I dunno, should you all be? Why the paranoia...is this the kinda reaction I'll get moving forward posting in random threads?
lol no, we're just joking, since weekday toonamiGAF is something amazingly nonsensical, and we're fully aware that if we had bad luck and had gotten a diff mod, they could have very easily said shut the hell up about non toonami stuff on weekdays.
The issue with that is that we would only be able to talk about toonami. And we all know, the topic isn't exactly filled enough on it's own to have conversations all day. Then we'd end up as a community thread that simply waited for new news all day and had looping discussions in the meantime, which I would hate.
tl;dr we're kidding around
I was never as generally recognized around the board as you are, and I haven't been on GAF as long, but what I noticed when I became a mod years back is that people seem overall less likely to respond to my comments or questions. That doesn't apply to community threads where people know me, of course.
I might be imagining a part of it, but I feel there was a slight intimidation factor or something :/
That's hardly imagination, a lot of posters are scared to post against red text, under fear of getting banned. I think a lot of it has to do with in the past PMs straight up leaking saying "I don't like this guy, I'll wait to ban him" and stuff, which scared the hell out of people. I can't even - or rather, am not going to - confirm those, but I still see them get brought up by members every few months offsite, so I know that even if not real, the point stands for people being worried about it.
I personally will interact with mods since I knew a lot of you before you became mods and many of you are really nice people, but I can understand why someone who has no idea what your personality is or how you'll react to them showing their other viewpoint wouldn't want to risk their account, as they might put it.