Gucci Messiah
How is his backstory useless? He was a troubled kid taken in by his grandfather after his parents died. This is one reason why Ichigo and Chad were able to form a bond so quickly.
Seeing the SAO game thread on the newest trailer makes me wonder if anyone will call it the smartest game in years.
I don't mind if people like it (to each their own & honestly, if I was younger in my mid-teens, I probably wouldn't have noticed its flaws as much as I did now), but kind of bugs me when people use the excuse "Oh people only hate this thing I like because it's popular". & that's not just for SAO, that goes for ANY anime/game/etc.Some people in that thread are like "wow, I saw there was a lot of hate for SAO. Wonder why- I liked it!", and it causes me great concern.
I don't mind if people like it (to each their own & honestly, if I was younger in my mid-teens, I probably wouldn't have noticed its flaws as much as I did now), but kind of bugs me when people use the excuse "Oh people only hate this thing I like because it's popular". & that's not just for SAO, that goes for ANY anime/game/etc.
I mean, I never see anyone be like "Oh people only like this because it's popular". How popular something is shouldn't be a factor in how well a game plays, an anime tells its story, etc.
I don't mind if people like it (to each their own & honestly, if I was younger in my mid-teens, I probably wouldn't have noticed its flaws as much as I did now), but kind of bugs me when people use the excuse "Oh people only hate this thing I like because it's popular". & that's not just for SAO, that goes for ANY anime/game/etc.
I mean, I never see anyone be like "Oh people only like this because it's popular". How popular something is shouldn't be a factor in how well a game plays, an anime tells its story, etc.
I don't mind if people like it (to each their own & honestly, if I was younger in my mid-teens, I probably wouldn't have noticed its flaws as much as I did now), but kind of bugs me when people use the excuse "Oh people only hate this thing I like because it's popular". & that's not just for SAO, that goes for ANY anime/game/etc.
Dr.Palutena said:If someone acknowledges , critiques and accepts the problematic elements within a show and can still like it or believes the entertainment and positive elements outweigh them , I have no problem with that. A lot of people in liking things are very defensive and uncritical about it, either dismissing complaints or making false equivalencies and non-arguments and fallacies about why those stuff don't matter.
This might come across as a corny 'accept those with different opinions!' blurb but honestly I think people do need to be better with how they approach disagreements when it comes to entertainment media.
You must be shitting me here Andrex. With the amount if gifs that site spits out I don't even think a cursory glance will leave anyones CPU alive
I also think this is important, I hate using the "it's video games/ anime/ etc " statement especially on the times those things *do* relate back to a actual important issue of sexism/racism/etc
Oh absolutely. I may find Bo-bobo to be hilarious, but I know its type of random, surreal humor won't appeal to everyone. I'm open with the fact that while I may enjoy certain anime or games, they won't be for everyone else & keep that in mind.If someone acknowledges , critiques and accepts the problematic elements within a show and can still like it or believes the entertainment and positive elements outweigh them , I have no problem with that. A lot of people in liking things are very defensive and uncritical about it, either dismissing complaints or making false equivalencies and non-arguments and fallacies about why those stuff don't matter.
Ugh, I hate that as well. The worst offender for that is Final Fantasy 7- I hate it because it has a terrible soundtrack
Ugh, I hate that as well. The worst offender for that is Final Fantasy 7- I hate it because it has a terrible soundtrack, painful to look at graphics, a story that doesn't make a lick of goddamn sense except for people who consider Aeris their Waifu or ship Cloud and Sepheroth, a Materia system that basically makes every character in the game the exact same, and a horrific localization that makes it's awful story somehow even worse.
But no, the only reason anyone hates the game is because its POPULAR
Had to stop reading there, this is so horribly wrong and I think FF7 is very over rated, but its sound track is fantastic one of the best in the series
edit: Holy shit, for once me and Bass agree on something LOL
You should check how many times they lose thats the bigger indicator of a jobber
You think they would stop thinking of Chad as a fighter and more of the Krillin of the group.
Had to stop reading there, this is so horribly wrong and I think FF7 is very over rated, but its sound track is fantastic one of the best in the series
Ugh, I hate that as well. The worst offender for that is Final Fantasy 7- I hate it because it has a terrible soundtrack, painful to look at graphics, a story that doesn't make a lick of goddamn sense except for people who consider Aeris their Waifu or ship Cloud and Sepheroth, a Materia system that basically makes every character in the game the exact same, and a horrific localization that makes it's awful story somehow even worse.
But no, the only reason anyone hates the game is because its POPULAR
Most there is so much Copy and Paste that Everything sounds the same.. Many of the songs just exist to annoy you with insane repetition, or overly saccharin nothingness.
There are some great tracks, but its mostly terrible.
FF7 OST is good, but FF8 & FF10 have my favourite OST.
edit: Holy shit, for once me and Bass agree on something LOL
You're gonna want to turn off autoplay there buddy.*installs WebM for NeoGaf*
Wow, this is pretty n-
*computer dies*
*installs WebM for NeoGaf*
Wow, this is pretty n-
*computer dies*
*installs WebM for NeoGaf*
Wow, this is pretty n-
*computer dies*
*installs WebM for NeoGaf*
Wow, this is pretty n-
*computer dies*
You're gonna want to turn off autoplay there buddy.
You got baited son
Realistically, I don't necessarily think people who enjoy SAO should feel bad or anything, but I do think they're probably not as overall critical of media as I am
I know we have a few GTO fans in here. The new manga seems to be based on Onizuka going to prison lol.
Great Prisoner Onizuka
Health Inspector Onizuka
I couldn't resist making a Boondocks reference.
I really think it depends on the person. Not being as overly critical implies said person would like just about anything, when it could really just be a matter of tastes.
But I feel like SAO doesn't work mechanically as well as regarding matters of taste. Like, as a constructed story, I don't think it's well told. Although apparently that doesn't particularly matter in terms of people liking it, so maybe that's full of shit.
Man if you guys think SAO is bad you should check out Vampire Diaries now this show really is freaking awful
Man if you guys think SAO is bad you should check out Vampire Diaries now this show really is freaking awful
Really, most CW shows suck.
I can't speak for Arrow as I haven't seen it (I've heard good things), and Whose Line is always fun.
There is Supernatural, but I've heard that's been hit with seasonal rot.
Still, most CW shows suck.
& that's pretty much it. Granted, I'm glad they brought the show back, especially since ABC Family stopped reairing the older episodes.The CW has Whose Line
No, I agree with you. The construction, especially in the first season, was utter garbage.
At least the pacing isn't erratic and nonsensical.
SAO, part 2. Believe.