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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Targeted Shukaku"


The show begins with a Shippudenesque cold open. Kakashi at night in the woods summoning up his pack of ninja hounds. Long time no see but they don't have time for small talk as Kakashi glances over the ridge to a village. Pakkun says it's the Village of Artisans. Yeah, it is, it's the village that makes the finest ninja tools around and supplies the five great villages. Rumors have been swirling around lately, they've been developing an ultimate weapon to take over the five great nations. Pakkun guesses that their mission is to infiltrate and verify and he's on the right track as the hounds spread out and perform the misison and the opening kicks in!


Kakashi is sitting on a rock giggling like a middle schooler reading Make Out Paradise when pakkun appears from the ground and he quickly hides the book. The village is completely abandoned and what's more they found something weird. Kakashi goes in to look and finds the coffin of Seimei, the founder of the village here. The coffin but no body and they abandoned the village.


Naruto is also giggling as he is running across the roofs of the Hidden Leaf Village. He's starving and is going to get two eggs in his ramen. He passes by Shikamaru's thinking spot and notices him talking to Sakura about something, causing him to lose his footing. She asks him if he has been waiting long before handing over a piece of paper that she wanted to make sure he got it in person. Naruto comes running up the stairs and asks the two love birds if they thought this secret rendezvous would go unnoticed! Shikamaru is confused but Naruto continues, after all the times he asked her out! Sakura gets angry at this and wonders if he has completely lost his mind, grabbing both his ears and shaking him for all its worth. It's an errand, a new poison was just discovered so Lady Tsunade gave me a list of ingredients to give to Shikamaru's dad to exanmine in his lab. Naruto feels like a total idiot and Shikamaru tells him not to jump to conclusions. Sakura does tell them that the Hokage has received a status report from Temari, the Hidden Sand village has started a new youth ninja training program modeled after the one in this village. Only problem is Temari and her two brothers are the instructors.


Naruto and Shikamaru both quail at this notion. Shikamaru wants to know how someone as nasty as her got to be an instructor but Naruto is more interested in Good Guy Gaara who he hasn't seen in awhile.


In the Sand Village Temari and her two brothers are standing in front of a table full of weapons. She says that before they start training they should all pick a weapon that suits them physically and mentally. A girl dressed for an 80's workout video raises her hand "Do we all need to choose a weapon?" Kankuro wants to know why she asks and she says there is a chance we could all hurt each other. GGG is interested in this and begins speaking, frightening the kids. The weapon is like...forget it, it's not important. Temari tells them this isn't a game and Kankuro tells them that if you go into battle thinking that, you'll die. Workout girl apologizes but the guy next to her tells her not to go around asking Gaara stupid questions like that. 3 Tables of weapons, 18 kids, three instructors. Pick a weapon and choose which teacher you want to work with, says Kankuro. Temari tells Gaara to smile, no one will pick his group if he doesn't lighten up. Kid next to workout girl tells another young man that he heard from his dad that Gaara was the Sand's ultimate weapon and he telephones it to the next guy saying he doesn't want to die in Gaara's group. Only Workout girl doesn't immediately head to Kankuro or Temari as she wanted to know what Gaara was going to say. She asks Gaara to be his sensei and he asks if you are sure about it. Kids practicing with weapons montage. Some are pretty good. Workout girl still hasn't picked a weapon and Gaara asks her for her name, it's Matsuri. He wants Matsuri to choose a weapon. She gets lost in the gleam of a broadsword, and all that is left are a club bigger than her and a strange smaller weapon with a rope around it. Gaara asks her what is the matter and she picks up the club.


He wants her to attack him with that, attack like you want to kill him. She agrees but is toppled over by the weight of the club. "Beware the demon with the iron club...but that doesn't apply to you." says her sensei. She asks him to pick a weapon for her and he chooses the rope javelin. She's never heard of it so Gaara does a demonstration. It's a defensive weapon at heart and uses the blade at the tip to keep enemies at bay while you disable them with the rope. Practice until it becomes an extension of your body.


Another day in the life of a Sand Ninja guard. The wind picks up and his throat is slit. Another one on a ledge is thrown into the rock wall, a third is tripped up by some metal objects snaking towards him and the fourth runs for it...


Not before these suave mofos appear. The guards asks who the heck they are before throwing some kunai at him, which are deflected by Izzy's snake like weapon. Another one tells the rest to let this one live so they can draw out their true target and the guard stumbles into the training yard. Kankuro and Temari rush over and the guard says "Please...Gaara...you must hurry." Matsuri is practing but the pointy end rebounds on her and we get an extended cut of her broadsword FLASHBACK. The broadsword flies at her and stick in a tree and two figures in the distance, likely her parents have bladed weapons sticking out of them. Gaara picks up the bladed end and asks her what is wrong. She tells him that when she was young she saw her parents attacked by many weapons and its just so hard now. Why does she want to weild a weapon then and he has a FLASHBACK of Naruto protecting his friends, vowing to protect them as Gaara was in the middle of transforming. He'll never forget those words as the four outsider ninja with the goofy headbands spy on him through a looking glass. He's the one they want!


Gaara shows up where Temari and Kankuro are with the wounded man. Kankuro is glad to see him as they were just going to get him. A patrol was attacked and they said they were the Four Celestials and offer challenge to the Ultimate Weapon Gaara. If he doesn't answer the challenge then they will take one person a day that he cares about until everyone he cares about is gone. Matsuri is practicing when a woman calls down to her from the wall. They're going to kidnap her!


Team Gaara runs over to where Matsuri was. She's gone. They took her to the northeast. Kankuro says she's the first and Temari tells her little brother that the Four Celestials care little what happens to her, they want you. Kankuro wants to inform the Jonin council. Baki talks about the current situation, they are the Four Celestials and they went northeast to the border region between the Lands of Wind and Fire. It's close to the Leaf Village so he asked them for help and he further orders Team Gaara to go and track them down. Kankuro thinks that's an awful idea as they issued the challenge to Gaara and Temari agrees but Baki thinks it might be a diversion and Kankuro asks Baki why he won't come along. Baki thinks about this...IN FLASHBACK form. He's talking to a random member of the council. They are clearly after Shukaku. The ultimate weapon is a double edged sword and if the two groups destroy each other, so much the better. Baki offers to go along as its the least he can do but the councilman has another mission for his skills. He can't go and tells them to leave, the captive is your student after all. They amscray. The Four Celestials wonder if the Ultimate weapon cares about this little kid and the leader thinks he will after all they will just keep picking people he likes off. (So three more days, really, two if they can't find Naruto.)


Shizune is hanging out in the aviary when she notices a familiar looking bird. It's from the sand! Shikamaru is in the Hokage's office and she explains the situation, Four Celestials kidnapped Gaara's student, are heading for the border, Team Gaara in pursuit. That's it and he's supposed to come up with a team to respond to some arrogant idiots who want Gaara? Pretty much. She wants to mantain the Sand Village relationship and besides, we gave them even less when they helped out with The Sauce retrieval mission. Shikamaru balks at this, the two situations are nothing alike and wants to know where they are going so they could set up an ambush. The 5th tells him that no Jonin or other Chunin are available as they are investigating the Artisan Village. Shizune gives him the roster of Genin available and he has 30 minutes. He doesn't see Sakura on the list and the Hokage tells him she's busy with medical ninjutsu. He'll take the mission but he offers the words no other boy has yet said, he wants Sakura. Why Sakura?


At the gate Shikamaru has assembled Choji, Ino, Lee, and Kiba. Choji complains that he is usually the late one. They are waiting for one more says Shikamaru. Ino says "Don't tell me it's..." and Naruto comes running up. He went for a bite to eat at Ichiraku. Choji is furious, he wanted to grab some grub. Shikamaru wants to head out but Naruto thinks he must be joking, where are the rest of them? Everyone is here who is supposed to be. That's messed up, he knows Sakura is training but what about Shino, Neji and Hinata (HE LEFT SOMEONE OUT) Kiba actually agrees with Naruto and says that only he and Akamaru have any scouting abilities on a tracking mission and Lee thinks he just assembled a no nonsense group of take action ninja. That's right says Shikamaru, this is Team Return the Favor...no one likes the name. He brings up the plot line of season 5 and that's the favor they are returning. Naruto starts cheer leading about heading off and Kiba puts him down reminding him that he's not in charge and Choji joins in. Naruto just wants them to come up with a plan and leave, suggesting the one from when Sasuke left. SHikamaru says that while the situation is similar they need some different tactics for this one. The trail is cold so Akamaru's nose and Byakugan won't be as much help. Ino hadn't thought about that so Shikamaru is going to separate them into squads of two. They want to pay back the sand but not with their lives so they need to watch themselves out there. Naruto wouldn't have it any other way. They get moving and Shikamaru orders Ino to stick with him. Choji with Kiba. Naruto with Lee, who tells Naruto to refrain from any independent actions. Shikamaru tells the group that the four people Naruto already mentioned went on ahead. They went on a different route and won't be in the battle. Why not, asks Naruto and Kiba thinks it is sacrificing a lot of their battle strength. They are the search team and when the battle takes place they will be responsible for medical duties while they recover. He thought long and hard about this strategy.


Sakura is in a different part of the woods as is Shino who is spreading out his bugs. Neji and Hinata are jumping along cautiously with their Byakugan open and Naruto pledges to return the favor to Gaara as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Sand Alliance With The Leaf Shinobi"






Man God

Non-Canon Member
He is giggling like a madman.

Also this arc is missing
thread favorite Twenty, who will probably lose her third place ranking because of it.
so it's the Konoha ten this time around.


I don't know for certain what's going on in Soul Eater NOT, but I can assure you that the fuwa fuwa appears to be a front for some good shit.
Well time to read my weekly shonen manga



You guys know what I am talking about.

Yeah man that new chapter of
was crazy, absolutely blew me away
make it stop make it end

At least Toriko and One Piece were good though :p


I really owe
an apology.
Naruto's final boss/bosses
is 'This isn't even my final form' to the nth degree.

No manga spoilers or anything. I just highlighted in case some people might get fussy.


Naruto has had some strong chapters, same with Bleach, but this week feels like misses all around. At least there's One Piece (almost) every week.


I, on the contrary, thought This week's chapter of Naruto was pretty interesting. I guess that's a win for me. Kishi being too inconsistent with .
though. That's my only problem. Otherwise, the chapter was a bit confusing. A re-read really is all it takes. Its supposed to be confusing. I rather that than 2-3 chapter to explain how this works.
I would not disbelieve a gamer would not be capable for any of that but it's clearly a "parody" around the listing of mental problems. While not funny I also can't say it isn't clearly a parody , it's a kinda shitty one though and that's well worth criticizing .
Informal poll
Read the OP in http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=806625
How long does it take
for you to realize the whole thing is a parody? There are some people who don't seem to understand that and it's driving me crazy.

I read that a short while ago as well. Unfortunately, I saw it was FreeMufasa for starters. Started suspecting at the first parenthesis...knew by the moment he wrote "I had to let her know."

I didn't find it funny at all and was questioning why it even should be allowed to have been a thread. It is intentionally being stupid on purpose.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Informal poll
Read the OP in http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=806625
How long does it take
for you to realize the whole thing is a parody? There are some people who don't seem to understand that and it's driving me crazy.

At this line
"this one includes bikinis for all the female assistants and a cat outfit for Reiko-chan"

The only way it could have been more obvious is if he ended it with "You're moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air".
I can kind of see the humor in it but I'm worried it'll open up the flood gates for parody threads.

That's what I was thinking about it as well. Even if I did find it humurous, it really didn't have a point. There was no substance to the thread except the attempt to make the equivalent of a fresh prince joke. The OP contained no question, query, topic of discussion, news, announcement or anything that would otherwise be associated with making a forum thread.
Informal poll
Read the OP in http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=806625
How long does it take
for you to realize the whole thing is a parody? There are some people who don't seem to understand that and it's driving me crazy.

when he started talking about his hatred of 3d girls i started to get a sense that it might be fake. ive actually seen a few people try to push ps4 versions over xbone copys due to resolutiongate a couple of times, but when he started talking about all the mumble stuff i knew
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