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Toonami |Apr15| Watching Toonami protects your brain from sorcery

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Man God

Non-Canon Member

Ratings day is a very dangerous day.


Will we get another quad million? Will Naruto's non-relevance eventually lead it to disappear from human existence? Will people actually start giving a fuck about One Piece to pick up the manga only to get blue balled by OOOOOOODDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Find out later today!


Oh yeah, about SAO2: you know, talking about a real gun's property would be fine if you know, acknowledge that it's still a virtual thing. Having nobody say that seems to be another symptom of taking "this shebang very seriously and so should the audience
" which.....well, the few of us won't. Seriously, having somebody spout jingo at a supposed noobie and yet only the audience who lacks expertise of said jingo say "huh" doesn't work.
Will catch up with the rest later today, but this week's DBZ Kai felt like it went really hard on the talking; the running commentary from Frieza's minions was some InuYasha-level stuff.


Where do I watch this pre-flight live anyways? Any time I try to check it out on the Adult Swim stream, I'm getting old broadcast.


Pre-Flight is basically an endlessly looping video that 'updates' Tuesday at 5pm ET.

For those who aren't aware, here's how 'Pre-Flight' works. It's basically an endlessly repeating stream at http://www.adultswim.com/videos/astv/toonami-pre-flight . The bar at the bottom is like a rolling 4 minute "window" in which you have a little wiggle room, but otherwise you seemingly can't really jump to various timestamps at all.


Maybe they couldn't find anything else to talk about, so they had to use filler.

I don't think the concept of FILLER is, like, a last resort topic or anything. Quite the opposite, really. It's certainly something that DeMarco has said things about in the past, so devoting a segment of their broadcast to it seemed, well, inevitable rather than scraping the bottom of the barrel.


And it's stuff like that which shows why I rarely post now-a-days.

Nothing quite like having your existence shat upon, in addition to all the verbal abuse on that and other topics...
Didn't even know they recorded Pre-Flight the same day.


For the entire week of April 13-19, 2015 in Total Day (8 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.), Adult Swim is down 4 percent in total viewership (1.147 million vs. 1.200 million) and down 3 percent among Adults 18-49 (674,000 vs. 692,000) from one week earlier; the network is also down 13 percent in total viewership (1.147 million vs. 1.310 million) and down 4 percent among Adults 18-49 (674,000 vs. 702,000) from the same week one year ago (April 14-20, 2014).



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
- Attack on Titan repeats majorly hurt Toonami at the beginning of the block
- Still get more viewers than One Piece at the end of the block.



- Attack on Titan repeats majorly hurt Toonami at the beginning of the block
- Still get more viewers than One Piece at the end of the block.

I don't think it's crazy to say that Attack on Titan is bigger in America than One Piece.


Kai still bringing in the peeps, with KLK and SAO2 maintaining viewership. Not a bad night overall.

I don't think it's crazy to say that Attack on Titan is bigger in America than One Piece.

I'm just surprised people are coming back to a show on it's 3rd rerun (at least for the first half of the show) versus sticking around for a new show.


Look at the numbers Kai is bringing in. It's just more Dragonball Z and yet GEEZ.

To be fair, DBZ cut down is excellent. It is a large reason Kai has been fun to watch up to this point. It almost is never spinning its wheels like the original DBZ. I desperately hope One Piece gets the same treatment in the future.
To be fair, DBZ cut down is excellent. It is a large reason Kai has been fun to watch up to this point. It almost is never spinning its wheels like the original DBZ. I desperately hope One Piece gets the same treatment in the future.

I'm sure it will, OP is just as big in Japan as DBZ and you know within 10 years of OP airing Toei will be all about the OP Kai to do minimal effort to maximize profits


No Scrubs
I don't think it's crazy to say that Attack on Titan is bigger in America than One Piece.

If you go to the site linked and look at the demo numbers they're almost identical, they both have 0.3, with OP just barely edging out Titan. So faith in humanity somewhat restored. That said Shippuden also has 0.3 in the demo and edges out OP, so faith in humanity not entirely restored.

So, how screwed is OP?

Not really screwed at all, the demo is about even with the shows around it.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm sure it will, OP is just as big in Japan as DBZ and you know within 10 years of OP airing Toei will be all about the OP Kai to do minimal effort to maximize profits

At this point, I think One Piece is bigger than Dragon Ball in Japan.


One Piece is fine, but it isn't ever moving up in timeslot. Would not be surprised if the next lineup change has OP move to the final slot.


To be fair, DBZ cut down is excellent. It is a large reason Kai has been fun to watch up to this point. It almost is never spinning its wheels like the original DBZ. I desperately hope One Piece gets the same treatment in the future.

Same. I think the other benefit that Kai has over AoT is how many years it's been since DBZ was on CN. This is the 3rd time we've these episodes of AoT in less than a year. We expect the drops in that case, but it still climbing higher than OP is at least baffling to me.

One Piece Kai would be pretty sweet, though I'd want to see a large swath of episodes redone entirely. I know it's a pipe dream, but dammit that needs done too.


People in America love Dub Art Online II despite the flaws.

Go to any convention and there will be a ton of Kirito and Asuna cosplayers.

And possibly Kirito-chan too SMOrc


One Piece is fine, but it isn't ever moving up in timeslot. Would not be surprised if the next lineup change has OP move to the final slot.

That would actually make sense considering it's probably the most comedic show on the block. It would be a lead in to the Seth McFarland comedies.

They'll never move a premiere behind a rerun, though.

I kinda expect there to be nothing but (Toonami) premiers at some point.


Cowboy Bebop HD never got a full premier run /spin


That'll come back in the rerun spot most likely unless they are really hurting and need to save the cash. While the HDs have to cost more than the originals, it's probably chump change to run that over a brand new show. OP is safe in the next to last spot for the time being.


To be fair, DBZ cut down is excellent. It is a large reason Kai has been fun to watch up to this point. It almost is never spinning its wheels like the original DBZ. I desperately hope One Piece gets the same treatment in the future.

I'd actually sit down and watch the series all the way through rather than just catch it when it's on and hope I can guess what's happening, if that were the case. Seriously, I love it, but there's no way I'm trudging through all those episodes/chapters without having to give up almost everything else to do so! They'd be foolish not to make a One Piece Kai, honestly.
On the topic of filler

I get where Gill and DeMarco are coming from when they say "not all filler is bad just like not all dubs are bad" and in that regard I have to agree. There are examples of filler done really well where if you didn't know better you wouldn't be able to tell it apart like InuYasha or Cardcaptors or series that are 99% filler using the manga/ln as a ground work to do their own thing like classic Sailor Moon, Trigun, or GitS SAC where some people even without nostalgia have preferred these versions to the original. Heck even mediocre filler endings like FMA 03 or Soul Eater have elements or ideas that I like a lot and in some cases I prefer the way the anime filler writers like how Medusa is finally defeated in Soul Eater anime vs the manga.

Of course there is bad filler, lots and lots of bad filler that over the years has certainly poisoned the well and lead to the bad reputation filler has with your average anime fan even when compared to other media. Whether by it's mediocre original story/characters, it's lowered animation/budget, it's blatant contradiction of established canon, or it's random insertion in the middle of another arc. One of the worst offenders are the anime original filler ending which frequently throw away much of what the story has established leaving many plot points unresolved or underdeveloped like Soul Eater or FMA 03. The one that annoys me the most especially in a block format like Toonami is the random insert filler in the middle of arcs like the Boss Luffy specials or the current Shippuden filler in Japan. When the audience is invested in a story arc and you randomly yank them away either for silly comedy fan service or some side story that has no impact on the fight/arc you just interrupted the audience turning hostile is something that should be expected. Even if the excuse is "well we want to save up budget for the big canon fights" I'd rather these types of filler come in between canon arcs then during an ongoing arc. Again there can be examples of this that work well like showing Ten Ten vs Temari during the Chunin Exams but these are sadly few and far between.

On the topic of the current Shippuden filler arc, I think in a vacuum where had I not watched other Naruto/Shippuden filler or read/watch other parts of the series it'd be okay. The problem is I have see other filler arcs and I have read other parts of the series where this arcs major problem of "same old shit" really hurts my ability to enjoy it. Someone being in a situation "just like Naruto" is by far the most over done trope in the entire series that had you watched all of the anime and filler up to this point has been done about 9 times up to this point. Combine that with Sora taking on the worst traits of Naruto and Sasuke and you've made a character most of the audience is going to hate but is expected to sympathize with and root for. I will say as a whole this filler arc has had some good action and the fights for the most part have been solidly entertaining heck that first battle between Naruto and Sora might be 2nd to only Sakura vs Sasori in terms of exciting animation. This certainly isn't the worst filler arc I've seen in Naruto but it's far from the best.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I feel interruption filler is the worst (Gecko Endings are a different level of bad)
There's a part later in One Piece where the beginning of a pretty epic arc is interrupted by a 4 episode mini-arc to promote Strong World. People believed it would tie in to the movie. NOPE!

Bleach also had it pretty bad, especially with the slow pace of the Arrancar "saga" requiring lots of filler. It got interrupted by overly-long filler arcs TWICE. Not to mention the long ass one we suffered on Toonami after Aizen's defeat. At least this won't be a problem in Bleach: The Blood War (if it happens)
I feel like I might have been largely ok with SAO this week if I hadn't seen the first series. The fact that Kirito is already the best at pretty much everything else previously really casts things in a different light.


I feel like I might have been largely ok with SAO this week if I hadn't seen the first series. The fact that Kirito is already the best at pretty much everything else previously really casts things in a different light.

I was pretty harsh in my review this week, pointing out all the bad things. To be fair, I'll mention some of the things I liked. For one, I'm liking the comradery between Sinon and Kirito. In fact, I'm really liking Sinon overall. She's sweet and friendly yet also tough at times. She's flawed but she's also got strength. She's also really smart about the game but not in an obnoxious way. Basically, she's a well rounded character... certainly compared to the rest of the cast. The visuals continue to look fantastic. GGO looks neat enough. I even liked the scene where they were gun shopping. It was surprisingly interesting.

Now, here's a cute image I found of two BFFs:



goddamnit all your talking about good aspects of SAOII is making me want to watch it to salvage what little iron i can from the drek but I know for a fact that I would hate it which is why i haven't bothered

what is this urge towards self destruction
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