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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Lol, I was still in elementary school when I saw it and it was back when Blockbuster would stock stuff like Akira and Ghost in the Shell next to Disney movies.

Amazing wasn't it?

I'm still pretty salty that SciFi channel was brought to my local cable service...about a month after they ended Saturday anime.

Fuck I didn't even get CN on that package until right before DBZ blew up. Never saw any pre tom TOONAMI.

I can list the anime I found on basic cable/network tv on my hands, including stuff like Transformers and Robotech re runs.

Ronin Warriors, this one was life changing.
Sailor Moon, jumped from network to network. I'd jump for joy when I found it. Spent a good amount of time on USA before ending up on the network that became the WB affiliate and aired it right before I went to school in high school.
Samurai Pizza cats, never stayed long enough
DBZ, I think this was on one channel once.

Besides a few random anime that also appeared on Nick's Special Delivery that I couldn't name if my life depended on it that was basically all you got until Pokémon and DBZ exploded the scene. Luckily I had a cool uncle who owned a comic book store, taped traded and sold most of the good legal stuff that came along so I was well versed in things. Also helped that I got the internet pretty early and had a DSL connection soon into the early days. It was amazing to see what was out there.

Now any random kid can sign up to any number of free services or pirate thousands of shows and watch everything. It's so cool. Hell there's enough stuff on free hulu to keep anyone busy, let alone crunchyroll. Too bad a lot of it is awful moeblob nonsense designed only to sell figures and body pillows to desperate otakus.


For the thrill of handing a 16 year old girl at the counter your dvd of girls getting penetrated by tentacles.

That feeling you get when she looks at you awkwardly will get you off more than the DVD you are buying will

Are... are you speaking from experience?


Picked up Ranma 1/2 Set 1 on DVD today, never seen or read the series but excited to see a classic.

Inuyasha and Kagome before there was Inuyasha and Kagome.


My first anime was Dr. Slump, but Ranma was the second I ever saw. Good times.

Slump is really underrated, I love gag Toriyama. DB kind of lost that gag humour after the Baba arc and only gained it back for the Buu arc.

First anime for me was Dragon Ball Z, which is why I can never give it a fair or accurate rating when I talk about my all time favorite anime

Same, I remember seeing Nappa fighting Gohan and thinking it was a cartoon commercial for Bill Goldberg or something.

I actually did review DB/Z/GT for my film class last year, mainly because that was like one of the few anime everyone had actually heard of. So I have no qualms being critical of it.


Technically, my first anime was Battle of the Planets (Gatchaman) back in '78-'80 but back then I just called it "G-Force" and I didn't know it was Japanese. I remember building models of the Phoenix out of Lego.


So my quest to obtain a Sailor Saturn T-Shirt has failed multiple times, my orders keep getting cancelled and refunded.

I guess I should get a LORD SESSHOMARU T-Shirt instead.



We're gonna get our ass kicked.
We're gonna get our wig split.
We're gonna get our ass kicked.
We're gonna get our wig split.
Beat us up, beat us up, break our neck, break our neck.
Beat us up, beat us up, break our neck, break our neck.
Beat us up, beat us up, break our neck, break our neck.
Beat us up, beat us up, break our neck, break our neck.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Top five common video game arguments that will piss me off everytime.

I'm an easy going fellow but after seeing two of these recently I figured I have to vent this somewhere.

5. The Wii Didn't Win Last Generation. Oh, it did from just about every objective measure. It made more money and sold more consoles. That's a fact. Everything else is subjective. I can understand (though I don't share it) the opinion that the games suck, that it was underpowered, that it was only for kids, that the only good games were made by Nintendo but from a money perspective it absolutely ruled the roost.

4. PS2 was more powerful than the GCN. This one is evil in it's pervasiveness. So many people including those who should know better think this is true.

3. Super Mario Galaxy is somehow worse than SM 64 or Sunshine because the levels are self contained and not as open as the first two. I'm amazed at how common of an opinion this is in certain circles. Oh yes, please, I love all the unnecessary backtracking and not knowing if I can even get a certain star on this mission because I didn't pick the right mission from the select screen. There is also the implication that the two Galaxy games are purely linear and have no branches or secret paths at all when in fact they have more than the two "open world" games.

2. Final Fantasy VII Wasn't Any Good Ever. This one actually makes me angry. Yes, the localization is awful. Yes, the graphics absolutely do not hold up today. Yes, all of its sequel products are awful (including Crisis Core, I'm afraid) but this game when it came out was amazing and the fundamentals of the core game still hold up. It was a leap forward for videogames as a whole and RPGs in particular. It's attention to detail is insane and the amount of effort they put into the numerous minigames is staggering. There's basically about ten of them that don't even use the regular FF VII engine to work! Three of them are good enough to be their own damn games! The argument that this game is awful through and through is one of the oddest, most contrarian for the sake of being contrarian opinion possible.

1. This one has the chance to actually stir me into a rage and is a lot like number 2 in how staggeringly common it has become. Resident Evil 4 Is Not Scary. Did you even play the same game I did? Have you somehow replaced your opinion of playing it the 50th time for the very first time? Or are you one of those people that needs tank controls and fixed camera angles to feel alive? This is insane. The very first area of RE 4 is TERRIFYING. The hedge maze with the dogs at night is brutal! Dogs, the weakest enemy in the series normally. Chainsaw men leaping around, crazed monks chanting, the bosses chasing you around, especially the hand, the wolverine claw dude cage match, REGENERATORS, oven man. But but, man god, you're well armed and ammo is plenty! Ammo is plenty in every RE game on normal difficulty and only RE1 and REmake don't provide you with plenty of weapons that allow you to lay waste to monsters at every turn.

I've played RE4 more than any other 3D action game/TPS besides maybe MGS3. It still gets me almost every time and I know when shit is coming. I believe this is less of a case of people being contrarian and more a case of false bravado an agenda to return to "classic RE game systems"

Now I do actually see the case that the co-op nature of 5 and beyond does lessen the fear a bit. Your character not being alone certainly helps and if you have a buddy there backing you up it's unlikely something truly scary will get the jump on you. Also 5 in particular has a case of been there, done that with it essentially being an RE4 ripoff. But 4, especially the first time? Scary game.
3. Super Mario Galaxy is somehow worse than SM 64 or Sunshine because the levels are self contained and not as open as the first two. I'm amazed at how common of an opinion this is in certain circles. Oh yes, please, I love all the unnecessary backtracking and not knowing if I can even get a certain star on this mission because I didn't pick the right mission from the select screen. There is also the implication that the two Galaxy games are purely linear and have no branches or secret paths at all when in fact they have more than the two "open world" games.

didn't you hear? we don't take the actual quality of the level design into consideration, if the game is telling us what to do then it's objectively worse than providing more freedom
Resident Evil 4 isn't as scary as the classic style Resident Evils this is a fact, but it does have some very tense moments and moments that will make you jump. Oven man still to this day is my biggest AHHHH moment in the entire Resident Evil series.

Also the only RE games that don't give you enough ammo to mow everything down are RE3 and RE:CV but in the former there are parts you're expected to run past and not fight things, and in the latter you're knife is godlike and if you're using bullets on any basic zombies you're doing it wrong.
The only argument I've ever seen in the sandbox marios favor ,that I can't disagree with necessarily, were that they preferred the range in freedom of movement in controlling Mario himself than about the worlds or level design. (note this isn't my argument or belief just one I've seen more often than not )

As for horror games...I hate horror games .

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Genjutsu or Reality?"


Someone who sounds suspiciously like Yakumo is using a paint spreader on an almost complete canvas and saying the names of the handsigns. Bet this isn't significant. Naruto is carrying her through the foggy woods thinking there's no way the third ordered the death of her parents. That would explain why Kurenai is acting so weird though, nah that's crazy. Sakura is supporting Kurenai and asks her if she's ok. She's feeling much better and thanks Sakura for all her work. Team Eight are bringing up the rear. Kiba asks who Mumrah-Sensei is covering for? Hinata thinks it's the third but then Shino wants to know what her mission was. Naruto stops upon seeing the Leaf Village from a distance.


Bawh Gawd! The Hidden Leaf Village is destroyed! It looks like a warzone out there. Kurenai orders Hinata to take a look. She turns on her Byakugan and sees...no one. They're all gone. Naruto asks what the hell is going on here? Meanwhile the paint spreader is now using black to cover up the ruined hospital. Hmm... Kurenai asks if Kiba and Hinata are picking anything up. Nothing. Sakura says they should bring the wounded to the hospital first and that they can look around this hellscape later.


Nope I still don't get it. Sakura wants them to hurry. She lays them both in beds next to each other. Kurenai tells Sakura not to worry about her and to look after Yakumo. Naruto is worried as well, Yakumo is unconscious. Her vital signs are dropping. Sakura and Naruto go to look for medication. Kiba doesn't smell any blood and Shino wants to search the village. Their former teacher tells them to act like a team and no matter what they find out there she wants them back in 30 minutes. Kiba laughs and says it's good to be getting orders from her again.


Naruto is in a bit of a daze as they wander the halls and Sakura tells him to snap out of it. He's just worried about Kurenai. Sakura says that's why they are looking but Naruto doesn't think that's the problem. She came here to eliminate Yakumo, he says. Eliminate? Oh sorry, I just spaced out there for a second. Sakura shrugs...as they see a shadowy figure run across a nearby branching hallway. Naurto didn't see it but he rushes forward to the hallway branch and three shuriken come close to striking him!

It's Unkai! Naruto tells Sakura to watch the wounded as he goes after the man. Naruto tries to use his Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu...it doesn't take. Unkai comes up behind him ready to take his throat before Naruto mule kicks him in the balls and Judo throws him to the ground with an elbow shiver to the throat. He clearly remembers the basics of CQC. They both fall through the roof of the nearby building though. Unkai wants to talk this over but Naruto brings up that he attacked him at the villa. He reintroduces himself as Unkai of the Kurama clan. Naruto wants to know why her own clan would be after her and throws his kunai, which Unkai deflects. Naruto draws another but Unkai continues saying if he doesn't listen to him everyone will die.


I still don't get it as clearly not Yakumo decides to level the building in the painting. Team eight is in fact standing outside of it and the place starts shaking. Kiba wonders what that smell is and Hinata uses her Byakugan. Shino's insects are also telling him something. He tells Kiba to lock Akamaru's muzzle and for Hinata to stop using her jutsu. None of this is real, this is one giant jutsu. Unkai also tells this to Naruto. Naruto doesn't believe it. Unkai says all of this is possible if her latent powers have awakened. Kiba asks if everything here is a genjutsu. Shino says that heightened senses are a disadvantage here as in the end if your brain thinks it's real, it is real. Insects though have minimal senses and react on instinct. Too dumb to be fooled. Unkai tells Naruto that Yakumo will often call down lightning or set fires in her genjutsu (FORSHADOWING) and humans often perceive those to be real. Our brains turn against our bodies and think the damage is real. So you mean grandma's mansion, that was Yakumo's powers?!? She could easily kill anyone she chose to. Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK. Hinata asks if these tremors are genjutsu and Shino tells her to just wait as the mansion collapses...


and a giant snake appears! More genjutsu. Shino thinks it can't harm us though, that would be unthinkable...impossible! Sakura is checking on the patients when she opens the door and...


Sakura is shook, legitimately. Kurenai wakes up and looks for Yakumo who isn't there. She can hear her voice though coming from the door. Kurenai opens it and sees something shocking. Naruto doesn't believe Unkai but he says this happens every few generations or so. Most terrifying of all though is that the girl doesn't control this power; it's ruled by her unconscious mind! Naruto brushes his brow, it's getting hot in here. The room next to them is on fire. Naruto drops his knife and goes over to the door, whatever is behind there can't be good. Unkai tells him not to open it but Naruto kicks the door down and oh my...


It's a volcano! You don't see that everyday (They're playing the Orochimaru music during all of this) Unkai tells him it's not real but your body will burn up, thus is the power of Yakumo. Naruto puts it together saying this is why the Third and Kurenai wanted Yakumo killed. Unkai though says no, they didn't want that at all! They wanted to kill the monster inside her! She was growing stronger day by day and out of that power a true monster was born and if left unchecked will Absorb Yakumo's mind into her own. The two agreed that the only way to keep her safe was to trap the monster inside of her. Naruto knowing something of what this feels like grabs his own stomach and repeats what he said. That's what's going on. Naruto's wallet falls into the volcano and he tries going after it but Unkai stops him. Naruto asks if there is anyway out of this. If you seal off your five senses you will escape this world of illusion.


So he puts the boy into a blood choke, telling him to attack Yakumo. He then jumps into the lava. Naruto wakes up after falling out of a tree. He notices the burnt body of Unkai. He's glad Naruto made it out safely but his arm is all burnt and he's smoking. He says that the second they left the villa they've been trapped in the genjutsu and he notices the limp form of Team Eight and Sakura, waking them all up. He tells Sakura that old man Unkai is wounded. He saved them all, says Naruto. Not true, says Unkai, Yakumo doesn't care about you. She's after Mummrah the Everliving!


Wait, where is she now then? Why in her crazy artist's loft/pocket dimension! Kurenai is in the doorway looking at all of this, including the painting of her being stabbed by the sword of light. The door closes behind her and vanishes. Kurenai asks Yakumo what she is doing. Yakumo asks her what she thinks of her work but all Kurenai cares about is the safety of the others. She let them go, she's not in a hurry for revenge against the Leaf. Kurenai tells her to leave the village out of this and to take it out on her instead.


"You're not fooling anyone!" As she erases Kurenai's feet. She could let her live or kill her in a heartbeat. She wants the truth, her father and mother were eliminated, right? Then her clan, right? No. The third wouldn't order such a mission. Yakumo wants to know why she continues to lie as she takes out her knees. Kurenai starts misting up telling the girl that if killing her will end your suffering then go ahead. So long as this deep hatred can be put to rest. Yakumo tells her to save her crocodile tears! Guy is doing push ups near the tied up Kurama clan members when he hears a rustle in the leaves, it's the three missing ninja. They were caught in the Genjutsu. Naruto and Team Eight arrive and Guy is impressed with their speed, wanting to know where the calvary is. No time to explain. Sakura comes walking up with Unkai. Guy wants an explanation but Sakura just wants him to shut up and help. The kids enter the mansion, Hinata starts her Byakugan as Yakumo in her dream loft curses their arrival. Kiba runs off after Hinata tells them they are in the room in the middle.


Naruto runs after as Yakumo starts her next painting. Kiba bursts into flames so the episode ends happily.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Supposed Sealed Ability"





Top five common video game arguments that will piss me off everytime.

I'm an easy going fellow but after seeing two of these recently I figured I have to vent this somewhere.

5. The Wii Didn't Win Last Generation. Oh, it did from just about every objective measure. It made more money and sold more consoles. That's a fact. Everything else is subjective. I can understand (though I don't share it) the opinion that the games suck, that it was underpowered, that it was only for kids, that the only good games were made by Nintendo but from a money perspective it absolutely ruled the roost.

Yep, although it's funny that the Wii has been a total non-factor for 2 years now, and the PS3-360 are still selling and have games coming out

4. PS2 was more powerful than the GCN. This one is evil in it's pervasiveness. So many people including those who should know better think this is true.

GCN was more powerful than PS2, as it should have been- it came out 18 months after the PS2! (March 2000 vs September 2001).

3. Super Mario Galaxy is somehow worse than SM 64 or Sunshine because the levels are self contained and not as open as the first two. I'm amazed at how common of an opinion this is in certain circles. Oh yes, please, I love all the unnecessary backtracking and not knowing if I can even get a certain star on this mission because I didn't pick the right mission from the select screen. There is also the implication that the two Galaxy games are purely linear and have no branches or secret paths at all when in fact they have more than the two "open world" games.

No comment, haven't played a 3D console Mario ever (I hate platformers, especially 3D ones)

2. Final Fantasy VII Wasn't Any Good Ever. This one actually makes me angry. Yes, the localization is awful. Yes, the graphics absolutely do not hold up today. Yes, all of its sequel products are awful (including Crisis Core, I'm afraid) but this game when it came out was amazing and the fundamentals of the core game still hold up. It was a leap forward for videogames as a whole and RPGs in particular. It's attention to detail is insane and the amount of effort they put into the numerous minigames is staggering. There's basically about ten of them that don't even use the regular FF VII engine to work! Three of them are good enough to be their own damn games! The argument that this game is awful through and through is one of the oddest, most contrarian for the sake of being contrarian opinion possible.

Final Fantasy 7 is best snowboarding game on the PS1. That's the nicest thing i'll say about it. When I played it when it first came out on PC in 1998, I loved it at the start, and probably around 10 hours in realized the game wasn't good.

1. This one has the chance to actually stir me into a rage and is a lot like number 2 in how staggeringly common it has become. Resident Evil 4 Is Not Scary. Did you even play the same game I did? Have you somehow replaced your opinion of playing it the 50th time for the very first time? Or are you one of those people that needs tank controls and fixed camera angles to feel alive? This is insane. The very first area of RE 4 is TERRIFYING. The hedge maze with the dogs at night is brutal! Dogs, the weakest enemy in the series normally. Chainsaw men leaping around, crazed monks chanting, the bosses chasing you around, especially the hand, the wolverine claw dude cage match, REGENERATORS, oven man. But but, man god, you're well armed and ammo is plenty! Ammo is plenty in every RE game on normal difficulty and only RE1 and REmake don't provide you with plenty of weapons that allow you to lay waste to monsters at every turn.

I've played RE4 more than any other 3D action game/TPS besides maybe MGS3. It still gets me almost every time and I know when shit is coming. I believe this is less of a case of people being contrarian and more a case of false bravado an agenda to return to "classic RE game systems"

Now I do actually see the case that the co-op nature of 5 and beyond does lessen the fear a bit. Your character not being alone certainly helps and if you have a buddy there backing you up it's unlikely something truly scary will get the jump on you. Also 5 in particular has a case of been there, done that with it essentially being an RE4 ripoff. But 4, especially the first time? Scary game.

None of the Resident Evils were ever scary. It's just a feeling of power- you feel powerless in RE1 and most of RE2 (Claire has a rough go due to no shotgun), and RE3, which even took it a step further by making most ammo you find in the world in powder form- you need to carry a separate item to craft it into ammo if you want to use it! Code Veronica was the first to change it, which introduced the most powerful zombie killing weapon in series history, the Combat Knife, right at the start of the game. RE4 Leon actually is a lot more helpless than the CV characters due to the lack of an infinate ammo uberweapon!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Leon's knife is powerful enough to activate his trap card on most enemies, kick of doom/suplex!

But yeah, Combat knife in CV is broke as fuck.

I also don't mind opinions like this that none of them are scary. It's when people BS and say RE1-CV are scary and 4 isn't that gets my hackles up.
Hmmmmm.....Funimation also tweeted earlier that "You should be watching Toonami tonight!" or something along those lines. They usually do that, but specifically mention their shows.


I remember that filler. By the end of that one or very soon after, I called it quits. Jeez, so what time should I tune in. Couldn't they have given me that? 30 mins? An hour?? I need more than that!

This must be our long awaited AoT announcement. HYPE!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I remember that filler. By the end of that one or very soon after, I called it quits. Jeez, so what time should I tune in. Couldn't they have given me that? 30 mins? An hour?? I need more than that!

14 weeks is all you had left. That means 14 episodes of this project. This all ends on Dandy day in two weeks. The first day of Naruto freedom 15 days from now, the day Toonami ends on will also be the last day of IGPX...hopefully.
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