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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot

C Jones said:
Speaking of trading, have any of you used the trading system yet? If so, how is it?

i used it with my buddy just now. it's pretty cool, on your screen you'll see 4 boxes that you can put items in and right below that you can select how much bounty you want to trade, on the left side there's the same thing and what your buddy wants to trade will show up, in the center there's a trade "button", you both click on it, and it will be done. very easy.

weren't some of the reviews bitching about the UI? was that person *bah no insults.-thanks shins*? this is some of the most easy to navigate shit in a game, ever.


Junior Member
Jtyettis said:
One can only hope MS and SK can make it happen with an update. Let the gamers make the ultimate call if they want it or not. Perhaps if people keep the pressure up it could happen. Not sure if that kind of update is even possible now however.

I bet it's possible but I doubt it would happen. Better to have 4-player co-op be a bullet point for the sequel I would think..


xS1TH L0RDx said:
weren't some of the reviews bitching about the UI? was that person mentally retarded? this is some of the most easy to navigate shit in a game, ever.
Opinions, opinions. Don't resort to insults. :p
PSGames said:
I bet it's possible but I doubt it would happen. Better to have 4-player co-op be a bullet point for the sequel I would think..
If you notice when you go to create an online game there is enough room for two more people to be listed. I personally think we're a long ways away from the sequel and we will get 4 player coop in a patch More people will buy if that happens.
Okay. Doing MUCH better on W2 with grenades. I'm at 17. I rejiggered my skill points to the left side (thanks for that link, whoever) and now my spider mines rule, my Bear summon rules.


God DAMN I fucking love this game. Focusing on the left side gives you crazy speed as your combo meter increases and, I swear to fucking god, going fast from air juggles to air attacks back to the ground, I mean holy fuck, man.

Berserker, by the way. Human.

His name is Brennan and it's a fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.
Co-op rules. Just played through a bit with a friend. We were tearing it up on W1 but got stomped on W3. Lots of fun chatting and blowing stuff up together. Trading is great, too - we gave each other some good gear.

Gotta try and finish up campaign so I can jump back into co-op. :D


Thoughts on finishing the game (total playtime 10:57)......

....well, you'll play this again and again for the same reason you played the demo again and again. Because there isn't enough here to constitute a full game, but there's something engaging about the loot and the core gameplay mechanic and you just want to keep on gonig. I'm disappointed that after 4 years of development we couldn't get more than 4 levels of corridors filled with cut n' pasted architecture and handful of enemy types. The story is just weird -- it fills like you're coming into the middle of a season of Lost without having watched it before. The game seems to assume you know what's going on, and that you're already familiar with characters and their motivations. And while the ending is not technically a cliffhanger (nobody is left in immediate peril), it does feel very abrupt and unsatisfying.

I'd say it's still fun, but it feels more like something that would be the first chapter of a $20-30 episodic game series, rather than a $60 retail product that represents the singular multi-year effort of a huge developer. You can get your money out of it just by playing it over and over again, but at the end of the day you'll wish that there was more to play and see (especially considering that you'll never want to revisit The Ice Forest).

My Berserker is at level 30, and I will probably press on to Maximum level (though it depends on how fast you can get there). I'll start an open game later tonight if anyone in my level range wants to do a couple areas.


Benevolent Benefactor
Just wanted to pop in and say I have the game also and am enjoying it a lot. I played coop with my friend, I am a human bioengineer and he is a cybernetic berserker. I have specced the middle tree so I am more of a healbot, but when I have to get things off me or rack up some combo points, I can. When a berserker can go crazy without needing to worry about his health as much or status effects, its a whirlwind of mass destruction. Things just explode. :D

One thing I would like to see is in the items menu if they had a separate 'New' tab that shows you all the stuff you got from the last time you checked it. It would make it a little easier.

Most fun I have had in a while. No it is not perfect, but I am having a blast, so thanks SK.
Man what a cack, I was so looking foward to this game but the reviews put me off it a bit, but after reading about 8 of them (all major sites) it seems like it's all a whole bunch of nit-picking just because of the controversy. Man talk about kicking a dude when he's down/jumping on the hate bandwagon.

I'm gonna go pre-order this at lunch time and just put the whole debacle behind me. As far as i'm concerned the last I heard about Silicon Knights was when I played Eternal Darkness and that is one of my most memorable gaming experiences ever!

Just looking at the epic environments in the demo all I want to do is explore the world. That was one of my favourite things about Eternal Darkness, all the different characters appearing in the respective regions and times zones, it was all so unique, full of life and character and yea i've heard the environments can be a bit life-less in Too Human but atleast the architecture is there. It's a bummer about the story elements being cut out in co-op cuz in all honesty playing through story mode with friends imo is the best things about gaming. It's like an adventure with mates, you take all the story out and seems more like a chore/job. Anyways hopefully Too Human 2 and 3 addresses some of these concerns.

Looking foward to playing it on the 28th August (aussie).


ugh the boot said:
Man what a cack, I was so looking foward to this game but the reviews put me off it a bit, but after reading about 8 of them (all major sites) it seems like it's all a whole bunch of nit-picking just because of the controversy. Man talk about kicking a dude when he's down/jumping on the hate bandwagon.

I'm gonna go pre-order this at lunch time and just put the whole debacle behind me. As far as i'm concerned the last I heard about Silicon Knights was when I played Eternal Darkness and that is one of my most memorable gaming experiences ever!

Just looking at the epic environments in the demo all I want to do is explore the world. That was one of my favourite things about Eternal Darkness, all the different characters appearing in the respective regions and times zones, it was all so unique, full of life and character and yea i've heard the environments can be a bit life-less in Too Human but atleast the architecture is there. It's a bummer about the story elements being cut out in co-op cuz in all honesty playing through story mode with friends imo is the best things about gaming. It's like an adventure with mates, you take all the story out and seems more like a chore/job. Anyways hopefully Too Human 2 and 3 addresses some of these concerns.

Looking foward to playing it on the 28th August (aussie).

Denis put himself out there, with all his comments. Cross between DMC and Diablo. Those are some pretty high standards to follow.
Yea I completely agree that he did put himself out there (unfortunately) and I do address this in one of my posts (i think in the 'GAF = worst forum thread') but reviews from major sites should not be influenced by such things. Some of the scores the game is getting looks like the reviewers had something personal against Dyack and that's just unfair, cuz really the debacle went down here at GAF and not at Gamespy, 1up etc.

I just feel bad for Denis cuz like I said his intentions (imo) were always to keep as close contact with the gaming community about his game as possible and really that's not a bad thing, infact I can't think of a single thing better a dev should be doing with a game. It just turned all sour and hopefully next time SK and the gaming community can find a better balance.


VaLiancY said:
As of right now, 9:03PM EST. I've accepted invites. I'll check in another hour before I go to bed.
This is for the forum silver account? I'll try and send an invite before 10PM EST.....please post when you're done for the night though.


Sorry camera phone pics, but the CO OP is epic. Me and my friend playing tonight. Lvl 19 for me so far.




Finally got a chance to finish the Ice Forest. That was brutal. I ended up dying twice but both times could have been avoided. Its sad as hell watching a fire or toxic effect slowly bring you to your death. The way the enemies are arranged they might as well have them coming at you on a conveyer belt but the it is still fun. I guess it will different when Im forced to mix things up with melee with other classes. Im still enjoying slowing shooting my way through the levels with my commando.

I also want to address the loot. I have no idea what they were talking about when they said the drops were so plentiful that it devalued your equipment. I have had 2 major leaps in weapons and armor. I would have had more but the pre order loot made all the armor in the first area moot. I used my Pre-O helmet until lvl 15. I think the key is not stopping after every battle to see what you got.

Speaking of armor here is a pick of an orange set I got & lvl 19, reminds me of the punisher. (thats a flash, not a cheap photoshop effect =P )



I have died a couple dozen times trying to defeat these trolls on the second area (the ice level). Any tips? I'm a Berserker.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh that armor is fucking sick. Name please.

Not sure but its an orange blueprint drop and has a 75 armor rating. Ill check later. I need 10g's more for the helmet.

have died a couple dozen times trying to defeat these trolls on the second area (the ice level). Any tips? I'm a Berserker.

Get armor with high % calming and stay away from anything with aggression. That way all the enemies dont rush at once.


Just played a little bit into the ice forest...soooo much fun.

I wish the cut scenes weren't so damn janky, I'm digging the story so far.


I just kicked Grindel's ass. Hard.

This game fucking rocks, haters be damned.

Now I'm just waiting for Shear Genius and The Hills to end so I can play some more. God, my wife likes the shittiest TV shows. It's pure torture.
FoeHammer said:
I just kicked Grindel's ass. Hard.

This game fucking rocks, haters be damned.

Now I'm just waiting for Shear Genius and The Hills to end so I can play some more. God, my wife likes the shittiest TV shows. It's pure torture.

WTF? I respectfully disagree with you, sir

<3 The Hills


SuperPac said:
I have died a couple dozen times trying to defeat these trolls on the second area (the ice level). Any tips? I'm a Berserker.

how ya liking the game? I'm assuming podcasts are going to be tearing it a new one (at least on 1up...IGN seems to dig it) so I'll be interested in your reaction come Monday morning.
Spruce Moose said:
Hey is that awful noise in the menus in the full game? I'm talking about that high-pitched whine that makes my ears bleed.

If so, is there a way to lower the volume.?

Believe it or not, that was my biggest beef with the demo.

Actually it sounds a little like crickets. My wife freaked out and thought we had crickets in the house.


eznark said:
how ya liking the game? I'm assuming podcasts are going to be tearing it a new one (at least on 1up...IGN seems to dig it) so I'll be interested in your reaction come Monday morning.

Preview: I really like it. It's plenty of fun despite its perceived flaws (and it has 'em, but they aren't a big deal to me).
Solideliquid said:
Is this game worth it for the story? I like loot and all, but I prefer good story/production value.

On paper the story is quite interesting, and the setting is really fantastic. The execution is pretty lacking though. But the atmosphere is excellent, and that's what's been captivating me the most in terms of "story".


I like this game but god damn it has some of the worst bosses ever, and im not talking diffculty-wise either. They just suck suck suck.
BenjaminBirdie said:
On paper the story is quite interesting, and the setting is really fantastic. The execution is pretty lacking though. But the atmosphere is excellent, and that's what's been captivating me the most in terms of "story".

I'm REALLY close to picking this up (tomorrow) but is anyone giving any thought to the recent story that SK isn't going to be working on the sequel? Instead they are working on another game and putting the sequel on hold. Is it worth it if the sequels are going to take longer than Valve games?
Solideliquid said:
I'm REALLY close to picking this up (tomorrow) but is anyone giving any thought to the recent story that SK isn't going to be working on the sequel? Instead they are working on another game and putting the sequel on hold. Is it worth it if the sequels are going to take longer than Valve games?

i wouldn't worry about it. It's going to take a while to get to 50, and if you enjoy it as much as the rest of us, you'll want to hit the level cap with multiple, if not all classes. Denis has said that their engine is scaleable when asked about the possibility of finishing the trilogy on the 360's successor. then again, he's also said that development of the sequel has been well underway for a while now. Every time he's talked about the trilogy he comes across like he's certain that all three will be released, which makes me happy.

I don't want another advent rising...


Solideliquid said:
I'm REALLY close to picking this up (tomorrow) but is anyone giving any thought to the recent story that SK isn't going to be working on the sequel? Instead they are working on another game and putting the sequel on hold.


I was going to pick this up next month after the 360 price drop, but now I'm spooked. If SK opts to delay TH2 for a different game altogether, I don't see myself bothering in investing the time and money now. If there's one thing I hate it's buying a game that's supposed to be the first in a planned trilogy and then have the developers drop the story after the first game ends in a cliffhanger or has an unresolved plot (ex. Advent Rising, etc). Even if they eventually revisit it years down the road, like Beyond Good & Evil, who's to say it won't be on the next Xbox? Will my Baldur transfer over? Will I give a shit by then?

Strike while the iron's hot, Dyack. This game looks like it's flying off the shelves. Don't make the mistake that because critics panned it, you assume your audience will as well.


its a shame we wont be able to talk to denis here anymore, didn't he say the sequels were underway already?

Edit: also they have had a deal with sega to get their game out forever, im sure they will get the sequels out if this sells..


Oh my god, neither me or my friend realized that you had to insert runes into charms to activate them :lol

That's the kind of thing that irks me about the game though, there's just no explanation for stuff and people are piecing shit together. It's like KUF again, but not as bad (that game is completely nonsensical). Me and my friend are still having a blast playing through, aside from the 2nd level which sucked ass for my Commando.
SailorDaravon said:
Oh my god, neither me or my friend realized that you had to insert runes into charms to activate them :lol

That's the kind of thing that irks me about the game though, there's just no explanation for stuff and people are piecing shit together. It's like KUF again, but not as bad (that game is completely nonsensical). Me and my friend are still having a blast playing through, aside from the 2nd level which sucked ass for my Commando.

There is a TON of stuff that is just not explained anywhere.

Anyone know what soothing is, by the way?
goldenpp72 said:
yeah level 2 needs to be toned down a LOT, it's just stupid.

It rewards you (I feel) later with waves of manageable enemies that make you feel like a total bad ass. I haven't gotten to the boss yet, though.


goldenpp72 said:
yeah level 2 needs to be toned down a LOT, it's just stupid.

It really is. I dunno how far I am in it, but... I've died a LOT. Luckily, each time I die, it gives me some time to type messages like this.


Thing is dude, the game fucking scales with you, I was level 17 when I entered level 2 because i did co op, and I was spammed HARDCORE with grenades, missles, laser shots and other bullshit, I must have died 50 times, I died so much my girlfriend got pissed about the Valkyrie coming down.

I cant get into the big circle jerk about this game, it's a 7 at best and level 2 is the reason, it's a BIG stretch of the game and you basically have to go through the 'hack a bit, get blown the fuck up, hack some more!'

The game doesn't do a good job of explaining anything either. It's a very fun game, when you're alive. And yes, I beat ng2 on master ninja and am a general great player at any game, too human is just luck sometimes. They needed to tone the difficulty down AND harshen the penalty of death. Even better, make it so leveling up actually feels like something.
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