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Toonami |Aug/Sep16| NUDE GIRLS!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member


Dark theme is alright, but reading anything lengthy with white text leaves afterimages in my vision.

I suppose light theme works for me because I'm very used to a daily routine involving MSWord (black letting on white), Excel (black letting on white), OriginPro Graphing (black letting on white), Adobe journal PDFs (black letting on white), Athena (black letting on white), Endnote (black letting on white), XPSPeak (black letting on white), MatLAB (black letting on white).

I'll use dark theme on mobile at night tho.


You ever watch Ping Pong the Animation Seda?

If it doesn't air on Toonami I probably haven't seen it. Generally speaking in my free time I typically do not choose to watch TV/movies/anime. I lean more to 'gaming', as silly as this all sounds.

Honestly watching Toonami now is pretty odd for me considering my otherwise apathetic attitude towards this stuff.


ive probably asked this before here, but what would you guys consider your 5 favorite animus (not animus you think are the best)
1. Space Dandy
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Black Lagoon
4. Gundam Wing
5. One Piece
5a. Gurren Lagann


If it doesn't air on Toonami I probably haven't seen it. Generally speaking in my free time I typically do not choose to watch TV/movies/anime. I lean more to 'gaming', as silly as this all sounds.

Honestly watching Toonami now is pretty odd for me considering my otherwise apathetic attitude towards this stuff.

Seda, my friend, I come with you bearing the most incredible gift of all time, the ability to view literally the best anime story ever crafted by man. It's only 11 episodes too, so it's not even a commitment!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
NARUTO - EPISODE SIXTY: Byakugan vs. Shadow Clone Jutsu!

BONUS: Spooky Gaara.

So the finals are about to pop off! Kazekage and Hokage are shooting the shit, with Kazekage and his sexy ass Crispin Freeman voice saying all kinds of Bond villain shit to the joe kage about how old he is, that he's gonna die today, etc.


Just look at that swag shot! The Third gets on the loudspeaker and tells everyone to watch and cheer on the eight finalists and to remain until the end of the finals...odd enough but whatever. Kazekage and Shikamaru notice he said eight...but there's only seven people in that swag shot. Sasuke still isn't here. Typical. JYB proctor reveals the final brackets. Shikamaru doesn't have to fight an additional match as Dozu has "dropped out" or something. Gaara vision flash back as he murders that fool. Naruto wants to know why the sauce hasn't been disqualified yet. Sakura thinks he was kidnapped. JYB says that if Sasuke isn't here by the time his name is called he will be disqualified. The show wants you to believe that Gaara killed Sasuke. Nope. He did decide to creep on him with his magic eye.

A face you can trust.

JYB explains the rules. There are no rules. The referee can stop the match at any time. The first match is Neiji and Naruto. Hinata and Kiba care about the first match. Ino has to remind Sakura to cheer him on. My favorite Chunin proctors don't think he has a chance either and Hinata is sitting next to them. Kiba thinks he can win! Akamaru's danger sense is tingling! Oh shit the ANBU black ops are here to do nothing again!

Getting ready for a fisting.

Neiji and Naruto get their promo time. Blood fist flashback. Neiji talks some shit. The match begins. Eye magic versus Nine Tails BS. They have a stare off. Neiji's uncle talks to Hinata's sister about how awesome Neiji is. Naruto needs to keep a distance, thinks Kiba. Naruto goes for a frontal attack. Neiji blocks and dodges just about everything. Gentle fuck fist center mass. Naruto coughs up some spit. Hinata/Neiji recap of her getting owned. Neiji...missed his vital points? Okay.

Some bad hombres.

TWENTY knows her boy is superior. Naruto's shadow clones throw some shade as he sends all four of them in. They miss. Neiji has his speech about hard work versus birthright. What a gloomy guy. Ironic as well as Naruto is clearly on the path of destiny. We all share one destiny...death! He hates his lot in life and is taking it out on the world. Naruto gives him the fist one more time before making more clones. A lot of clones.


The common criticism of Naruto versus Neji is how thematically it portrays Neji's beliefs in 'inherit gifts and talent' as unfavorable, yet ultimately Naruto's utility to the series as a whole is based in gifts outside of his control.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The common criticism of Naruto versus Neji is how thematically it portrays Neji's beliefs in 'inherit gifts and talent' as unfavorable, yet ultimately Naruto's utility to the series as a whole is based in gifts outside of his control.

It's highly amusing in retrospect!

Shippuden on TOONAMI hasn't even revealed
that Naruto actually does have his own birth line limit; a genetic healing factor/natural chakra reserve, and that's just from his mom's side of the family!

Ignoring the fox Naruto is already well ahead of the curve and the sort of person Emo Neiji would despise if he had grown up with his parents.


Since CR shows will be getting Funi dubs now, I take it back. Mob Psycho now has a pretty good chance to end up on Toonami.

I'm late, but I would say mob psycho actually just dropped in chance for toonami.

we already knew crunchy was going to do some dubs so there was always a chance for mob psycho even though it would be a terrible show for toonami, but since it's a broadcast dub (and is confirmed as so) much like MHA it seems very low that it will make its way to toonami.


Don't see why being a broadcast dub would lessen its chances. We got Dimension W and that was a broadcast dub as well.

I wouldn't count Hero Academia out either.


Don't see why being a broadcast dub would lessen its chances. We got Dimension W and that was a broadcast dub as well.

I wouldn't count Hero Academia out either.

dimension W aired on toonami as it was dubbed (just like space dandy)

MHA did not and there isn't a slot for mob psycho to do so.

plus like I said. mob is a horrible show for toonami.

MHA would have been a good pick though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
1. I like MHA.
2. I really like the anime.
3. The dub is fantastic.
4. I would not pick it up right now if I was TOONAMI and had the choice.

Why? Not enough episodes. There's no point in trying until it can cover at least half a year.


Dimension W was a few months behind the Japanese airing. Not quite the same as a Space Dandy situation.

And I don't think Mob would be a horrible show for Toonami. It has better action than most shows that aired here. And plenty of it.
Am I officially an old if I don't understand YouTube fascination.

Why would I watch a 12 minute video when someone could provide the same content in images and text and take me approximately 1/12 the time.

(I know the answer is bc of the YT personality but they're almost all infuriatingly annoying anyhow)

the thing that tends to weird me out about Youtube culture is how insular it can get. there are people who almost only watch stuff on Youtube and/or only care about the opinions of people who make videos on Youtube and i just do not understand


Dimension W was a few months behind the Japanese airing. Not quite the same as a Space Dandy situation.

And I don't think Mob would be a horrible show for Toonami. It has better action than most shows that aired here. And plenty of it.

it still premired dubbed on toonami before being a broadcast dub on the site.

Mob looks like utter shit.
the animation is great.
the art is horrible. and advertising it as something from the creator of one punch man will do it no favors.

the first few eps aren't all that interesting either.

stylized shows like mob would be completely tuned out from the normal toonami viewers and those who were brave enough to get through the art would likely be turned off before they hit the actual good parts of Mob.

and I say this as someone who is looking forward to next weeks episode.

The biggest thing hurting more shows on Toonami is most of the slots are tied up for years unless they don't get Buu Kai.

at this point it seems far more likely for them to stop airing a show mid series then not get buu kai.
i mean they have been holding back buu kai from release for well over a year just so they can air it on TV.



Mob looks fantastic. I'll never understand that sentiment.

for the trash tier art the animators have done a wonderful job not making the show look trash tier.

but the art is still horrible :p

I love one's stuff, but he can't draw... like at all.
cleaning it up a bit but staying true to that original lack of skill drawing doesn't exactly make good art :p

I mean it makes it stand out,gives it style, and by episode 8 I don't mind the look of it anymore, but it definitely does not look well drawn, especially coming off one punch man.
Mob looking crappy is fine considering Adult Swim is the network that airs China IL and Mr Pickles so janky art isn't something their afraid of.

for the trash tier art the animators have done a wonderful job not making the show look trash tier.

but the art is still horrible :p

I love one's stuff, but he can't draw... like at all.
cleaning it up a bit but staying true to that original lack of skill drawing doesn't exactly make good art :p

I mean it makes it stand out, and by episode 8 I don't mind the look of it anymore, but it definitely does no look well drawn, especially coming off one punch man.

Yep, hence my comment "let me know when Miruata does a redraw and they animate that version"


for the trash tier art the animators have done a wonderful job not making the show look trash tier.

but the art is still horrible :p

I love one's stuff, but he can't draw... like at all.
cleaning it up a bit but staying true to that original lack of skill drawing doesn't exactly make good art :p

I mean it makes it stand out, and by episode 8 I don't mind the look of it anymore, but it definitely does no look well drawn, especially coming off one punch man.

The art in the webcomic is simplistic for sure, but saying the anime has crappy art is doing a disservice to what Bones is doing with it. If anything, the ONE art is letting Bones go nuts with creative freedom.

Visually it's a lot more interesting than One Punch Man.


Mob looking crappy is fine considering Adult Swim is the network that airs China IL and Mr Pickles so janky art isn't something their afraid of.

Yep, hence my comment "let me know when Miruata does a redraw and they animate that version"
to be fair toonami attracts a much different crowd than those shows.
and Miruata sadly started up his own new series so likely won't have time to do much more than one punch man here or there :(
Same block airs Naruto Shippuden.

To be fair in general naruto has decent art, just shitty animation :p

The art in the webcomic is simplistic for sure, but saying the anime has crappy art is doing a disservice to what Bones is doing with it. If anything, the ONE art is letting Bones go nuts with creative freedom.

Visually it's a lot more interesting than One Punch Man.

and a pile of vomit that kind of looks like a cat is visually more interesting than a solid block of polished gold, doesn't make it better to look at :p

and I really don't feel like I am giving bones a disservice. in fact I have praised their animation multiple times. The fact that such horrid art looks decent animated speaks wonders towards their ability. Staying truish to the original art has to be super hard on the animators to keep it consistent.

the funny thing about art though, is some people find enjoyment in what others find to be poor art. thus it's fine for you to like it, and fine for me to find it horrible. it's art, we don't all agree :p


Right, its very clear the toonami faithful as a collective don't care about good vs bad animation as they care more about art style.

which is mostly my point that I could be making without crapping on the art style of mob :p

but yeah, animation in general doesn't seem to be as important as style. Bones doing an amazing job of animating mob will be lost on people that can't see past the art style.

Shippuden has shitty art most of the time anyways
more people are going to find

more appealing than


I just find it sad that visually bland shows like Shippuden are more appealing than interesting looking shows like Mob Psycho 100, Ping Pong, Aku no Hana, etc. I really like when the anime industry does cool new things so when those shows aren't successful and the 100th generic looking LN adaption is, it bums me out.


I just find it sad that visually bland shows like Shippuden are more appealing to interesting looking shows like Mob Psycho 100, Ping Pong, Aku no Hana, etc. I really like when the anime industry does cool new things so when those shows aren't successful and the 100th generic looking LN adaption is, it bums me out.

and you aren't alone.

personally I would much rather have "bland" shippuden. as stylized stuff rarely actually is done well.

Mob doesn't look horrible animated just leaves a bad first impression (which is why I don't think it's a good fit for toonami especially with so many other better choices).

I haven't watched ping pong yet but part of that reason is because the art didn't look to appealing.

aku no hana is hot shit though, horrible, makes Mob look like the best show ever by comparison @_@
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