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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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I never said it tried to do that. However, it certainly didn't achieve any quality writing in the episodes I saw, so since I disliked the writing, the fan service wasn't enough to keep me interested.

And yet the fan service is pretty far down the list of what actually encompasses Space Dandy. You keep trying to paint it like some fan service show when I can remember like one or two scenes where it actually wandered into that territory out of 13 episodes.


Junior Member
It's nice, Though i still like Coles powers better. Also I dislike both Delsin and his brother.Well I dislike his brother more but he's also a fart. (Also Fetch isn't happening Sucker Punch)
I appreciate the variety provided by Second Son. After a while, I was tired of just shooting lightning.

And Video is one of the most unique powers I've ever encountered. It's so freaking cool.

I have no problem with Delsin as a character. He gets better development than Cole received even though the first Infamous's story was superior.

Are you doing your good or bad play through?
And yet the fan service is pretty far down the list of what actually encompasses Space Dandy. You keep trying to paint it like some fan service show when I can remember like one or two scenes where it actually wandered into that territory out of 13 episodes.
I already said I disliked the writing. There isn't much else to talk about.

Since I dislike the writing, I dislike the character development, the dialogue, and the plot. Some of the action sequences were cool in the episodes I saw, but I am not a fan of the animation in general. The fan service wasn't a primary, secondary, or even tertiary problem. It was a quaternary or quinary problem for me.


Haha, yeah, that area is definitely a biased sample.

It's pretty funny to think that some people might have actually decided to live there because the arena is so proximal.

"Honey, we have to choose this house. The school district is amazing. We have a yard. And the ECW arena is only fifteen miles away!"

To be fair, the ECW arena is kind of a shithole. A lot of indies (CZW, EVOLVE most prominatly) now run Flyers Skatezone (practice facility for the NHL team), which is only 5 minutes from my house :3


I enjoyed Space Dandy more when I accepted that it's just going to be three goofballs and their zany adventures, not expecting significant character development or any sort of central plot. Not saying that anyone/everyone should enjoy it similarly - just how I approach it.

Star Wars kind of picked up at the end last night.

Nothing was truly awful last night. Bleach might have been the worst but even then it was slightly better than usual.

I like your consistent positivity, Man God.
I appreciate the variety provided by Second Son. After a while, I was tired of just shooting lightning.

And Video is one of the most unique powers I've ever encountered. It's so freaking cool.

I have no problem with Delsin as a character. He gets better development than Cole received even though the first Infamous's story was superior.

Are you doing your good or bad play through?

I am doing a good, also for me the powers Delsin gets dont matter so much in terms of how they look, in the end they function mostly the same except for one or two iconic things, really no different other than aesthetics than just having one big type of power and the same variety in things one can do for me. in fact I'd have just like one specific power set i really like and gel with than multiple but thats just me. Also there is the matter that it always felt pretty darn easy to find electricity for Cole unless it was a very specific or purposeful 'blackout' area. With Delsin it feels like it can be a pain to find any one power with them offsetting it by having any one of the other two powers close by, but that may just me getting used to the map and not having an easy way of telling where power is just by clicking a button like Cole had. Personally I find myself just wanting to use the Smoke powers all the time and having to deal with a game that wants me to use the others.
I already said I disliked the writing. There isn't much else to talk about.

Since I dislike the writing, I dislike the character development, the dialogue, and the plot. Some of the action sequences were cool in the episodes I saw, but I am not a fan of the animation in general. The fan service wasn't a primary, secondary, or even tertiary problem. It was a quaternary or quinary problem for me.

Alright. That's not how it came off, but maybe I'm just a little bit too used to people trying to wrongfully portray the show that way or something else equally ridiculous like trying to label it worthless because it's episodic.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Powerful Helper"


Tenten is disarming the paper bomb trap at the training center while Naruto remembers his old eating buddy. One down, thousands to go. Lee is relieved but Shino and Shikamaru aren't so sure, if Genno figured out they had disarmed the master one he probably has a backup plan to destroy the Leaf. Choji collapses his chip bag with a pop, nearly giving Naruto a heart attack. Neji is on lookout duty and so far no one has figured out what they are doing. Shikamaru orders the team to put the dummy back perfectly and also tells the students to continue their kunai practice as if nothing had happened but don't hit the bullseye. Good thing they suck, though the one in headgear claims he totally hit it yesterday.


Back at the Hokages office Shikamaru lays it out. Shizune wants to evacuate the village immediately but Shikmaru tells her she must be joking. If they started evacuating then Genno would know and he'd blow the village sky high. Naruto and the gang are searching for the paper bombs now and we'll see how they do. The 5th can only sigh.


Sakura, Kiba and Akamaru are searching the mean streets, Sakura is the one taking notes. He turns and starts digging, he found one! Twenty is with Shino an his bugs are hovering near a panel of a house. They extract the bomb from between the boards in a very nifty trick and she disarms it.


Naruto is teamed up with Hinata and has his head under a joint in the wall between two buildings. Does he have it yet? No, but he has a finger on it. Hinata urges him to be careful as a women shows up to scold them. Naruto tells her he dropped some money back there and she offers to come back later with a broom and grab it. He doesn't want it to go off...I mean he's really jonseing for some Ramen. Hinata agrees, he needs his ramen and the women understands the thirst for Ichiraku. The full Team ten are reporting to the Hokage, they need more men. Shizune says that the Genin are all that are left but Tsunade has some people in mind. They are old and lazy but they might be of some help...it's the Hokage council members, who bust in to give shit to Lady Tsunade, they are village elders here to give advice to the youngsters...not that you're wise enough to listen. Tsunade counters that they're not to infirm to sense when trouble is brewing and the old lady reminds her that she's not as young as she looks. Super burn. Tsunade calls her an old bag of bones but said old bag puts her back in her place. The old man finally speaks up (with Jett's voice no less) and asks where they want them to search. Team Ten meanwhile is impressed with how this old lady handled the Hokage, and possibly even a little scared.

Might Guy is on his way back to the village with all the power of youth. The two elders start their search while Tsunade watches them leave. She appreciates their help but man do they get on her nerves. Shizune thinks everything will be fine when Might Guy gets back but Shikamaru doesn't think it'll be that simple, how could one man plant so many bombs and when? There's more than meets the eye and they are overlooking something. The kids are back practicing their kunai throwing. Lee checks in with Neji on his lookout tree. The bomb disposal is going well but no sign of Genno. The two elders finally arrived at their location, the outskirts of town. Griping all the way. She's as much a slave driver as that Sarutobi bastard and there's nothing out here worth blowing up. The old lady remarks that 30 years ago the fancy new shopping district was to be built here and when she enters a nearby building she spots something. A paper bomb in one of the beams. She extracts it with a single hand sign Magneto style. They meet again in the Hokage's office. It's a slightly different paper bomb, though Choji can't tell the difference. This isn't uncommon to the old people in the room though, it's in fact very familiar, it's the old way to do it. Tsunade says that most of the ones they are finding use this old style. She also takes it to the map. The far away less populated buildings are full of older bombs while the crowded new residential buildings have only a handful. Why there, well, there was going to be a bustling shopping district there 30 years ago. Tsunade comes up with a hypothesis, this trap is 30 years old. Tsunade thinks it's ridiculous but Elder Jett says it's easy to overlook something when you're not looking for it and the other elder says that they were very well hidden and only those specifically looking with the Byakugan can find them easily. Ino wonders how Genno found out about the trap from thirty years ago when suddenly Shikamaru gets an idea and runs out.


Naruto and Hinata have finished with this sector when Hinata collapses against the wall. It's hard to use the Byakugan for this long, she needs a little rest. Naruto puts his hand on her forehead to check how she is. She feels feverish and is turning a bit red. Naruto tells her to wait there and rest while he delivers the goods to Tsunade. He passes by Ichiraku and remembers the old man. He then heads to the Hokage monument wondering if the old guy was looking up there for a reason. Naruto finds a paper bomb here...and OLD MAN GENNO. He can't let him leave now.


Team Ten is meeting with the foreman. Thirty years ago was back in his father's day but he remembers having to hire a bunch of new men for the expansion project. He doesn't know how complete his records are but Shikamaru wants anything. Ino doesn't get it but Shikamaru is worried about the recommendation letter, the old one. Shikamaru suspects Genno of stealing the letter, but why? He thinks he did it because the first letter was phony too! Genno used it himself thirty years ago to get hired here. The first one was a much better forgery though and while he wanted the second one to be discovered so his elaborate death trap would work. So he wanted them to find the fake but not find out that the trap was actually mainly set thirty years ago.


Naruto wants to know why the old man did it. The old man asks if he'd ever heard of the Heat Devil Village in the Land of Mountains. He was born there. Tsunade is having the same discussion with the village elders, her older Bingo book only states he was from the Land of Mountains, nothing about the Heat Devils. The elders continue that the village disappeared some time ago and not many records remain. Thirty years ago the Heat Devils and the Leaf were engaged in an endless war. One night they launched a sneak attack and with one strike turned the tide of war in their favor. Shikamaru also continues the story stating that three months later an armistice was signed, but what happened in those three months? Everyone expected a counterattack. The foreman finds his father's diary from that time period, he kept it faithfully and never missed a date. Shikamaru quickly finds an entry on the man from the Sand with a referral from a master carpenter who wasn't that great but they needed the help. A week after the attack, the man was Genno. Genno continues telling the story to Naruto. He was sent here to trap the entire village and set them off when the Heat Devil counterattack happened. He concentrated on the busiest spots and the ANBU weren't as dogged back then. It took him two and a half months to do it but at last he had set them all, only had to wait for his comrades...who never came. The warlord of the Heat Devil village died in a tragic accident and was replaced by a man who wanted peace, says Tsunade. Right then Genno stopped going to work, says Shikamaru. Genno tells Naruto that he returned to his village, awaiting for the peace to collapse and expecting to be sent back. Little did he know that he'd never be sent on any missions again, nor would any of his people. Elder Jett continues the story, two weeks after the peace was signed they were blindsided by the Village Hidden in the Veil and the Heat Devil village was destroyed. Shikamaru concludes the diary entry and Naruto asks why the old man is back what's the point of this, revengenance? Did someone send you? Nope, no one sent him.


Well, you see, it just seemed like such a waste. He didn't want to die without anyone knowing what he had done so he came back so they wouldn't go to waste. What a heel! Naruto can't believe it and thought he was just a friendly old man. He used Naruto for information. That lying jerk! He says he'll understand when he gets to be old. Naruto says he'll live a long time and never feel that way but after Genno springs this trap he'll know the true meaning of revengenance. Naruto cuts a promo about how all of his friends are disarming the bombs as we speak and there is no way this is going to happen. Genno laughs and asks Naruto if he thought his plan was just to blow them all up? A real shinobi can put them to use in other ways and is always thinking two or three moves ahead.


Lee comes over to meet with Shikamaru and company who have finished with the foreman. Lee wants to know what he should do about the academy students as they are getting tired. Shikamaru completely forgot about them and Ino gives him the business. Shikarmaru accepts this and says it's probably time for them to quit, don't want one of them hitting the target after all...when he realizes something. Why did such a careful man leave the detonation to pure chance? It doesn't make sense unless the paper bombs were nothing but another diversion!

NEXT EPISODE: "Multiple Traps! Countdown to Destruction"




Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I've found another good Steve Staley performance!
Fiore de Rosa in Bravely Default. The
creepy raper
Red Mage.


The only wrestling fans I personally know are my aunts. I used to watch a lot of it when I spent a lot of time at their place when I was a kid.

I mean I could go with 'people overreacted' if you had posters saying 'this is the worst show EVER' after one episode. I didn't see any of that though; there was some 'this show isn't funny' and 'the boobies gag is childish' vibes going around but those aren't overreactions.

When people were saying shit like "I would be embarrassed to watch this with anyone else" all I can assume is that said person watches TV shows & Movies rated TV14/PG-13 and up in a dark basement by themselves like a shamed hermit. Comments like that are just eye-roll inducing.

I already said I disliked the writing. There isn't much else to talk about.

Since I dislike the writing, I dislike the character development, the dialogue, and the plot. Some of the action sequences were cool in the episodes I saw, but I am not a fan of the animation in general. The fan service wasn't a primary, secondary, or even tertiary problem. It was a quaternary or quinary problem for me.

Example #14523115 of anime fans not knowing what good animation looks like even if it was staring them right in the face :/ :p

To be fair to GMN, you did not phrase your initial comment like this at all. I disagree with most of your other assessments and I question how many episodes and which ones you did see (which matters for an episodic show and especially when you say things like no character development) but at least its not "hurr durr the show has boobies so it sux".
As I had feared, the home computer isn't working. It was also acting up last night in the middle of GitS. I rather just take my long awaited nap and try again later tonight

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I enjoyed Space Dandy more when I accepted that it's just going to be three goofballs and their zany adventures, not expecting significant character development or any sort of central plot. Not saying that anyone/everyone should enjoy it similarly - just how I approach it.

I like your consistent positivity, Man God.
The last two episodes of Bleach before this were possibly the worst single two episodes of anything I've seen since I started watching with y'all. Anything would be an improvement. This episode qualified as anything.
I watched a few episodes.

It just wasn't funny at all. Fan service is no replacement for good writing.

How many episodes did you watch and which ones? With an episodic show like Dandy, that matters.

The first half of season 1 was very hit or miss for me; some episodes like The Search for the Phantom Space Ramen, Baby where they meet a noodle selling alien in an alternate dimension were stellar. However, others, such as The War of the Undies and Vests, Baby, where those two aliens fight over clothing or whatever, were downright awful outside of the animation in my opinion.

After A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby (episode 7) though Dandy really hit its stride and delivered consistently throughout the rest of the season. I feel like the comedy flowed more organically and drifted away from juvenile T&A jokes. I can enjoy that type of humor and don't criticize anyone who finds it appealing; it just didn't work well for me in this show. The art direction of Plants are Living Things, Too, Baby is simply amazing. I'm Never Remembering You, Baby, takes an interesting film noir approach and introduces a complex plot-line I was obsessing over for days. Nobody Knows the Chameleon Alien, Baby, was hysterical; I haven't laughed that hard while watching an animated program (besides Regular Show) since the late 90s. Even Vacuum Cleaners Fall in Love, Baby, rode an emotional wave that managed to feel natural, not forced.

I could go on.

Once I accepted the fact that Space Dandy won't have any continuity and is just a show about 3 buddies goofing around, I started to enjoy it much more. I do genuinely think the first part of the season is rough but Dandy certainly finds solid ground halfway throughout, hitting a happy medium of laughs, subtle character development, competent writing, and stellar animation. However, I can certainly see how the show is off-putting to some.

When people were saying shit like "I would be embarrassed to watch this with anyone else" all I can assume is that said person watches TV shows & Movies rated TV14/PG-13 and up in a dark basement by themselves like a shamed hermit. Comments like that are just eye-roll inducing.

I do remember the drama over that comment but here's the thing - that was just one comment, albeit from a prominent member of the NeoGAF community. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember seeing very many people agree with that sentiment. Even so, that's a problem that lies with the viewer more so than a criticism of the show in my opinion. I can understand being embarrassed, it's a natural emotion, but not when it comes to your consumption of media. I used to have that issue and would hide the fact that I liked any anime other than what was mainstream (Pokemon, YGO, etc) but one day I realized that I shouldn't really give a crap what people think when it comes to anime.


I'm a former fan of wrestling. Watched in the 90's and from 2006 to 2012. Hurray for getting disillusioned.

Also watching my recordings from last night right now. Enjoyed seeing all that back story on Franky. Blue Exorcist was fine, and Black Lagoon is good so far.


I don't have the energy to go in as many words at the moment, but the back half of Space Dandy was so much more consistent than the first. After the Blue v Red aliens episode I thought the show has completely lost me but the last 7 or so episodes really brought me back. So in this I agree with Gucci.

It doesn't become a different show entirely, but it definitely seems to find a smart balance between goofy-ness, jokes, "fan service", and some sentimentality.
Half hour left.

PM please? I want to get in on this, not sure how it's going down.

I recall 2 episodes I liked from the first half but can't remember them, maybe 3.

As far as the first half of season 1 goes, here's where I stand

The Search for the Phantom Space Ramen, Baby
Sometimes You Can't Live With Dying, Baby

A Race in Space Is Dangerous, Baby

Live with the Flow, Baby
Occasionally Even the Deceiver is Deceived, Baby
A Merry Companion Is a Wagon in Space, Baby
The War of the Undies and Vests, Baby

Everything in the second half of the season is firmly in the "like" category for me.


The underwear/vest episode is probably my least favorite one. Either that or the boobie-monster.

I've already said that I definitely gelled with the later part episodes more. Enough so that I am anticipating season 2.
I took a look at the new Mario Kart 8 screens/video and can say with 100% certainty that it's the most impressive next gen game I've seen thus far. I'm sitting here blown away at the artwork; the MK team has managed to blend photorealism with the cartoony look Nintendo games have to create something incredibly soothing on the eyes.

I mean, just look at this shot!


Dear lord, this is almost enough to push me in the Wii U camp. Slash the price by $50-$75 and I'll have a really tough decision on my hands, Nintendo.

Sorry to derail
also this week is a b2g1 . you could get some past games.

edoit: it's amusing that in the fuedal era there are demon EVERYTHINGS. DEMON DOGS. DEMON CATS. DEMON NINJAS. DEMON CLOWNS.


Gives all the fucks
The first half of season 1 was very hit or miss for me; some episodes like The Search for the Phantom Space Ramen, Baby where they meet a noodle selling alien in an alternate dimension were stellar. However, others, such as The War of the Undies and Vests, Baby, where those two aliens fight over clothing or whatever, were downright awful outside of the animation in my opinion.

After A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby (episode 7) though Dandy really hit its stride and delivered consistently throughout the rest of the season. I feel like the comedy flowed more organically and drifted away from juvenile T&A jokes. I can enjoy that type of humor and don't criticize anyone who finds it appealing; it just didn't work well for me in this show. The art direction of Plants are Living Things, Too, Baby is simply amazing. I'm Never Remembering You, Baby, takes an interesting film noir approach and introduces a complex plot-line I was obsessing over for days. Nobody Knows the Chameleon Alien, Baby, was hysterical; I haven't laughed that hard while watching an animated program (besides Regular Show) since the late 90s. Even Vacuum Cleaners Fall in Love, Baby, rode an emotional wave that managed to feel natural, not forced.
Yeah, I noticed a pattern that with episode 7 & beyond, the show seemed to have figured out what worked since for the most part, it was mainly positive reactions. Meanwhile, episodes one through 6 were rather mixed, especially for certain episodes where the first part is "meh" but the second part makes up for it. I'm hoping the second season will be stronger and continue the trend of great episodes that we had.

& totally agree on episode 6 being rather bad (save for the finale). I have to say that's perhaps my least favorite episode of the series so far. Probably the only one I might skip when it reairs.
Sadly I am not easily near by a target or even have the money to get games, nor deserve to get new games since I still haven't beaten infamous or BD.
Target is doing a sale, buy a WiiU and get like a $50 gift card. I read about it the other night.

also this week is a b2g1 . you could get some past games.

Any idea on if this sale runs through the end of the week?

And you'll get NSMBU/NSLU, so with the gift card, you can pick up another game and have a nice start to your collection.

I'd probably trade NSMB in, there's nothing I want to play right now outside of Wind Waker HD and that's a port. W101 looks alright but I'm more interested in Smash, Kart, Zelda, etc.

One Piece
Samurai Jack
Black Lagoon
Space Dandy
Sym-Bionic Titan
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Blue Exorcist
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Naruto Shippuden

not a great week. everything after Brotherhood was either mediocre or bad. One Piece and Jack were awesome, though.



One Piece
Samurai Jack
Black Lagoon
Space Dandy
Sym-Bionic Titan
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Blue Exorcist
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Naruto Shippuden

not a great week. everything after Brotherhood was either mediocre or bad. One Piece and Jack were awesome, though.

This sounds about right, although while One Piece was pretty good, I feel like I need to see the rest of the backstory first.


The only way it makes sense is if this week, Undertaker decided this was his last match. No other reason Lesnar should have taken the streak
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