It's gonna take something seriously huge to top Space Dandy to me.
They "fixed" that Soul Eater NOT gif in the blu ray
though it's not much better.
Shoulder joints don't work that way!
We clearly don't want this.Hell yeah!
All of these guy's videos are amazing
We clearly don't want this.
...Which means it's guaranteed to air on Toonami this year.
So did Soul Eater Not get some weird issue like Soul Eater with an early adaptation, or do people just not like the plot or something? (Or bad animation, idk)
That is some backwards troll logicSo, the latest ANNCast was with Aniplex......
They explained their outrageous prices. Basically, if US sales become shitty & reverse importations increase, Aniplex JP will just flat-out shut down the US branch and refuse to sell anything over here.
Is that an admission that sales are poor and rather than a price-readjustment they will continue of the same path even if it means eventual closure or just a confirmation of what we already knew - Aniplex puts the interests of the Japanese market way ahead the interest of the American market?
Kakashi's face revealed. I thought he would have a huge scar or something.
Yes. They don't give a rat's ass about us, if they did their prices wouldn't be so horrible. Funi does just a good a job as Aniplex on their big series and costs way less, there's no reason Aniplex needs to charge us so much. They're just hurting their own sales.
Nah, he'll just have a child called Bakashi & wear a helmet, creating a new mystery.Kishi should have just left it alone and kept it a mystery.
Funi's prices did go up a bit with the transition to Blu-Rays, especially on things that got dubbed and put to disc quick like Space Dandy.
Everything I've read and heard suggests that in terms of video/audio quality and extras, Aniplex releases are a step above the rest. They also seem to be more likely to have especially good dubs given (as Toonami viewings can confirm). Of course its still super hard to justify those prices in 2015 but I don't have the market data in front of me that I would need to calculate what is the ideal price/sales ratio expectation to garner the most profit.
The modern era of streaming is a godsend but at the same time, I feel most people have a lot less incentive to buy all but the best/most popular of shows now. I certainly have old DVDs that I almost certainly wouldn't have bought if I could've watched the show through legal means for a cheap price like I can now.
Who's ready for that dbz hype tonight
SAO 2 has really killed my enthusiasm for watching toonami. That grind from KlK to One Piece is turrible
Wonder what show they'll get to replace KlK
Isnt Ping Pong coming out right when KlK is ending?
You should give up on any sports anime ever coming to Toonami. The next newer funimation shows we'll probably get is going to be any combination of Psycho Pass, Tokyo Ghoul, Seraph of the End, Legend of Arslan, B3, or Rage of Bahamut.
KLK is probably going to be replaced by Magi or Sailor Moon Crystal
Finishing up my Club Nintendo points today: Who wants a free copy of HarmoKnight?
For the 3DS right? Me? (PM me)
Exactly. Funimation is a prime example of how to adapt. They're doing simulcasts and now simuldubs while still offering decently priced (for the most part) DVDs & Blu-Rays. It also helps they actually release them by season or series instead of spreading them out, like six releases for 24 or 26 episodes.Aniplex is just resisting the change that is happening in this and every media industry out there. Streaming services are quickly taking over and they'll either need to make those adjustments or eventually go out of business. Even if they do create a quality product, they need to find the right balance to remain profitable instead of jacking up their prices as an offset.
KLK is probably going to be replaced by Magi or Sailor Moon Crystal
There is........sort of action? I certainly didn't find it very entertaining.Has anyone here seen it? I know about the less than stellar production values but what about the actual show itself? Is it entertaining? Is there action?
There is........sort of action? I certainly didn't find it very entertaining.
Maybe I'll drink some vodka next week.I might miss out on raging on over SAO due to drunkenness at a birthday party (not mine). Guess that depends on if it goes till ??? or not.
Sailor Moon Crystal still seems very likely to me due to all the requests Toonami got for it when it was first announced. I've only seen clips.
Has anyone here seen it? I know about the less than stellar production values but what about the actual show itself? Is it entertaining? Is there action?
Oh there isn't a single chance they'll pass on it. Sailor Moon is second only to Dragonball Z when it comes to shows synonymous with Toonami.Maybe they'll pass on it if there wasn't enough action. I can't remember the last time Toonami mentioned the show. Was/is the show popular with anime fans?
Sailor Moon Crystal still seems very likely to me due to all the requests Toonami got for it when it was first announced. I've only seen clips.
Has anyone here seen it? I know about the less than stellar production values but what about the actual show itself? Is it entertaining? Is there action?
Maybe they'll pass on it if there wasn't enough action. I can't remember the last time Toonami mentioned the show. Was/is the show popular with anime fans?