If one enjoys Nintendo games one could just take one look at sega and think going third party is the *last* thing is ever want to happen. If you feel or have ever complained about Nintendo not using their extensive franchise collection now it would be much worse third party . Additional as also indicated by sega the quality of said games would go done by a ton. I'm cool with buying two consoles for Nintendo stuff and third party stuff I know that's a privilege .But I much prefer that to getting literally nothing but Mario from them( once again if you feel this is how they are now it'd be worse third party) .
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I don't think going third-party will result in the same way that Sega did, but it very well could.
Just got an email from SE about Theatrhythm: Curtain call saying "Pre-order now" with the Amazon logo.
Amazon isn't letting me pre-order now