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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
At least SAO isn't popular enough for Bamco to localize the Vita game.
Right? Not. Popular. Enough.
Don't get any funny ideas Bamco, leave that crap in Japan.
Speaking of general lewdness, this was my night tonight

did he at least give her tongue?


At least SAO isn't popular enough for Bamco to localize the Vita game.
Right? Not. Popular. Enough.
Don't get any funny ideas Bamco, leave that crap in Japan.

It's getting an english language release in Asia. Fully subtitled. I used to import PSP games from there because they were cheaper and came out before the official US version

did he at least give her tongue?

I don't know, but he did just roll over and go to sleep immediately afterwards


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
It's getting an english language release in Asia. Fully subtitled. I used to import PSP games from there because they were cheaper and came out before the official US version

And yet DIgimon remains stuck despite being the bigger franchise... life is unfair.
Let's demand more incest waifu anime.

At least two new ones started this season, The Irregular at Magic Highschool and Chaika the Coffin Princess both contain a sister character WHO'S NOT REALLY HIS SISTER who wants the brother character's D, the later series has the benefit that the sister is apparently
a yandere
so that should be fun


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
At least two new ones started this season, The Irregular at Magic Highschool and Chaika the Coffin Princess both contain a sister character WHO'S NOT REALLY HIS SISTER who wants the brother character's D, the later series has the benefit that the sister is apparently
a yandere
so that should be fun

No wonder people say anime needs saving...
At least Space Dandy is a step in the right direction.
No wonder people say anime needs saving...
At least Space Dandy is a step in the right direction.

Space Dandy and Kill La Kill saving anime from itself

Also I'm not even 5 minutes into Soul Eater Not and I'm not sure if I can handle this, it's making my soul cry
But I feel like SAO doesn't work mechanically as well as regarding matters of taste. Like, as a constructed story, I don't think it's well told. Although apparently that doesn't particularly matter in terms of people liking it, so maybe that's full of shit.

I agree with you, but people look for different things in fiction. Sometimes they can forgive or outright miss poor aspects of a work if they enjoy other aspects. Then you get into the whole argument of interpretation and it just comes down to tastes.




1.) Ichigo
2.) Byakuya
3.) Syazelapporo
5.) Yammy
Mask de Masculine

1.) Fishbone D
2.) Shrieker
3.) Grimmjow
4.) Yammy
5.) An unknown enemy from new arc

1.) Kyoraku
2.) Yammy
3.) Di Roy (if you count it, he ran away),
4.) Nnoitora
5.) Yammy, again
Tsukishima (if you count him being brainwashed while fighting him)
Quilge (got attacked and had to be saved)

Chad's in the lead so far! To be fair they did win some fights. So let's add those to subtract some points.

1.) Uryu
2.) Yylfordt Granz
Jackie Tristan
Mask de Masculine

So Renji goes from from 6 to a total of 2!

1.) Di Roy
2.) Runuganga
3.) Aaroniero
4.) Rudbornn
As Nodt

So Rukia goes down from 5 to a total of 0!

1.) Bulbous G
2.) Tatsufusa Enjoji
3.) Demoura Zodd
4.) Gantenbaine Mosqueda

So Chad goes down from 7 to a total of 3!




What can I say about Chad? He maybe lacking in personality, but he certainly has a cool design. He may also be a loser and a failure most of the time, but he's a great friend. Maybe if he lost because he encouraged villains to transform/power-up or idiotically force little children to fight the bad guys when he could have done it himself then I'd mock for being a loser, but thankfully he doesn't. Chad is a true soldier who stuck with his friends and even though he couldn't do anything special, he has my respect.


Bleach gains points for having people of color in it but loses them again for having the people of colorness be associated with the primary bad factions powers


I agree with you, but people look for different things in fiction. Sometimes they can forgive or outright miss poor aspects of a work if they enjoy other aspects. Then you get into the whole argument of interpretation and it just comes down to tastes.

I agree. Some people just like Siscon and can ignore the stupid MMO part.
Man this first episode of Soul Eater Not has a pretty well done action scene at the end


That's going to be like the only action scene of the whole series isn't it :(


Yeah Bleach has some of the weirdest names ever.

I'm kind of willing to give Kubo the benefit of the doubt since he does come from an entirely different culture though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Yakumo's Sealed Ability"


Naruto was drugged and dumped after having his MIND CRUSHED. He is apparently in a darkened hallway of the academy. Yakumo is arguing with Kurenai. She wants to be a ninja, like no one ever was. Kurenai told her to give up. She's going to seal away her jutsu. Good guy Naruto rushes in to stop this.


Oh my. While this is happening the sound of a pan being beaten over and over plays in the background. Naruto awakens and an angry Sakura is standing over him. He's in a hospital bed. Hey....Sakura....Question. Where am I? How the heck did he end up here? He remembers Kurenai getting stabbed and having his heart pulled out of his chest. Where's Yakumo. Sakura can only sigh before getting angry at him, he got caught sneaking into a safe house in the mountains. ANBU Black Ops got him and he should be lucky to still be alive. Oooh that makes sense, but that dream was so vivid.


Sakura threatens to give him a shot if he doesn't stop all this blabbing. Naruto can't be standing around so he opens the hospital window and jumps out, with Sakura warning him that the medicine hasn't worn off yet. Naruto goes to Mumrah the ever living's apartment and starting banging on the door. A voice tells him to quit it, he's too late. It's Might Guy! But since you're up so early why don't you join him in an early marathon. Naruto claims this isn't a good time but Guy says early morning marathons are the best as they sweat away all those nasty impurities from a night of sleep. He just wants to know where Kurenai went and he says she went to visit a former student who is in rough shape. Must be Yakumo. Guy wishes he would join him for some stretching at least but the boy is already gone. He catches up to Kurenai-Sensei who tells him to leave well enough alone. He tells her about his dream though and how it might be related. Kurenai is legit shook by this but no sells Naruto and tells him to go away. Naruto jumps in front of her and asks her to fess up about Yakumo...and she does! The dream was true, she sealed her student's power. Why? It happened a year ago, with her own hands she crushed her dream to be a shinobi. She was attempting to unlock her hidden Genjutsu but she failed her and therefore can't be trusted with Team Eight. That still doesn't explain why and he has so many more questions.


He won't leave so she starts the mind taking. Vines entangle Naruto and a tree grows up from behind him. He can't break free! ANBU Orochimaru claims they are surrounded and tells one of them to alert the village. The remaining medical ninja and himself strike first, wounding or killing many leaf shinobi, who bend and warp. Illusions! Both are wrapped in vines. The third gets a messenger pidgeon away before getting vined himself. Yakumo is back to her portraits. She's adding a lot of red to her latest work when two ninjas appear at the door with orders to take her in.


Sakura is back to the paper drying, this time on the roof of the mansion. She can't believe that jerk Naruto didn't even thank her for sitting at his bedside all night when the pigeon arrives and poops on her face. She screams. Tsunade is in her office stamping papers. She wants a break but Shizune is riding herd. She hasn't been doing her job lately so her office is filled with forms to sign when Sakura busts in with the pidgeon. Something has happened to Yakumo.


Team Eight, Sakura, and Might Guy were dispatched to the mountain villa. She might have been kidnapped and their orders are to seize the girl. Might Guy remembers the name Yakumo (he's a big fan of School Rumble) and what it means but Hinata is clueless about the Kurama clan. Guy isn't surprised as they've been out of prominence for decades now and after last years loss of Yakumo's parents the clan is in total disarray. Kiba wonders if someone is trying to steal the family jutsu, and that may be. Tsunade says the 3rd's records show that Yakumo's hidden potential could one day be a force to be reckoned with and Shino believes that's the true reason for the disturbance. Shizune says this is why she's been under lock and key this whole time. Guy loves a damsel in distress and the beautiful green beast is just the man for the job. Sakura is assigned because of her medical training. She's reluctant at first but is glad at the chance to put her skills to the test. Thinking about all this made her careless though and she trips, face planting herself.


It wasn't mere clumsiness though, she tripped over Naruto's feet! Hinata is legit shook. Akamaru pisses on his face to try and wake him up. Doesn't work. Then he barks in his face. No good. Sakura realizes he's under a Genjutsu and releases him. He wakes up and says Sakura's name before tasting what is in his mouth. That's salty! He's LEGIT SHOOK, what's going on? Sakura wants him to stop babbling. Good Guy Shino informs him of the Genjutsu and Naruto tells them about Kurenai and going to the villa. Guy asks if Kurenai was alone and Naruto thinks she was. Guy thinks she is in danger (if you've ever used Kurenai in Clash of Ninja you'll know this is a valid concern, she's awful) and the kids rush off to save her.


Kurenai meanwhile is doing the ninja thing through the trees but she does sense a trap. She uses some hand signs and does a sensing jutsu, someone is here. She reckons she shouldn't not have come alone but then realizes that Yakumo is the likely target and blindly rushes in, right into a vine genjutsu of her own. It sprouts a venus fly trap with a man inside of it!


Can't have nosey people interfering after all. Pfft, she's been playing you like a fool this entire time as Kurenai in the vines turns into vines herself.


She uses her own venus fly trap attack, choking him out in his mind. Kurenai uses more of her genjutsu to infiltrate the villa but feels something wrong... The two ninja who came to liberate Yakumo are completely MIND CRUSHED, caught in a genjutsu. Yakumo's voice is crying...but from where. The paintings fall over and there she is. Thank goodness you're alive. She runs over and hugs her former teacher who strokes her back and tells her no matter what she'll be safe as Yakumo cries into her shoulder...with crocodile tears as an evil grin breaks through.


A man comes jumping into the scene and releases the ninja that Kurenai just dealt with. He gives him the business for being hit with a reverse Genjutsu but figures it was probably Kurenai Yuhi. Him and his bully boys get ready for an assault from the Leaf village as the two they sent in never came back. He orders them to forget clan ties and kill the girl no matter what. Hinata notices them with her Byakugan. Attackers, four out front and four inside. Guy thinks two of them inside are Yakumo and Kurenai and Naruto agrees. He just wants to know what is going on as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Kurenai's Top-Secret Mission: The Promise With

the Third Hokage"








Man God

Non-Canon Member
Three and a half arcs left. I seem to remember some really bad trippy animation in the rest of this one.

The race for number one supporting character is getting tighter.


So I'm playing Wild ARMs XF, a 2008 PSP SRPG.

Bryce Papenbrook voices one of the main characters (Levin).

Can't escape this guy.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Man this first episode of Soul Eater Not has a pretty well done action scene at the end


That's going to be like the only action scene of the whole series isn't it :(

If one didn't know better, one would think Soul Eater NOT was a non-canon installment to cash in on this "moe phenomenon". But it's completely canon (and a cash in on this "moe phenomenon"). Ohkubo... what are you doing man?

So I'm playing Wild ARMs XF, a 2008 PSP SRPG.

Bryce Papenbrook voices one of the main characters (Levin).

Can't escape this guy.

Setting the clock for when he shows up in One Piece (Funimation dubs are fair game now thanks to Attack on Titan).
If one didn't know better, one would think Soul Eater NOT was a non-canon installment to cash in on this "moe phenomenon". But it's completely canon (and a cash in on this "moe phenomenon"). Ohkubo... what are you doing man?

Setting the clock for when he shows up in One Piece (Funimation dubs are fair game now thanks to Attack on Titan).

ummm....cashing in?


And honestly it's not a terrible idea for a spin off, a "love" triangle between a weapon stuck between two girls who want her to be there weapon. Personally I think the blonde tsundere should win because it's clear after the episode 1 that she and the MC have some kind of soul resonance between each other and the forgetful girl and our MC really have nothing to show any kind of connection outside of MC feeling her boobs.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I was trying to lazy quote you asking what the author of soul eater not was doing.

He was, as you put it, cashing in. Keep gettin' those checks big fella.

Oh right...
Still, I'm hoping there's a Soul Eater sequel once he finishes NOT. The manga had too many loose ends.
Honestly if Not just turns into dozens of go no where episodes about cute girls fighting over each other while doing cute things I really hope Toonami gets baited into airing it based upon the action scene in the first episode for the delicious tears that will be shed

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There should be a quality of opponent factor in those jobber ratings.

Rukia is already in last place in terms of jobbing but it's even more impressive when you realize she lost to people far out of her league and beat some of the same. Meanwhile Renji and Chad seem to lose to opponents other people beat easily and beat even weaker opposition.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Very few people besides Naruto win in the filler. Kakashi does. Shino does. Hinata does, and Naruto won around a dozen times.

EDIT: Lee, undisputed master of putting up a good fight against high class opponents and losing at the end, has won at least twice in filler.
WAS Al Snow the ultimate jobber? Should we go with Brooklyn Brawler for the historical perspective, or 3MB for the modern fan?

Well he was part of the job squad, so even if he may not have been the ultimate jobber he was famous for being one and is arguably the name most people come up with when they think of Jobbing.
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