This thread could have at least borrowed a page from Viz: "He was Gon, but now he's back!"
Rupert Sanders (Snow White And the Huntsman) is directing the anime adaption of Ghost in the Shell & is produced by Avi Arad (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 1 & 2, IRON MAN), Ari Arad (GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE), and Steven Paul (GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE).
Apparently there was an ARISE live action movie? Maybe Hollywood should take notes. Also LOL at the staff list.
It powerfull sucks.Whitewashing is fucking gross.
Whitewashing is fucking gross.
This thread could have at least borrowed a page from Viz: "He was Gon, but now he's back!"
So I know its not a great chance due to the pedigree, but what if white washed scarjo gits is better then the stage play?
i almost want to write a serious post about whitewashing but i have more pressing matters in 78 minutes.
i almost want to write a serious post about whitewashing but i have more pressing matters in 78 minutes.
I want to sit down and read it. When you have time, of course.
I'd be interested in reading. Take your time.
The casting is more an opportunity thing. Yes you can rationalize a 'white' Major Kusanagi through some combination of in-universe lore & adaptation leeway, and it may not contribute much to acting quality or production values or whatever (and honestly the movie might be more successful starring an white A-list actress.)
But when you have such a perfect chance to cast an iconic Asian female character - a group that isn't typically in a leading role spotlight - any other ethnicity feels like a swing and a miss.
We'll see with Ghost in the Shell, I guess. I'm conflicted with the casting since it SHOULD have an Asian lead, but it also might need star power to work at all, and if it works then it could maybe lead to more anime adaptations that could pull the trigger on casting actual Asian people, so I dunno? (The Death Note movie doesn't have this excuse).
That Snow White movie looks nice if nothing else, and one of the writers wrote Straight Outta Compton so there's still a chance it'll be okay.
I'm not sure of the budget of this GITS movie but star power sure as hell didn't save Gods of Egypt. In fact I'm having a hard time thinking of a recent movie that was blatantly whitewashed where the "star power" was able to overcome the negative press from the obvious whitewashing or the legit faults of the film. I even think someone linked to me a recent study that said including a few Black major characters tended to increase the gross of your film. It was likely more a correlation than a causation but overall I think there have been enough examples of whitewashing not actually making studios more money that they should stop pretending that's the reason they do it (or that its a good reason).
Casting a white person for the main character when the adaption has them with a non-white ethnicity is a good indication the director/producers don't know or care about the original source material.
I feel in the past few years a lot of the films people have rightfully complained about white washing would have bombed and been terrible regardless of how accurate the casting was (gods of egypt, exodus gods and kings, aloha). People should make more noise for Dr Strange a film that likely will be legit good and make a shit load of money that should have cast minority actors in some of the lead roles. I have seen people whine about Strange, but no where near as many or as loudly as people complained about exodus and this gits movie. I think its a sign that a lot of people who complain about white washing and boycotting films that are white washing are more oportunistic going after films they never had an interest in seeing and being strangely quiet for films that they are interested in. Minority actors deserve more opportunities for larger roles, but I don't want a situation where minority actors just get dumped into films nobody has any faith in like exodus or gods of egypt since that'll lead to the typical hollywood "see this is why we white wash derp derp" thought process.
.....or maybe it's because the Doctor Strange material is both less familiar and not as overt since it involves Old Asian Mentor, in addition to having Chiwetel Ejiofor in the main cast? There doesn't have to be some nefarious agenda. And like, are we gonna act like there wasn't just a big thing about Iron Fist?
Was there? I haven't really followed the mcu film series only just watched daredevil s1.
they shouldve just cast a jarate, then everyone would be happy
but then everyone would be peed on
Im waiting for a live action Fist of the North Star movie
Steven Spielburg's Astro Boy