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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
If Goku died on Namek and Vegeta stayed dead on Namek, the Cell and Buu arcs wouldn't even have happened.

Cyber Freeza would have come back and blown up the earth though unless Gohan miraculously became a SSJ right then and there...which is possible.
I prefer Ichigo over adult Goku as a character though I find both to be pretty bland in terms of shonen protagonist.

Now kid Goku that's another story


Goku was at his most likeability in the Red Ribbon Army arc.

Now that was a fun arc. Everyone got something fun to do, except Oolong.


Wait so CN just decided to not air episodes to a show that were already made? LOL what the heck

IGPX: April 26th, 2014
GitS (1st GIG only): May 3rd, 2014
Blue Exorcist: August 9th, 2014
Black Lagoon: August 30th, 2014
Space Dandy: September 27th, 2014 (assuming S2 premiers when S1 finishes it's rerun and S2 is 13 episodes)
Bleach: October 11th 2014
Attack on Titan: October 18th, 2014
Beware The Batman: November 1st, 2014
Naruto (1st 52 episodes): December 28th, 2014
Samurai Jack: January 24th, 2015
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: May 16th, 2015
Clone Wars: September 12th, 2015
Naruto Shippuden: AHAHAHA....


Going to be a hectic schedule change this fall. I expect a few short series to be put in for a while.
I dunno, there were times we didn't see Ichigo for weeks at a time. Not recently, but it is a trend. Especially while all the captains are fighting. Goku may be dead half the time but at least we see him every other episode.

The only times we don't see Ichigo are in the random one-off filler episodes. We haven't had any of those since the end of the Aizen arc; I can't recall long stretches where we don't see the protag at all. Even while the captains fight we usually get a scene or two updating us on Ichigo's situation; this arc has been nothing but them fighting but Ichigo is still featured in every episode.

Goku isn't in multiple story arcs of DBZ

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The only full arc with no Goku in it at all is Garlic Jr, Every other time even when he's sidelined or dead they still cut back to him.

Otherwise I do agree with Gucci based on all of the Bleach I've seen, Ichigo is around pretty much all the damn time save for the rare occasion when its just dumb 13 court infighting.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was very pleasantly surprised with the movies they showed in December. I was dreading it being something like: Diamond Dust Rebellion, Naruto in the Land of Snow, Reflections across time, and a 1.11/2.22 repeat. Instead we got four new to Toonami movies and even the bad one was still a hilariously good group watch.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I really wish Funimation would license the older One Piece movies.
I mean yeah, they just licensed Film Z, but that is sooooo far ahead of the current point of Toonami that everybody would be lost.
I imagine both Space Dandy and Attack on Titan will rerun 1 time.

Dandy S2 I can see as they own it, then probably drop it down to somewhere between 3-5 and let it rerun for every Bebop style

Attack on Titan probably cost they WAAAAY too much to reair, they'll need that money to air Fairy Tail after all :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah it's a great movie. I want it to air on Toonami, spoilers be damned just for the thread's reaction to Robin's outfit. The hnnnnnging and waifu declaring would be through the roof.

EDIT: Hasn't been a good giffable episode of Naruto in awhile...This one doesn't change that trend. I'm glad it doesn't though as the really good episodes take 2 hours to complete and I only have 90 minutes!


I'm still finding it hard to believe that Bleach will finally be done premiering on Adult Swim Action/Toonami this year. I mean, watching practically every weekend since 2006...

*sniffle* I'm so happy...
I'm still finding it hard to believe that Bleach will finally be done premiering on Adult Swim Action/Toonami this year. I mean, watching practically every weekend since 2006...

*sniffle* I'm so happy...

Don't worry Bleach will be back in a year or two when the blood war anime gets made


No Scrubs
what if bleach re runs


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well, you'd get a break from current Bleach complaining. Instead it would be griping about how badly the voice acting had slipped and how good this stuff was for the most part for almost two years.

Fuck even the Bount Arc is better than a ton of the canon stuff that comes after it.
Pre-arrancar is actually pretty watchable and ok so long as Kon isnt around . I still likely wouldnt watch nor care enough to complain. I'd take a replacement over that option though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Bewildering Forest"


The standoff between the Ninja Dropouts and Naruto continues. Shura calls Naruto a kid and tells him to scram. Naruto is no kid so Shura points his Umbrella at Naruto, it's your funeral (flashback to Raiga!) while Naruto makes with the multi shadow clone jutsu. Shura flies into the air Marry Poppins style, lands on the cage, and uses Ninja Art: Blood Rain (Vampire versus Nazi joke here)! It shoots needles out and wastes some shadow clones, also hitting Todoroki. He then uses it as a physical weapon taking out the rest of the shadow clones. He proudly claims his jutsu isn't a ninjutsu, it's a murderjutsu. The prisoner just looks on stone faced at this awful line but Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK.


Lee is drowning! Luckily Sakura can walk on water so she goes over and helps him, you'd think his physical regimen would include swimming though... He thanks her for saving him and wonders where Naruto is? Everyone is accounted for except Naruto, Captain Todoroki and the prisoner.


Shura shoots the spokes of his umbrella at them, forming a net. He says farewell as Naruto struggles. The ship goes over the falls though as this is happening. Shura floats away on his umbrella as the ship hits the ground and catches fire. The captain stumbles around until he sees the fire and goes into FLASHBACK mode. He moves away from the fire until he notices the prisoner on the ground, alive but staggering. He draws his sword and says his friends can't save him now. Looking around for that buzz kill Naruto before he executes him. Luckily Naruto calls out to him before he takes justice into his own hands. He can't find Sakura or Bushy-Brows anywhere and asks the captain what they want to do. He wants to do his mission and escort the prisoner to the capital. Easier said than done with the ship split in half. The Ninja Dropouts ruin the fun by running/gliding down the waterfall, throwing ninja like items at them. Todoroki wants to kill the man right here and right now, he'll be proven guilty anyways and they can't let him fall into his friends' hands. Naruto thinks that is silly and takes the prisoner with him away from the dropouts. Naruto tells him that they have the same job, to guard him not to judge and execute him. The captain draws his sword and will kill the prisoner if he makes one wrong move. Kunai come flying in and the three make their way deep into the woods. Naruto needs a break and they discuss the plan, they have the moonlight to traverse the woods with and they can get to the capital by going this way. Naruto is worried that Todoroki will kill the prisoner but he says he was only going to do that when he thought he had no other choice. They begin again with Naruto wondering to himself if Sakura is alright.


Sakura meanwhile is worried about Naruto. Lee knows the boy will be ok if they keep going this way. Sakura senses something and they head for the trees. The person is above them, neatly slicing the branch they were on. They wound him with a kunai throw and the young man runs off. Lee thinks if they follow him he might lead them to Naruto, assuming the youth or his allies caught the knucklehead.


It's getting foggy out. The three of them were supposed to follow the moon as Naruto points out, not be pursued by the moon. What the heck is going on? The prisoner speaks, it's the Forest of Bewilderment! Todoroki tells him to be quiet but Naruto wants to know more. He knows a lot about it, it's the hideout of the Ninja Dropouts. Todoroki thinks it's a trap but the man continues saying the deep fog, the winds that blow from every direction, compass befuddling magnetic fields make it the perfect hideout. Naruto is brazen and thinks he'll find his way out. Not alive you won't says Gantetsu. He knows every inch of this forest though and tells them they won't make it out alive without him. Naruto makes a deal with him to be their guide. Todoroki can't believe it and thinks it's an obvious trap and that they should just kill him for those extra Renegade points, having another FLASHBACK of him with his brother.


Gantetsu takes off his shirt leaving the other two shook! Naruto wonders who did that and he replies that everything his comrades and I stole he hid from them and they didn't ask nicely. His comrades aren't here to rescue him, they just want all the money found in one piece, after which they'll kill him. Todoroki doesn't care but Naruto brings up that the rest of the Ninja Dropouts probably know the forest just as well and Gantetsu is their only hope with the Dropouts in hot pursuit. Naruto asks the captain if he is wrong and they continue onwards!


Gantetsu is in the lead and Naruto comes up to him asking him if he's sure he knows the way. He is and in fact is taking a route they'll never be able to follow on. Naruto wonders if they really can trust this guy...just as he stops the boy from stepping on a snake. The snake goes for the boy anyways and Gantetsu stops it with his forearm. Why would he do such a thing? The venom has no effect on such a man. Naruto is glad though, it certainly would have effected him (probably not with his body chemistry, but still!) Gantetsu stops in front of a massive tree and the others wonder if something is wrong...as they fall into a pitfall trap! The jerk with the drill arm is laughing, hanging upside down from the tree, they really fell for it. He goes for Ninja Art: Crimson Mud and aims directly for Naruto...but none of them are there and he's in an even deeper hole.


Naruto smugly tells him that he fell for the old shadow clone+transformation trick. He starts up a Rasengan and says it's his turn to pick the game. But he escaped through a side tunnel. He's going to bury Naruto but first he's gotta catch him. The captain calls out for Naruto but sees the prisoner running away! He stops though close by and puts his ear to the ground before sliding down the nearby cliff.


What a man. Meanwhile Naruto is cornered by drill man. He dodges as Gantetsu opens a hole behind him and flings the young man into the air. He makes a shadow clone and uses another Rasengan, closing the hole with rubble and crushing Toki while he laughs. Naruto thanks the man.


Lee and Sakura are running after their attacker before a ton of swords and nonsense are thrown at them. They are surrounded. They confront the one who attacked them. Sakura wants to know who they are but Lee thinks they would rather fight. The other three are walking through the woods as Todoroki has more internal doubts about the prisoner. He won't be fooled as he clutches his sword with anger, finally deciding to run forward and kill the man. Naruto pushes him out of the way but Gantetsu is cut on the arm. Naruto tells him this isn't his mission but Todoroki can't let this man live, he slaughtered his family, including his little brother. Naruto is shook as the episode ends!

NEXT EPISODE: "Memory of Flames"


oh shit i didn't realize funi got Film Z! ive had it on my computer for months but never got around to watching it. Ive heard that its better than Strong World, which i really enjoyed.
A giant meteorite is hurdling toward the earth?
Just punch it.

Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder?
Punch yourself until you feel better.

Does your mother have cancer?
Punch that shit out of her.

Can't find your car keys?
Punch stuff until you find them.


No Scrubs
A giant meteorite is hurdling toward the earth?
Just punch it.

Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder?
Punch yourself until you feel better.

Does your mother have cancer?
Punch that shit out of her.

Can't find your car keys?
Punch stuff until you find them.


Seems legit
how is One Punch Man? i always see threads about it on /a/ but never really anywhere else. from some of the scans ive seen it looks pretty awesome. definitely up my alley
how is One Punch Man? i always see threads about it on /a/ but never really anywhere else. from some of the scans ive seen it looks pretty awesome. definitely up my alley

It's a parody of the Shonen genre that goes beyond TTGL levels of over the top action. If that's up your alley then go right ahead and read.
how is One Punch Man? i always see threads about it on /a/ but never really anywhere else. from some of the scans ive seen it looks pretty awesome. definitely up my alley

Imagine if Superman defeated everyone of his enemies with one punch and joined the Justice League and got into a lot of hilarious hijinks.

That's OPM in a nutshell.
Plus it's drawn by one of the best manga artist in the biz.
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