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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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The drop for Black Lagoon is pretty sad.

I think it's a message the show might be on too late. The show should be doing amazing on adult swim.

We need Toonami at 11 stat.


Of course, the Smash Release Window thread is full of "doom soothsayers". Getting pretty annoying...

I'll say this- this is the equivalent of a world where Microsoft never reversed their DRM, their sales got even worse, and in March, they put Titanfall out on 360 and delayed the Xbone version till the end of the year.




Ain't enough water in the world to quench that thirst.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Lack of any sort of action might rule it out as a Toonami show in the first place. So there's a chance we could be saved from that fate.

Brand name recognition trumps all.
Just look at GXP. Barely any action, but got on the block thanks to "Tenchi Muyo"


It has Soul Eater in the name. They'll overlook it.

Brand name recognition trumps all.
Just look at GXP. Barely any action, but got on the block thanks to "Tenchi Muyo"

I did use the words might and could. You could at least let me dream a bit longer about a world without that show right? Brand recognition will trump logic and we'll get a replacement for IGPX or one of the other late shows after ratings slide, I hope.

Also, gat dangit Bishop. Making a man go thirsty over here.
GXP was horrible, but its really not on the same level as Soul Eater Not. you just have to look at the characters to see it's going to be a tough sell for the Adult Swim audience; GXP actually took sitting down and watching to recognize what made it unappealing, but with Soul Eater Not it's staring at you right in the face. i'm sure the staff is aware of how little appeal the show will probably have given that you don't need to look far to see how big of a departure it is from regular Soul Eater.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
GXP was horrible, but its really not on the same level as Soul Eater Not. you just have to look at the characters to see it's going to be a tough sell for the Adult Swim audience; GXP actually took sitting down and watching to recognize what made it unappealing, but with Soul Eater Not it's staring at you right in the face. i'm sure the staff is aware of how little appeal the show will probably have given that you don't need to look far to see how big of a departure it is from regular Soul Eater.

Meh, Soul Eater NOT at least looks competently animated. Soul Eater K-On!!

Meanwhile the cover art/promotional teasers for GXP made it look like a poorly animated show from the very early 2000's...and it just got worse from there.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
why are you people using gifs and not webms

do you hate me or something

brb killing self


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Webms? Why reinvent the wheel? Gifs are fine

Because an 18 MB GIF with shitty dithering, 24fps, and a 480x360 size can become a 3 MB WebM with full colors, transparency, 60fps, and 720x480 with no downsides (other than possibly a slight CPU hit.)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Top 5 Ninja Battles"


Sakura and Naruto are in a tv studio, hosting a show of the top five ninja battles in Naruto's four year run. Plenty of surprises as well, couldn't have done it without the fans, etc, etc. The battles were voted on by the citizens of Konoha.


They start off with the battles that clocked in at fourth and fifth place. Japanese name versus Japanese name and Japanese name versus Japanese name!


Fifth place is Naruto versus The Sauce, on the roof of the hospital! Naruto is commentating from the studio and is happy to be the first one on the board. It's only to be expected considering he is the hero of the story and he has the audience in the palm of his hand. Sakura meanwhile can't wait to see the poetry in motion that is the sauce, his destructive power is mind blowing, chaaaaaaa. All this is happening while Naruto and Sasuke walk to the roof of the hospital with the sheets blowing in the breeze. Commentator Naruto doesn't think he and Sakura are on the same page but she tells him to zip it as the fight starts. Naruto makes clones, Sasuke has his sharingan. "He switches between offense and defense in a heartbeat, and now for the kick! That's it, hit him where it hurts." Naruto in the studio wants her to cheerlead for him, but all you hear is her punching him and telling him to shut up. Naruto goes for the vintage Uzumaki Barrage while the sauce is powering up some hand signs. Sasuke blocks with his forearm and unleashes his Fire Style Fireball Jutsu, roasting the shadow clones...save for the two down there in the middle charging up a Rasengan! The sauce is shook, he's never seen anything like it! He powers up a Chidori:One thousand birds while the Sakura in the clip yells at them to stop it before rushing out to intervene.


Back in the studio we learn that Sakura did punch Naruto right in the eye. She couldn't help herself and got too excited. She wants to get the show back on track by introducing fight number 4. It's Choji versus Sound four guy who kinda looks like Choji! His name is Jirobo. They start with Jirobo already transformed and using GAIA CRUSHER like his idol Argo Golsky. Naruto says no matter how many times he watches this one it always brings him to tears. Sakura continues that there wasn't a dry eye in the Land of Fire and that the producers nearly got her with that one and Naruto really thought that Choji had bought the bullet here.


Wiggler turned into Flutter! Jirobo goes for a Slamming Boulder punch that Choji catches with one hand with a casual don't even try, he's a hundred times stronger than before! He sends him flying with an elbow to the gut. That blow was because he ate the last chip in the bag! Jirobo is scared shitless, his body is using so much chakra it actually changed! Skinny jeans Choji delivers a punch to the face for all the insults he got. That isn't the worst of it though, he made fun of his best friend and that is unforgivable. You can steal the last bite of my best food or mock me all you want, but when you insult his best friend. Choji is going to obliterate him and gathers all his chakra into his left hand, a hand that burns and roars in the grasp of victory if you will. An attack worth his whole life! He punches him right in the gut with everything he has and Naruto commentates that this really was fatty versus fatty. Where was all the eye candy? He wouldn't watch this on a hot summers day. Choji interrupts him, apologizing for doing all this real fighting. Sakura asks how long he's been here and he heard his big battle made it to the top five. Naruto and Sakura want him to calm down but he does an off camera Human Boulder while the very end of the clip is shown. Choji rules as clip Choji collapses.


The studio is wrecked and Naruto claims they had technical difficulties. Sakura says that before they announce number three they should show some of the incredible battles that didn't make the cut.


The first one is...Zabusa versus Kakashi-Sensei! Specifically their first fight. Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu! Naruto claims that Kakashi will always have the upper hand because of his Sharingan and Sakura says that is to be expected of a Jonin. The next fight is...Might Guy versus Kakkashi? Oh, it's the Rock-Paper-Scissors duel. Kakashi picks the fight and wins with scissors. Naruto is shook, this is an epic battle? Sakura says you need to mix things up sometimes. They'll be right back with the top three after the break.


Now they return with the MEGA THREE. Which battle busted through to the top of the ranks? Japanese versus Japanese! Oh...It's Sakon/Ukon versus Akamaru and Kiba. Naruto thinks those two are all bark and no bite. It's right as they are about to try their ultimate technique. Kiba doesn't want to do it without backup but Akamaru is insistent. If they miss they will die for nothing. Akamaru bites Kiba for being a lousy master so he does it. He lets Sakon/Ukon punch him so he can grab him. Akamaru uses Dynamic Marking and Kiba and Akamaru join up. Inuzuka Style. Man-Beast Transformation Combo! Two Headed Wolf and the ultimate Wolf Fang Fist Over Fang. Sakura says that this bite on the hand catapulted Akamaru's popularity. Naurto continues his heel streak here calling him a mangy mutt with evil beady little eyes. Kiba is in studio yelling at Naruto.


You got a problem with my dog you nitwit! Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK. How long has he been standing there? Kiba tells him to shut it, this is no way to treat a guest who made it to the top rank. He also thinks his rank of number 3 is insulting (I think it's insulting for other reasons...) Sakura hold the mic up to them, their third place finalist, a man and his dog she wants them to give a few words to the audience at home. They face the camera and akwardly say they couldn't have done it without all the fans. They came in third but expect some real butt kicking from them in the future. Naruto laughs and says it's not like they have any other moments of greatness lately. Kiba takes offense, he said the future, didn't he? He sics Akamaru on him and Naruto goes flying into the wall while Sakura announces the number two spot.


It's Neji versus Spider guy Kidomaru. It's after Kidomaru transformed. His chakra level is through the roof, plus he has the same markings as Sasuke. Kidomaru goes over what he knows, Neji can see in the dark and through obstructions in 360 degrees and can stop projectiles with his Rotation. He summons a big ass spider and warns that no matter how strong his defenses are he can find a way through it. The fight goes on as Naruto questions why this one got second place. Sakura says it was a battle of wtis between two sharp minded individuals. Naruto isn't too sure, all this slow plodding stuff really isn't his cup of tea. Sakura asks how come? Naruto wants bodies in motion, a real slugfest while Sakura says there is more to being a ninja than just Taijutsu. Naruto tells her to watch it, that's rude to old Bushy Brows and she apologizes. That's what Naruto was talking about, all of Neji's battles are missing that fire that Lee has, too thought out, too logical. He wants him to jump in and flatten his opponent.


We cut to studio and the real Neji says it's because you think like that that missions with you are such a chore. Naruto is once again shook. Sakura asks for some words from Neji. This is just silly he says and while evaluating his battles is fine a farce like this is beneath him. Naruto claims that he's just here to preen as usual until wait a minute, you're here for an appearance fee! Too bad sucker, this is pro bono favor for the fans out there. Neji is one step ahead of them though and had his appearance cleared as an official mission by the Hokage. He gets paid, brother! Sakura calls him practical as ever and Naruto calls it unfair that he got paid for this. Neji taunts him pointing to his skull and saying his brain is just wired differently than your own. Naruto jumps him but gets a gentle fist into the big board.


Said big board is out so Sakura goes right ahead and introduces the number one battle. It's Naruto versus Sasuke at the waterfall. They skip to the end, ugly vampire Sauce versus Nine tails Naruto. Naruto knew the top battle would be his and Sakura agrees that everyone thinks this is the best battle. Rasengan and Chidori meet at the center of the waterfall. Sad music plays as fingers cross and young Naruto and Sasuke are friends for life, both members of team hard work!


Did everyone guess right the greatest battle of all time was brought to you by Sasuke! Naruto tells her to hold on a minute there, she's got it turned around. What does that mean? It's...not important. Naruto introduces some bonus footage of yours truly and...oh my.


The only gif I'll ever need. Anyways it's time for the moment everyone has waited for, their special guest brought to you on location by...Master Jiraiya!


Naruto is once again shook as a grainy feed of Pervy Sage appears on the screen. Sakura asks if he can hear them out there and he absolutely can. Sakura asks if he can tell them where he is. He can't, he's in someone's super secret lair. Naruto gives out for him doing this nonsense instead of training him but Pervy Sage begs off, this is a special episode, stop being such a stick in the mud. He introduces his special guest...


OROCHIMARU! Naruto asks Sakura if she knew this was going to happen. She says it's quite a surprise as she sharply says her guest's name. Orochimaru chides her, disappointed he wasn't invited into the studio. As if we'd ever invite you here! Too right, says Orochimaru, and besides he's too busy with all his research and amassing of jutsu. He needs Sasuke to advance his strength as soon as possible. If he's there then please let me talk to him. Orochimaru keeps asking your little friend to participate on this special day but he keeps ignoring him and has chosen to nope the day away. Oh is all she can say.


Someone appears on the screen asking if he's going to keep wasting all this time, he came here to train. GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY, THE SAUCE IS HERE! LIVE AND ON CAMERA! It's you, it is you. He's heading over to the training hall right now, don't make me wait. It cuts back to Orochimaru as Sakura pleads for him to wait. They made his young protege angry so he's going to leave as well. Sakura wants him to put him back on but it's too late, the feed is dead and Naruto says he probably can't hear you anymore. She knows he is right. Naruto doesn't know what to say but Sakura needs to go on with the show...which consists of her outro. She hopes everyone had fun with all the thrills and spills and hopes everyone had fun. Naruto tells her to hold on, she can't end the show on her own and what about his highlight reel. No time for that, take us to commercial break. Naruto gives up and tells the audience it'll have to wait for next time but promises to blow them away in no time. They both thank the audience and hope they continue watching Naruto before waving good bye!

NEXT EPISODE: "Kurenai's Decision, Squad 8 Left Behind"




Man God

Non-Canon Member
Just about to post that.

It's crazy considering he was on TV the last three days in a row and then dies tonight out of nowhere.

It's on their official page and sources have confirmed that the WWE is reporting it as fact.


Real Top 5 Fights:
5.) Sakura Vs Sasuke (Sound Four Arc)
4.) Sakura Vs Garra (Invasion Arc)
3.) Team 7 Vs Kakashi (Land of Waves Arc)
2.) Sakura Vs Sound Ninja (Chuin Exams Arc)
1.) Sakura Vs Ino (Chuin Exams Arc)

#1 will be topped when Ino beats Sasuke to death to win Sakura's heart, and then Naruto kills himself so he can be with Sasuke in the afterlife.
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