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Toonami |Apr16| Here today, Gon for three years

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Tenchi Muyo GXP!: Episode 11, First Paychecks

So this episode starts out with a bunch of pirates trying to go after Seda's decoy ship. Apparently, the GXP's strategy has worked so well they were even able to get close to Ryuko, the episode 2 space pirate waifu. Space Pirate Waifu though realizes it's a trap and runs away, but can't seem to shake off Seda's ability to teleport follow her.

Anyway, Ryuko is very upset by this, and i guess finally gets away, Seda's decoy ship hasnt seemingly done anything to capture her, I guess we just dont care she's a pirate because she has titties so whatever. Anyway, We next see a meeting of all the pirates together talking. I guess they are one huge conglemorate run by Dr Eggman/Robotnik so we Sonic now. Anyway, they talk to Ryuko about how something or whatever and we find out that Dio Pirate from last episode had captured her crewmates and was using them to make Ryuko do something.

Anyway, we move back to Charlie Chaplin, who is now getting off the ship about to spend his firrst paycheck. Amane asks if he'll buy her a drink, and Kiriko gets upset because Charlie Chaplin can't drink alchohol yet. How old is Charlie Chaplin anyway? OH GOD HE'S 15 YEARS OLD, HELP I NEED AN ADULT.

anyway, he goes off because he needs to go shopping for his perverted robot for some reason. IDK why he's allowed on ship, literally the entire character of this robot is to video tape women undressing with hidden cameras. HAHAHAHA SO FUNNY JAPAN HAHAHAHA. Anyway, the two girls decide to follow him around town sneakily. His first stop was a lingerie store, then a toy store which happens to be an adult toy store, even though the store is just called TOY and it's shaped like a baby because kbhjfadsjkbhasddjkblasdbhjbhjklfadskjhbadfskjhlbfads. He also goes to a few different shady stops including an apparent brothel. The girls are confused by him going to a brothel when they are approached by 3 sexy workers. The 3 sexy wrokers go "SO YOU ARE INTERESTED IN DOING THIS STUFF" and the girls are like no we're straight, and the sex workers are like "THEY ALWAYS SAY THAT" before slowly appraoching them because HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA RAPE SO FUNNY

We later see the two girls walking away, Amane is holding her ass between her cheeks (OH GOD) but apparently Kiriko hogtied all the workers.When they spot Sedaa who has met up with catgirl waifu who talks to seda about the presents he got, and instead of syaing,. "OH MY SHIT ASSSS ROBOT WANTSA TO PEEP ON WOMEN" he just stutters and makes it seem like he's buying dildos for all his girlfriends. Catgirl waifu exclaims she'll help him shop so they teleport right before Amane and Kiriko were about to appraoch them. They teleport to another market, this time one that's about clothes. We see them wear clothing, including some hats, it's really not important, but they end up at the jewlery store.

At the Jewlery store they end up talking about how women like jewlery and how catgirl waifu really likes this one piece which is just a star shaped pendant. During this time, she sees Seda's hand and pretends to place hers on top, but gets interrupet. Apparently 2 bad guys are like "YOU MUST DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE" which is really weird because they are like fucking far away and not moving their lips. We're they talking or some shit. I dont care enough to know.

So anyway, catgirl waifu is in a terrible mood sitting on a bench with Seda, when Seda is like "I MUST GO SHOPPING ON MY OWN ILL BE BACK" We then see Catgirl lady talking to those same 2 dudes in the forest while holding a pistol. Seda comes back and catgirl waifu points a gun at him while crying and talking about how she doesnt want to do this but must for her crew. Seda is like, what the fuck, and tell her that he got a gift for catgirl waifu. This causes Catgirl waifu to fall to the ground cryin g revealing her true identity! It was actually Ryuko this entire time, and she's like, well I can't kill you, but i can kill myself cause i failed.

So she sticks the gun on her head when the Amane and kiriko show up out of the forest in a cop car, which provides Seda enough distraction to pounce at Ryuko and stop her from shooting herself. The two guys who were trying to get her to kill Seda then get hit by the cop car, and we see old women waifu show up with a bunch of sdoldiers with cloking technolog in which she exclaims I KNOW YOU WERENT CATGIRL ALL ALONG. WE JUST ANTED YOU TO KEEP GOING SO WE COULD GET MORE PIRATE SCUM. ike bitch, Seda was about to fucking die you piece of fucking garbage. Anyway, they put all 3 people in handcuffs when Seda runs towards Ryuko and says, here take this gift. Ryuko is like, but this was for catgirl waifu, and Seda is like NOPE IT'S FOR YOU and it ends up being that star pendant. She of course will immediately have this confiscated and taken away before she gets hung on the gallows for being a pirate RITE! IT"S NOT LIKE SHE'LL COME BACK OR ANYTHING AHAHAHAHAAHAHA, anyway, old women, Kiriko and Amane are like WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GIFT SEDA and chase around Seda who was looking for the gift. of course, the gift actually got run over by a police car in fucking plain sigght, and it shows us this, and it literally points us too it a few times in case the joke wasnt fujcking obvious enough. Anyway, the robot comes back and also wants his stuff because he can't peep on any girls without that stuff and they all beat up the robot.

The space dandy reair is probably planned for a scenario where they can't get a recently finished new show to rerun ie they can't get agk or parasyte to take the 3:00 slot for whatever reason.


Im only calling him Seda due to my intial flub and finding it very funny for some odd reason

Seda is Seina too me now. ENJOY YOUR MOD HAREM
So two things:

1. Does anyone here just get into that mood where you just want to criticize and nitpick every little thing? Cause I'm in that kind of mood and I don't know why.

and 2. Who here has Mitomo?


So two things:

1. does anyone here just get into that mood where you just want to criticize and nitpick every little thing? Cause I'm in that kind of mood and I don't know why.

and 2. Who here has Mitomo?

1. I'm always in that mood on real life. Yet I'm defensive on the internet. Maybe I'm just contrarian?

2. I do


I installed Miitomi and it just straight up doesn't open. It tries and immediately closes. People said it might have something to do with rooted phones, but I just got mine like 2 weeks ago and I haven't touched it.


Okay, so who is going to start reviewing Akame Ga Kill to complete the Toonami trilogy of utter shit?


Tenchi Muyo GXP: Episode 12, The Vengeful and the Wounded

So, when I searched up the episode names, I found some interesting facts about Tenchi Muyo GXP.

Tenchi Muyo GXP has a 7.1 on myanimelist, a 7.2 on imdb, and a whopping 8.4 on TV.com

I want to punch everyone who gave this show a score above 3.

Anyway, Episode 11 starts with them collecting a dead guy in a small spaceship who has a black box that he needs to give to the queen space girl. They again gather more pirates and start getting attacked by huge swarms of pirates. Seda is of course laid with the decision of fleeing or attacking, and the two girls argue for both options by pressing their chests against Seda's face. Seda of course chooses to run away and they go into hyperdrive. We then cut to a pirate group who are like HEHEHEHEHE I HOPE THEY LIKE OUR PRESENET

Anyway, it turns out that the ship has rusted or some shit and they cant go into hyperdrive cause the ship can't take it. So they go to the nearest port. This port is filled with pirates! so they go to the next one which is also filled with pirates, and then they go to the neext one which is also filled with pirates!

So now they have no where to go and are running out of rations. It's been 3 days since finding that strange guy in space with a box, and none of the crew has slept, and all they have left is a cracker, a gummy bear and a glass of water. They of course decide not to turn themselves over to pirates and deliver this blackbox to queen waifu.n

So they all go through crazy antics dealing with the fact they are hungry and thirsty which is also well and good, but the shitty pervert robot decides to give the black box to the pirates in exchange for women. The women are bouncing him on their breasts over and over again when they finally open the black box and find a churro inside? I don't know? and they are all pissed.

We then see a scene where pirate girl #2 is talking to the GXP commander about trading hostages when the commander hears something? So she goes to Ryuko and is like "IT'S GO TIME"

We then cut back to the crew who are once again being attacked by pirates and getting threatened by pervert robot. Yes the robot is threatening Seda and crew because of the box for some reason? Anyway, they all think they are going to die when Ryuke in a GXP outfit comes to save Seda! She gets on board and explains she's here to help, but she's only able to kill a few ships in the fleet. Anyway, they decide to use the pirate ladies ship as a distraction so they can get away, and use it ram into another ship which explodes and causes a big flash of light and they try to escape but it literally does nothing

Before their death, a weird space ship comes out of nowhere to shoot meow lazer beams and kills every single ship or some shit. I dont fucking know, I wish I was drunk. They then meet the ships owner which ends up being this cat thing who's like the embodiment of the ship and related to one of the older character from the original series that Im assuming is that cool ninja girl. They all say goodbye and get new supplies from the ships. We see fanservice sxhots of Kiriko and Amane taking showers, and we see Ryuko profess that she' willing to do anything for Seda no matter what while pushing him on the bed. Finally, a women who is going to just fucking do this and get it over with, but before that can happen they get interfered with the two ladies

help me please, this is terrible


So two things:

1. Does anyone here just get into that mood where you just want to criticize and nitpick every little thing? Cause I'm in that kind of mood and I don't know why.

and 2. Who here has Mitomo?

Some days in sports I talk so much shit became nothing is going right and I just react harshly.


No Scrubs
Tenchi Muyo GXP: Episode 12, The Vengeful and the Wounded

So, when I searched up the episode names, I found some interesting facts about Tenchi Muyo GXP.

Tenchi Muyo GXP has a 7.1 on myanimelist, a 7.2 on imdb, and a whopping 8.4 on TV.com

I want to punch everyone who gave this show a score above 3.

At the rate you're going you're going to want to kill someone once you reach the ending.
1. I'm always in that mood on real life. Yet I'm defensive on the internet. Maybe I'm just contrarian?

2. I do

Sweet. About the Miitomo thing, not being in that mood all the time. Thinking those of us on here with Miitomo should add each other.

Some days in sports I talk so much shit became nothing is going right and I just react harshly.

Given who I generally root for in sports I can see where you're coming from. Though at some point you learn to stop giving a shit and assume the worst.


So two things:

1. Does anyone here just get into that mood where you just want to criticize and nitpick every little thing? Cause I'm in that kind of mood and I don't know why.

and 2. Who here has Mitomo?

1. Sometimes I get in that mood when it comes to video games and certain movies.

2. I have yet to do so.


Given who I generally root for in sports I can see where you're coming from. Though at some point you learn to stop giving a shit and assume the worst.

See, I wouldn't have a problem if they were the bottom the entire time. I think it's way worse to be in the middle on the cusp of making it.


Gives all the fucks
1. Does anyone here just get into that mood where you just want to criticize and nitpick every little thing? Cause I'm in that kind of mood and I don't know why.

and 2. Who here has Mitomo?
Yeah, it has to be certain games or movies, along with what type of mood I'm in. If I'm not in a good mood & are watching/playing something, I might be more likely to point out/notice some flaws.

I tend to be in a good/decent mood when watching Toonami, so unless it's something super bad, then I tend to laugh at the bad parts instead of getting angry.

& I have it, been trying to add everyone from here & other parts of Neogaf. I wanna have a good amount in order to get My Nintendo points along with having a good amount of people to help earn points in return.


So two things:

1. Does anyone here just get into that mood where you just want to criticize and nitpick every little thing? Cause I'm in that kind of mood and I don't know why.

and 2. Who here has Mitomo?

Every moment of every day and no, I am not interested in Miitomo.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I actually assumed Jarate was drunk when writing all of these.

Ryoko is clearly a dog lady when disguised at the school. I still don't get why she was there.

Amazing. They even got his shitty hair right.
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