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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot

dreamer3kx said:
wow alot of positive impressions in here, where all the reviews wrong? Whats the deal?

People who have negative impressions are afraid to post here because they'd probably be accused of trolling and banned. If you want to know what the deal is, play the demo.
TemplaerDude said:
you watch that crap? jesus christ your brain must melt out of your ears in torturous pain.

haha, yeah. i admit it's all irrelevant bullshit, but the girls are really hot :-\... imo, at least.

sometimes i do get caught up in the mindless drama of heidi and spencer tho

really the only other tv i watch is 24 (hopefully it will start up again soon), arrested development, and the girlfriend loves gilmore girls and i've embarassingly become a fan. *shruggs* it's better than the OC. I want to see Lost, I'd buy it on blu-ray but it's only season 3 out. (wtf, wheres s1 and s2?)

sorry for derailing the conversation with tv-talk :-\

TemplaerDude said:
i was wondering if it was just me because i'm dying a stupid amount of times and i'm not that bad.

sorry if you mentioned this already, but what is your class? level 2 is a fucking bitch for me as well, i am berserker and i'm dying way more than what i feel like i should be. i'm probably doing something wrong with my runes & equipment maybe...


im a berserker as well, I die in like 3 or 4 explosions at times, I have the best armor I can use at level 17, I got to 21 by the end.

The boss was stupid too.


xS1TH L0RDx said:
sorry if you mentioned this already, but what is your class? level 2 is a fucking bitch for me as well, i am berserker and i'm dying way more than what i feel like i should be. i'm probably doing something wrong with my runes & equipment maybe...

Same here, also a Berserker. I'm playing single-player. At this point I feel like it's super unbalanced. But, still fun. :)


it's not just unbalanced single.. me and my buddy got fucked beyond belief and he was a.. commando? Whatever the default class is.

im serious the amount of times we died was just unnatural.
the worst part about all this is that last night i beat level 2, got the achievement for it, but shut my 360 off before the fucking thing auto-saved, so now i have to go through and defeat Hod again.





Batteries the CRISIS!
Wow this thread exploded. I haven't checked on it all day and I had to start at page 29 :lol I'm glad y'all pretty much ignored the couple of trolls that wandered in.

So anyway, the OP is now updated with a few new gamertags that were dropped and I made a special note of Valiancy's NeoGAF Too Human account (good idea, thanks for setting that up, Valiancy). We're up to 58 GTs, which is pretty damn decent. I also put a link towards the top of the OP to Henry Sterchi's post -- hopefully he keeps posting here!

It sounds like you're all enjoying this game a lot, I wish I had a 360 to play it with you all =)

[edit] And I just added a link to the Gametrailers review to the OP. In case you haven't heard, they ripped into TH pretty hard and gave it a 6.5 out of 10.


So when i complete everything for the charm quest and add the runes I just leave it in the active slot for it to be on or should i do somethin with it now?

EDIT: How the hell do I get un-poisoned? Do I just stand there and let my life burn out like I usually do?
jrricky said:
So when i complete everything for the charm quest and add the runes I just leave it in the active slot for it to be on or should i do somethin with it now?

EDIT: How the hell do I get un-poisoned? Do I just stand there and let my life burn out like I usually do?

Certain skills in the skill tree remove status ailments, otherwise you have to wait it out. As for charms I'm stuck on that question too.


Credits rolling, 18 hours in at Lv 27 and there better be a sequal that is all.

P.S. I'll be adding my name to the multi friends list tomorrow to start some serious multi time.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Outtrigger888 said:
Just picked up the game today from toys r us for $50, should I start with single player or jump into co-op?

Probably single player, since story cutscenes are taken out when playing co-op. Unless you don't care about the story, in which case, it seems co-op is more fun than solo.
Finished up W3 tonight. I'm up at lvl 25. I just pimped out all of my armor the same color to get ready for W4 - I guess I'll tackle that tomorrow night.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Anyone know what soothing is, by the way?
Basically, guys are less likely to come sprinting across the map to attack you if you have soothing. At least that's how I understand it.
Solideliquid said:
Actually it sounds a little like crickets. My wife freaked out and thought we had crickets in the house.

Yeah that sound!

Is there any way you can turn that down or off?

Somebody.... anybody.... hello?


OK, world two boss battle is one of the worst boss battles if not the worse boss battle I have ever done. What the hell man, who's smart idea was this?


Bought the game tonight and played for 6 straight hours. Good game. Not fantastic, not amazing, not earth shattering, but good.

I didn't really have any issues with level 2. I'm a Commando and i'm pretty much blowing everything up before it gets to me. I'm teching the missile defense spider. That thing is a life saver.


OK, world two boss battle is one of the worst boss battles if not the worse boss battle I have ever done. What the hell man, who's smart idea was this?

You didn't think it was tough did you? If so, you're going to "love" the third one.


But really though, is it that "hard" considering that you just sort of respawn without any penalty, other than having to watch that drawn out scene of your body being taken away?

I don't know. That sort of bothers me. I think they could have come up with a better solution. Maybe keep it the way it is now, but you gain slightly less XP for a set amount of time after dieing.

It just reminds me of Prey. That game had basically no challenge, or consequence.


Unlimited Capacity
ntb825 said:
But really though, is it that "hard" considering that you just sort of respawn without any penalty, other than having to watch that drawn out scene of your body being taken away?

I don't know. That sort of bothers me. I think they could have come up with a better solution. Maybe keep it the way it is now, but you gain slightly less XP for a set amount of time after dieing.

It just reminds me of Prey. That game had basically no challenge, or consequence.

You do earn less XP. As you ur combo meter goes up, so does the increase in the % of xp u gain, the damage u do, attack speed and loot drop chance.


Finished world serpent and died 5 times up to this point.
The elevator down to two trolls was dirty
I like the story thus far and don’t see why everyone is so bothered by Thor. The graphics on that level were unreal with all the moving machinery.

One last note, cannons suck the shit off of ass hairs. I went cyber to have access to them, what a waste. Rifle with the grenade are just too good to use anything else.


Finally got it today and played for about an hour... and it was good.

Tomorrow is co-op with one of my mates - if I enjoy that then this one is a keeper.


Steroid Distributor
Yeah I'm pretty much loving this game. I went through the Ice Forest until the boss fight in co-op this morning. Pretty awesome time.
Then tonight I started my campaign up and started from the beginning of the Ice Forest. I did extremely well. Didn't die too much really. I'm a champion and I'm using my rifle a ton to keep distance from the Trolls. It works.

I got my first couple of Epic pieces. I think I have an epic rifle, handguns, shoulder pads and leggings.

Anyone else find anything really sweet? Anyone have an epic set yet?

*Is the boss fight in the Ice Forest the end of the Ice Forest? I finished that boss fight and then checked the co-op menu and it wouldn't let me start any farther than 2-2. Everything past that was still locked.*


Xenon said:
One last note, cannons suck the shit off of ass hairs. I went cyber to have access to them, what a waste. Rifle with the grenade are just too good to use anything else.

Not to disparage the rifle, but disagree. The cannons have saved my Defender's ass multiple times. It's all about secondary fire with the laser cannons.


Truelize said:
I got my first couple of Epic pieces. I think I have an epic rifle, handguns, shoulder pads and leggings.

Anyone else find anything really sweet? Anyone have an epic set yet?

Epic is red, by the way. I don't think anyone has a set yet outside of maybe the nutbars with 20,000+ kills.
I started playing the game today and I must say, it's less buggy than the demo, which is great. The camera is still a bit off at times (like the transitioning from when the game takes control of it to show you something), but it's not as frustrating in battle anymore.

I'm playing as a bio-engineer with an emphasis on healing, but now that I think about it, that might be stupid since there's no real penalty for death.

I *think* I got the pre-order armor code even though I didn't pre-order. The Gamestop guy gave me some cardboard postcard-type thing and said it was armor. But when I read the back, all it does is say "Pre-order to get armor" or some crap like that and instructions on how to sign up for Xbox Live.

Question, in co-op, if you're one level and your partner is way higher, how does that work? Do the enemies scale to his level, or an average?


Beat the game in two long sittings. Took me about 14 hours.

Thinking of jumping in to play again, but there's still so much I don't understand about the game. Apologies if these questions have already been covered...

1) Do I get a bonus for having all the same rarity of armor? I have all orange-level armor but don't see a bonus anywhere...

2) Does the final boss drop loot? I searched around but didn't find any. I hope I didn't miss it, because I was expecting big things!

3) If I create a new character, is there any way I can transfer some of my cool items to that character?

4) I'm still confused about which enemies are dark polarity and why it matters... Can somebody explain?

5) Is there any way to shorten the poison and sticky fire damage? It's super annoying, and pretty much a death sentence unless you farm for health.

6) Would you pay 1200 M$ Points ($15) for DLC that added four player co-op?

Thanks guys!
nakedsushi said:
I *think* I got the pre-order armor code even though I didn't pre-order. The Gamestop guy gave me some cardboard postcard-type thing and said it was armor. But when I read the back, all it does is say "Pre-order to get armor" or some crap like that and instructions on how to sign up for Xbox Live.

There's a perferated sliver near the bottom of the card. Peel and then put that code into Marketplace under "Redeem Code" (or something similar).
nakedsushi said:
Question, in co-op, if you're one level and your partner is way higher, how does that work? Do the enemies scale to his level, or an average?

I don't know if its the person that starts it but I'm in a level 45 player and I'm only 36. I wanted to fight better enemies so I level up quicker. It works.
akachan ningen said:
People who have negative impressions are afraid to post here because they'd probably be accused of trolling and banned. If you want to know what the deal is, play the demo.

People can talk rationally about the game's flaws (as I did, adroitly) in this thread, as long as you don't start lashing out at people enjoying it or start posting gifs about how Denis Dyack has rendered a small town homeless.

But yes, if you want to know what the deal is, play the demo. We'll save a spot for you on the GT list.

JoeLang said:
You didn't think it was tough did you? If so, you're going to "love" the third one.

Oh no no no...he's going to *LOVE* the fourth place.

Beat the game. 11 hours. Lvl 29. I have very mixed impressions, so I'll post some stuff tomorrow. Definitely want to note that the story starts getting pretty good at the very end - ironic, unfortunately.


Just beat it.

I was a lot happier with this game before playing the last level and watching the ending.

Alas, ill sleep on it before making any final judgments.
Spruchy said:
Just beat it.

I was a lot happier with this game before playing the last level and watching the ending.

Alas, ill sleep on it before making any final judgments.

The last level was laughably hard for me. It was just nuts.


Originally Posted by lybertyboy:
You know what happens when you assume...
I'd be very happy to be wrong. I'm sure some people in the office appreciate the game for it's fun factor, but the aggregators made you a bit of an outlier, and sometimes that puts people on the defensive.

dreamer3kx wow alot of positive impressions in here, where all the reviews wrong? Whats the deal?
Technically the game has a lot of problems, but I think that only really matters to people who are reviewing the game in light of Dyack and it's lengthy development. As an end user...what the heck do I really care if the game is a blast?

Originally Posted by akachan ningen:
People who have negative impressions are afraid to post here because they'd probably be accused of trolling and banned. If you want to know what the deal is, play the demo.

I really hope that isn't the case. Obviously there is room to discuss the flaws of the game (numerous flaws...) but it's also nice to have a thread where people who are actually interested in playing the game, and not joyriding the periphery bullshit, can discuss it. Basically, it's just like any other official thread, magnified because of the incredible desire to troll Denis Dyack on the GAF.

Oh, and play the demo with iso or strategic camera!


Which level is the longest? I beat World 2 and the bitch part about it was the length. Oh boy. Are the other ones just as long?
eznark said:
Oh, and play the demo with iso or strategic camera!

Oh, and play the demo with iso or strategic camera!

Oh, and play the demo with iso or strategic camera!

Oh, and play the demo with iso or strategic camera!

Oh, and play the demo with iso or strategic camera!

quoted for utmost importance...Truly hack n' slash, PC-esque vantage point

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
All the power to those who are enjoying it and I'm glad you made a worthwhile purchase...

...With that said, the demo fucking sucked.
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