. Back in the day I even invested in a controller converter so I could play the Xbox version (best graphics) with the PS2 controller for the d pad.
Hawk married Cindy Dunbar in April 1990.[13] They had a son, Riley Hawk (born December 6, 1992) whom they named for one of Hawk's ancestors.[14] Riley also skates for Lakai Limited Footwear and Baker Skateboards.[15] The couple divorced in 1993.[3] Hawk married Erin Lee in 1996. They had two sons, Spencer (born March 26, 1999) and Keegan (born July 18, 2001). Lee and Hawk divorced in 2004.[3] Hawk married Lhotse Merriam on January 12, 2006, on the island of Tavarua, Fiji.[16] The couple's first child, a daughter named Kadence Clover Hawk, was born on June 30, 2008. The couple announced their divorce on February 7, 2011.[17]
I knew Tony Hawk was a serial divorcer, but jesus...
Check out this sweet 1800 indy grab :3
Nope. 3, 4, and American Wasteland came out on PC.NO LOCAL MULTIPLAYER?
As if all this other garbage I'm hearing about this game isn't enough, that is most certainly the nail in this decrepit coffin of a game, and development studio.
So, I really want to play 2X, is that game really only on Xbox? Did it come out on anything else? Please say PC...
The more I play this thing the more I'm bothered with it. It has "development team pressed for time and resources" written all over it, and given the general indifference Activision has with the franchise at this point I wouldn't be surprised.
The physics of skating feel wrong. Not terrible, just wrong - like grind rails used to be more generous about when they'd accept a grind, or that it feels a little too "wait for the animation to complete" about deciding whether you landed or bailed on a grab as you come down, or how horizontal movement through air when jumping feels completely crippled compared to what I remember.
But you know, you can acclimate yourself to these sorts of things. And eventually the game starts being enjoyable, at least by way of indulging in nostalgia and nailing some fun gaps. Clearing most of Warehouse with a new character in one go once I got into the groove of things while Powerman 5000 rocked out in the background and I unlocked a ghost skater cheat? It sort of felt like the halcyon days of the early 2000's all over again.
As I played, though, the lack of polish really started to eat at me. For a game that so highly touted its soundtrack to have no sound options than "music volume" and "sound volume" is just inexcusable. The original game had a robust soundtrack option on the PSX in 1999. Why is this acceptable in 2012? When bailing the physics go into batshit crazy mode like you're playing PAIN on the PS3, and often you end up flying through the geometry into the black void of space. The camera doesn't seem to obey most rules of physics when tracking your ragdoll, either, so be prepared to be looking at the ugly guts of some Unreal levels. There's no quick way to access your cleared objectives, the level map, or upgrade your stats during a run, things Tony Hawk games had managed to work into their in-game and between-run menus in their first few iterations. To access the map and objectives you need to pause and hit "RB," which feels clunky and unnatural. To upgrade your charactr you have to quit to the character selection screen outright, then use an awkward interface to purchase upgrades. I.E., scroll to your character, hit "RB" to activate purchase mode, select your upgrdaes with "A", then hit "RB" to confirm your purchase. This is all on one screen, mind you, and hitting "RB" to both activate purchase mode AND to confirm is unintuitive and a little offputting. This is compounded by all the stuff they left out, too. There's absolutely - absolutely no reason to not include HORSE as a hot-swap multiplayer mode. There's no reason not to include create-a-skater.
All of this sounds like nitpicking, and by and large it is, but in aggregate they add up to a slapshot package that feels closer to cheap shovelware than a release from the once lauded Tony Hawk franchise. It seriously feels like none of the lessons learned from the first several games have been looked at here. And again, while the developer's pedigree is far from top notch the game simply feels rushed from on high - like they reached a point where they had a bunch of "best-of" levels and "good enough" mechanics and released with an atrocious interface and bereft of key features because of an impossible launch date. Given that this is a cornerstone title in Microsoft's current little promotion, it wouldn't surprise me.
Tony Hawk may be a tarnished franchise now in the financially motivated eyes of Activision, but for a good five years it was an interesting, unique, unforgettable platformer that tied itself into the tail end of the pop-culture-ification of skater culture. There are a lot of people, old and young, that have fond memories of playing the game for any number of reasons. While it may not be the moneymaker it once was, a retro-remake of the first two seminal titles deserved more time and love than went into this.
Nope. 3, 4, and American Wasteland came out on PC.
That technically could've been easier to do, but also a nightmare (money-wise) when it comes to licensing the music, sound and the likeness of those involved.There's probably no hope for the original Tony Hawk games showing up on PSN via PS1/PS2 classics is there? That would probably cut into their Tony Hawk HD profit.
As if all this other garbage I'm hearing about this game isn't enough, that is most certainly the nail in this decrepit coffin of a game, and development studio.
So, I really want to play 2X, is that game really only on Xbox? Did it come out on anything else? Please say PC...
PC THPS Games:
It's small, but there's a pretty dedicated group of players. Airport CTF is just that good.Is there still an online community/playerbase for THPS3?
Am I the only one having problems with completing the "Ollie the Magic Bum 5X" on Venice Beach? I'm getting a bug where the bums don't show up, so I'm unable to actually complete the goal.
Edit: I'm on Xbox 360, by the way.
BTW i dislike this:
its like 1/4 of the top screen and kinda distracting
Guess I'm gonna get the PC versions for now. I want a proper THPS experience, not the shell of one.
There's probably no hope for the original Tony Hawk games showing up on PSN via PS1/PS2 classics is there? That would probably cut into their Tony Hawk HD profit.