I didn't really watch all of it either. I just half ass and watch the episodes that most of the Internet is talking about.
Like I love eating cherries. They taste really good.

Too easy.
I didn't really watch all of it either. I just half ass and watch the episodes that most of the Internet is talking about.
Like I love eating cherries. They taste really good.
I wonder how much it would cost to liscnece an anime.
I wish I liked editing video more, I'd totally release some fan dubs for you guys. If I had the patience/got paid enough I could easily do a better dub then most companies do.
Maybe I should just dedicate my life to the struggle :/
it is a 155k goal if you want actual numbers.
Toot toot~
Mumei and that other girl from Ep 2 preview look interesting. Hopefully they don't get butchered as characters since they appear to be the strongest.
Do you mean Ayame, the one doing archery?
Is she the one who threw the spear?
I wonder how much it would cost to liscnece an anime.
I wish I liked editing video more, I'd totally release some fan dubs for you guys. If I had the patience/got paid enough I could easily do a better dub then most companies do.
Maybe I should just dedicate my life to the struggle :/
I still need to beat Dark Souls 1, 2, and Bloodborne yet I'm still considering buying DS3 :X
I still need to beat Dark Souls 1, 2, and Bloodborne yet I'm still considering buying DS3 :X
Actually, I think Mumei chucked the spear.
What I want in April:
- Star Fox Zero
.....................that's it. As for May, it's just VC Remastered & One Piece: Burning Blood.
Apparently it is Mumei.
Shes the Mikasa of this show.
I'm waiting for a new dynasty warriors. Honestly, I'm getting to a stage where most modern gaming kind of bores me other then some select Japanese titles. Indies used to fill a big hole for me, but they've changed and really the ambitious titles are just walking simulators at this point
It also doesn't help that I feel more and more dissatisfied with people on gaming forums. Idk if its because I'm older, but the constant politicization, constant nitpicking, and constant terrible discussion has really pushed me away from a lot of social aspects of gaming. I'm getting Overwatch though, because I treated TF2 like Dynasty Warriors cause I was generally a lot better then everyone else.
My favorite genre (fps) has also practically been destroyed by the huge amounts of ADS in games which annihilates any pacing and movement options in games. The other option is Halo, which has the issue of being so incredibly slow with so much auto aim, that it makes me hate myself while playing
Mikasa is shit. There's hardly any comparison. triDookie
A better comparison is Tsukihi. EleGiggle
The games I love I still love and love to talk about with others who want to discuss them it's why 90% of my time on both gaf and gamefaqs is in community threads/gameplay boards or specialty communities to discuss anime/manga/sports/wwe in both places. The best thing you can do is just use the almighty ignore button to weed out the people who constantly try to make everything into a political discussion.
Dynasty Warriors has either 0 discussion, or husbando/waifu discussion, same with FF14
And ignoring people is against my ninja code
Dynasty Warriors has either 0 discussion, or husbando/waifu discussion, same with FF14
And ignoring people is against my ninja code
I'm playing Final Fantasy Legend III. It has the latest and greatest enemy sprites and UI.
It's just you and me tonight on the podcast, Seda.
I'm playing Final Fantasy Legend III. It has the latest and greatest enemy sprites and UI.
I'm waiting for a new dynasty warriors. Honestly, I'm getting to a stage where most modern gaming kind of bores me other then some select Japanese titles. Indies used to fill a big hole for me, but they've changed and really the ambitious titles are just walking simulators at this point
It also doesn't help that I feel more and more dissatisfied with people on gaming forums. Idk if its because I'm older, but the constant politicization, constant nitpicking, and constant terrible discussion has really pushed me away from a lot of social aspects of gaming. I'm getting Overwatch though, because I treated TF2 like Dynasty Warriors cause I was generally a lot better then everyone else.
You really can just play any of them out of order.
My first Gameboy RPG! Bought it after the Sunsoft re-release. Was a fun lead in to Pokémon. Then I went back and did the series in reverse.
I went 2-3-1, and man, going back to 1 was really rough.
Like, why does the Glass Sword in FFL2 break after 1 use, but has like 50 uses in FFL1?
I can help remedy the former.
So who do you think will be added in DW9?
"yo dawg, did you use X, X, X, X, Y on this stage?"
"Nah, I used X, X, X, Y, Y, Y."
"wut, everyone knows X, X, X, X, X, X is the best"
....I said as I play HW Legends on my New 3DS....
Yeah, I have a feeling that Cheng Pu will be added in the roster. They did put in Han Dang after all this time.
Yuan Shu has a lot of potential, especially for that specific time frame.
2 is basically unfair, that's why. The final few bosses you need to wait for them to fuck up or you need supreme skill.
If you want a fairly decent portrayal of the three kingdoms era of china, this is the best thing on earth. Not entirely accurate to the books, but the show itself is incredibly well made, and Cao Cao's portrayal is probably the best you are ever going to get in TV
One day, they'll probably make a Three Kingdoms HBO series. One day ;-;