How do you even sit like that?!
Man, seeing Naruto summon Gamabunta like that was hype as fuck when I was a kid. Good memories.
Worf is fiction's greatest jobber. He takes nothing but Ls but still comes off like a badass.
"NPCs aren't respawning".............are they trying to make more drama out of non-real people again?
Super same. Though I'll surely get Nioh, at least.I need to actually complete a Souls game one of these days
soulflarz's first day of school:
That and learning Rasangan. I actually like it when Naruto learns a new technique since it opens up to door for more clever fights.
Except what actually happened was "Rasengan all the time forever"That and learning Rasangan. I actually like it when Naruto learns a new technique since it opens up to door for more clever fights.
Speaking of Shonen attacks Luffy has my favorite repertoire. Part of me wishes he'd bring back Gum Gum storm soon..
Except what actually happened was "Rasengan all the time forever"
I think I don't want to do CS
might be a lack of interest, might just be the classes here
what do
Switch to accounting then come work with me wherever I am in a few years
So Eric Vale will be a guest at an anime convention I'll be going to in August. I now must ask myself what do I want him to sign and what silly question shall I ask him at his Q&A.
Worf is fiction's greatest jobber. He takes nothing but Ls but still comes off like a badass.
Nami body pillow of course
Why did they cancel bleach
Somebody didn't watch DS9.
It's true. Worf does escape his jobber status in DS9.
But I think that's because the writers found someone else to torment...
Anime caught up to the manga. It'll be back.
Kind of quiet today considering it is a Toonami night.
Switch to accounting then come work with me wherever I am in a few years
Kind of quiet today considering it is a Toonami night.
So apparently, Rei Hiroe, aka author of Black Lagoon, will be up in New Jersey for a spell. Going to a convention there.
We all need to go, kidnap him, and make him work on Black Lagoon.
I'll be the wheelman.
I wonder if that precludes the Adult Swim side of things from looking at the project?
What the hell is Swat kats? Is it like a cartoon about police cats?
Social Justice Captain Planet
Who wouldn't watch that
Man, I might just drop Kiznaiver and marathon the show when it's done.
The plot (or lack of a plot) is moving too slow for me. Nothing happens, it's just generic anime trope characters talking with generic anime trope characters.
So apparently, Rei Hiroe, aka author of Black Lagoon, will be up in New Jersey for a spell. Going to a convention there.
We all need to go, kidnap him, and make him work on Black Lagoon.
I'll be the wheelman.