The "last half" if you will was an excuse for everything to go wrong.
I'm still pissed at the special manga volume where it had the interview with the writer and he said that was all planned.
We're all talking about how fucking terrible the Pokemon Black and White anime is over in the anime thread.
Feels good.
Because $$$I watched a bunch of Pokemon movies during that Twitch stream a while back and it really made me want to watch XY lol.
I see scenes like this and wonder why the fuck Pokemon looks better than most current shows these days.
Because $$$
This doesn't explain why the show looked somewhere between garbage and okay for the last fifteen years and then suddenly Kalos comes along and its the best looking show I watch week in and week out.
Wait, the Pokemon XY anime is good?
Like legit good?
Wow, I'm kinda shocked. I'll had to give it a watch.
1. It's still a kid's show designed to sell toys/cards/games. Though the writing is a lot better this series it's still got that going for it.
2. It's primarily about how awesome looking it is and how good the contest/gym episodes are. The music has always been incredible at least in Japan. The dub is too cheap to spring for the awesome music which is a shame.
Everything is much better than all the previous series.
The writing. The music. The animation. The characters.
Just literally everything, and it's a huge step up too.
I remember being kinda surprised that the same people in SAO who use awful gamer slang had a problem with being called their in-game names in the outside world
I remember being kinda surprised that the same people in SAO who use awful gamer slang had a problem with being called their in-game names in the outside world
This reminds me of how the gaffers I have on other sites that actually list their name...
I'll never like call them by their name, but by their gaf username.
Bass is diff since I've known his full name forever, but yeah, when we hang out next month I fully expect me to flub his name and the other person there for their usernames once or twice like an idiot.
My username outside of games in generally my real name. In games I rarely ever use it though. My most common name in games is Yunsen, which is the only halfway decent unique name I could come up with, even though I thought it up in a creepy way.
In this case this nerd boy thinks Suguha is his girlfriend. At least most of the other people who refer to people in real life as their online handle met them, you know, in a real ass death game and hung out with them for almost three years trapped there. This kid is just a rare breed. Hilarious English VA too, best casting of nerd ever.
I signed back up for Crunchyroll
Because I'm human garbagewho wanted to watch Super Lovers
You people probably couldn't pronounce my name correctly if you saw it.
i always called it hunter x hunter
I wonder if people know my real name.
It will always be "Hunter EX Hunter" to me.
I'm just randomly guessing, lol.
I don't really hide my name because I have personally known 2 different people with the exact same name as mine even though we're not related.
Nope. My name is not Giuseppe, though it is Italian.
I've never met anyone IRL or even on the internet with my name.
Wow, I'm kinda shocked. I'll had to give it a watch.
I've always pronounced HXH as "Hunter Times Hunter".
EDIT: WELL, if XSEED gonna' publish this, I might have to get into this franchise.
Ever since the Alison Rapp incident, I've started to care less about Nintendo's fate...excitement of the NX waned because before that day, I'd usually lurk and try reading every post of interest in rumor threads.
Gah, after 3 weeks I'm finally caught up with the thread(s) again.
Read all of Jarate's GXP write-ups and that should be classified as an amazing observation of human self-torture and what afoul forms of media does to the human psyche. hell it can make it into the medical journal of science!