Still one of the most hilarious moments in ToonamiGAF reaction nights. I can't even think of anything that comes close.
What page in January of February did it start? I only read through the confession episode and everyone went crazy, lol
Still one of the most hilarious moments in ToonamiGAF reaction nights. I can't even think of anything that comes close.
What page in January of February did it start? I only read through the confession episode and everyone went crazy, lol
I don't watch or read Jojo.
You are not alone.
It also doesn't help that I feel more and more dissatisfied with people on gaming forums. Idk if its because I'm older, but the constant politicization, constant nitpicking, and constant terrible discussion has really pushed me away from a lot of social aspects of gaming. I'm getting Overwatch though, because I treated TF2 like Dynasty Warriors cause I was generally a lot better then everyone else.
My favorite genre (fps) has also practically been destroyed by the huge amounts of ADS in games which annihilates any pacing and movement options in games. The other option is Halo, which has the issue of being so incredibly slow with so much auto aim, that it makes me hate myself while playing
The games I love I still love and love to talk about with others who want to discuss them it's why 90% of my time on both gaf and gamefaqs is in community threads/gameplay boards or specialty communities to discuss anime/manga/sports/wwe in both places. The best thing you can do is just use the almighty ignore button to weed out the people who constantly try to make everything into a political discussion.
So this is a video im sure my toonamigaf brotheren will love
and I especially want bassforever to watch
107 fullmetal alchemist facts
Chrono and Link's lovechild.
I remember Vegeta making a grand entrance in WotD, and then quickly getting tossed aside as he protects a building or something.
I remember Vegeta making a grand entrance in WotD, and then quickly getting tossed aside as he protects a building or something.
I legit forgot HxH premieres this weekend. Neat.
You guys should fix that.
Regarding the "Za Warudo" discussion, I knew what that was all about years before I fully understood what Jojo was. I feel that shit is kind of impossible to avoid if you consume enough Japanese entertainment media or even anything influenced by it around the world. Cultural osmosis is a thing. I wonder how my viewing of Stardust Crusaders would have been different is I didn't already know about this for years though.
Games are created or consumed in a vacuum so discussion about the politics of games is both important and unavoidable. It's something that should be talked about. I would recommend never using the actual ignore feature and try to read what everyone has to say, as long as they are making an effort to be courteous and open to learning, even if you kind of would want to punch that person in the face if you saw them IRL. This isn't to say you can't avoid topics or skip past posts of individuals or subjects you know aren't going to go well or will negatively affect you mental health if you engage in them (many race-based topics will often make me feel that way because you can often tell the fuckery coming from miles away and I may not have the energy to engage with or read pure nonsense). Still I'd argue against going out of your way to use the actual ignore feature though.
I think my issues regarding the discussions of the politics of games (but also real life politics which are much more important) is that so many people are devoid of empathy, have no idea what they are talking about (but boy will they pretend like they do), can't talk with or understand any concept of nuance and enjoy putting words in other people's mouths. I'm also getting increasingly sick of this newer trend of ideological purity tests (where it seems the political left is starting to mirror the political right). Where people will blast people who like agree with them over like 90% over a range of subjects or over all aspects of a particular subject but not 100%.
Relating this trend towards media, though this is a movie example, I'm someone who is ecstatic that Star Wars is going to make minority representation a explicit goal of its future productions with the Rey and Finn characters (among other things). People who are legit upset about that, and there are many, can get bent. However after seeing the movie, me and a lot of my other friends did think Rey was a bit boring, that they left out a lot of her character development to future moves and "woah she is REALLY good at a lot of things REALLY fast". This isn't even me or others saying she's a bad character but try to articulate that and you have a good chance of being met with paragraphs about how you're sexist or some psychological analysis about insecurity or some nonsense.
Or in the current Zelda rumors thread, there would be people that generally express "I absolutely think there should be a female playable character with equal importance as Link or even in place of him but I don't think they should actually genderswap Link" and they would be met with a response of "why do you hate women?!". Shit like that drives me up a wall. You both want better/more gender representation! Just because you disagree about how doesn't make the other person a misogynist FFS.
I ain't saying I'm a perfect human being but stuff like that just makes me go "HUH?". I guess its just a reflection of American politics (where most posters on this board come from) in that discussion on this board is definitely becoming polarized to a point that discussion can often go belly up real fast. There are certainly times for times of passionate and fiery responses and opinions but I wish people would take it down a notch more often irregardless of where they stand on an issue. Especially in the realm of video games where such extremes are often not warranted.
i want to be on a toonamigaf podcast
there is so many new games
there are new patches and expansions for games i play
finals are more annoying than difficult, they occupy 2-3 weeks at university.
back when i got my second diploma, i was writing 6 finals in 6 days.
i want to be on a toonamigaf podcast
there is so many new games
there are new patches and expansions for games i play
finals are more annoying than difficult, they occupy 2-3 weeks at university.
back when i got my second diploma, i was writing 6 finals in 6 days.
2nd? Holy shit. :O
TUSR actually majored in Petroleum Engineering, but decided to go for majoring in Anime Tiddies instead
yeah dude i have 2 mechanical engineering diplomas and finish my degree
might go to grad school to do more materials
i specialize in neither of these lmao
yeah dude i have 2 mechanical engineering diplomas and finish my degree
might go to grad school to do more materials
Did somebody say anime titties
Hey guys, it's Episode 3 of the ToonamiGAF Podcast!
It's only a two-person affair this week as me and Seda discuss the block and give our thoughts on Parasyte overall.
Hey guys, it's Episode 3 of the ToonamiGAF Podcast!
It's only a two-person affair this week as me and Seda discuss the block and give our thoughts on Parasyte overall.
You need:Ugh, my internet is acting up on me. I hope it rights itself by this evening
How does one get in on this and does it require an inordinate amount of computer equipment I may not have or be able to afford?
Hey guys, it's Episode 3 of the ToonamiGAF Podcast!
It's only a two-person affair this week as me and Seda discuss the block and give our thoughts on Parasyte overall.
Oh, thanks for the link!
Sounds pretty good. Now to wait and see if he can do the creepy moans as well too ;]
...Hold on, Toonami is broadcast from 12 to 3 AM? Who has the time to actually watch that stuff?
People with nothing to do on a Sunday morning or I guess a lot of people will just use DVR. Even if I watch live I have enough time to get up and do everything I need to do anyways.
D-did.....did we just get BTFO?
i mean one reason i watch toonami is because i have nothing to do on sundays
And also because we are good buddies, right Seda?
Just don't break these bonds, Sedabelieve it
I really do miss posting with you guys at night but every time it gets to like 11:30 on Saturday my body just shuts down and goes "nope". Hopefully this summer I can request Sunday's off instead of tues/thurs which I have to currently for school.
Just don't break these bonds, Seda
Take naps, man. That's what I do. Just take a nice two hour nap sometime before Toonami and you'll be able to stay up.
I really do miss posting with you guys at night but every time it gets to like 11:30 on Saturday my body just shuts down and goes "nope". Hopefully this summer I can request Sunday's off instead of tues/thurs which I have to currently for school.
Okay so I figure a lot of you in here are manga buyers and I need some help. What is a good place to buy physical manga volumes? I used to go to Walden Books (RIP) but now there is literally no bookstore in Brownsville. At least no book store that would have manga volumes. Amazon isn't an option because I don't want to get fucked on the shipping and also the volume prices are absurdly high. Can any of you help me?
Is there a Barnes & Noble anywhere near you?Okay so I figure a lot of you in here are manga buyers and I need some help. What is a good place to buy physical manga volumes? I used to go to Walden Books (RIP) but now there is literally no bookstore in Brownsville. At least no book store that would have manga volumes. Amazon isn't an option because I don't want to get fucked on the shipping and also the volume prices are absurdly high. Can any of you help me?
Barnes and Nobles usually has a pretty healthy selection. Though you'll probably need to use Amazon at some point as the physical stores won't always have everything in stock.
Is there a Barnes & Noble anywhere near you?
Otherwise I'm afraid Amazon actually is your only option.
I'm afraid you will have to embrace your new Amazon overlords.I have no Barnes & Noble. I have nothing.
I'm afraid you will have to embrace your new Amazon overlords.
Okay so I figure a lot of you in here are manga buyers and I need some help. What is a good place to buy physical manga volumes? I used to go to Walden Books (RIP) but now there is literally no bookstore in Brownsville. At least no book store that would have manga volumes. Amazon isn't an option because I don't want to get fucked on the shipping and also the volume prices are absurdly high. Can any of you help me?
Did any SAO villains turn out to NOT be rapists?
Kayaba didn't try to rape anybodythat we know of.
Did any SAO villains turn out to NOT be rapists?