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Toonami |Aug/Sep16| NUDE GIRLS!

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I've actuallynbeen thinking about getting a waifu pillow cause my full body pillow I've been rocking since In was in my teens is in pretty rough shape.

I don't think I could ironically do it though, that might be a level of irony that people just couldn't handle


Most likely. Probably about a month away.

Jojo promos and bumps are going to be AMAZING, by the way.

I am not going to lie I am going to gif the SHIT outta JoJo. Come October. Newcomers are in for a treat if you have only tangentially been keeping up with it. It is the S-H-I-T.

I actually have avoided hyping up shows for a while because I wanted to avoid disappointment for many. JoJo is unabashed about being dumb fun.


Jojo is indeed incredible. If you want a series with some of the best use of colour design and clothing design, Jojo is absolutely top tier in that regards. The first arc may not resonate with a lot of fans initially, but even then its an expertly crafted shonen with some of the best art in the industry


I've seen some of Jojo in Japanese, oddly enough for me (I think I saw up to the very beginning of Part 2). Enjoyed it - doesn't take itself seriously so it kinda sidesteps the issues of melodrama by simply being 'bizarre' and weird but fun. Like, some of it is "stupid" but it works to fit the humor. I checked out the dub a little - I know it seems to get mixed impressions but it seems appropriately corny for a corny show? Like exaggerated British accents and Britisms. JYB is probably not the best choice for the first Jojo but other characters and even bit parts seem good to me. I think Speedwagon is great.

I'm excited.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
One Piece will be great up until
fishman island

Pretty much. The worst OP filler arc happens in that time period, and some will complain about the pacing on some of those arcs. It's still going to be really good for most of the next four years.


I've seen some of Jojo in Japanese, oddly enough for me (I think I saw up to the very beginning of Part 2). Enjoyed it - doesn't take itself seriously so it kinda sidesteps the issues of melodrama by simply being 'bizarre' and weird but fun. Like, some of it is "stupid" but it works to fit the humor. I checked out the dub a little - I know it seems to get mixed impressions but it seems appropriately corny for a corny show? Like exaggerated British accents and Britisms. JYB is probably not the best choice for the first Jojo but other characters and even bit parts seem good to me. I think Speedwagon is great.

I'm excited.

Make no mistake. Even at its weak points JoJo is at least entertaining. Part 1 just happens to be one of the weaker parts compared to the rest of the series. I have a great video discussing this but sadly like most videos discussing JoJo it is rife with spoilers for parts 1-3 usually. I'll be sure to talk about it when we reach a certain point.
New JoJo episode got me like


Please, for the love of Dio, don't let JoJo take any breaks between parts. We need to get to Part 4 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The most recent arc of the anime was really good for the most part, but I helped that by basically watching it in three parts instead of weekly.



The video announces it. The voice actor for Boros is
Chris Jai Alex
. Hooray for
voice actors~

The link (set to proper time). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF47pz0wxQU#t=6m38s

The blog itself is pretty interesting too:

The actor I cast for [Boros] is not especially well known yet, but when I was listening to the auditions something intangible about his performance left me no other choice.

Let me digress for a moment into how I think about casting. For me, getting a close match to the original Japanese actor's voice is not as important as a voice or performance that in some way gets to the core of the character.

When I chose Max for Saitama, it was because he "got" the character. A lot of the auditions sounded depressed, snarky or completely devoid of emotion. I didn't hear Saitama in them. Max's audition had just the right measures of boredom and detachment without losing Saitama's essential humanity.

Same with my choice of Zach for Genos; listen close and you'll hear that Zach is as incredibly earnest and hard-working as the cyborg he plays, and it comes across in his voice. Zach saying "Yes, Master!" makes me smile every time I hear it. Someday, when we each have a personal AI assistant that fulfils our slightest whims, mine is going to be voiced by Zach.

So what is Boros's essence? For me, it's supreme badassery and confidence—the guy is the Dominator of the Universe after all. To play him you'd need the voice of a god, but you'd also need a little bit of Saitama's detachment thrown in to boot.

Amongst the auditions was one from a super-pro who sounded exactly like the Japanese Boros. The performance, pitch and rhythm were all a perfect match. Casting him would have been a really safe move. You, the viewers, would have been satisfied.
But then I heard the winning audition. It's a bit different from the Japanese voice, but the essence of the character was there in overwhelming force. I got in touch with Mami Okada, the incredible casting director at Bang-Zoom! Studios who has been working on every level of casting for the show, and I told her that this guy was definitely the one—even though I was full of doubt about taking such a risk.

When I made it to the studio to oversee recording, though, I knew we'd gotten it right. We were listening to the actor do his big backstory monologue and watching the animation on the screen when Chris Cason, our inimitable voice director, leaned over and whispered "I'm getting goosebumps!" My reply was "I think I'm having an out-of-body experience." We were both enthralled with the performance!


Gives all the fucks
Very interesting to see them admit that they had someone audition who basically was an English version of the Japanese actor, which I feel like Aniplex would've casted based on some of the VAs in Kill la Kill (i.e. Nonon), but decided against it.

Either way, you can tell the ADR Director was trying his hardest to ensure the OPM dub would sound good.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I see some people comparing Bloodstained's delay to MN9. I think they're jumping a bit. Part of MN9's hype deflation was when they weren't just focused on a game, they wanted a whole franchise. Then Red Ash appeared and things were looking off.
IGA hasn't said anything about a franchise or any other projects, he's focused solely on Bloodstained right now. Plus, what's been shown of the game looks really good. Moreso than MN9 did prior to release.

I'm forced to agree.
is sure loooooooooooooooooooooong

I guess that's the difference between being an anime watcher and a manga reader.
The slow pacing of the anime hurts almost every arc after Sabaody.

This is why I tell everyone to read the manga first. Maybe go to YouTube for the action scenes. The pacing takes a major hit and it shows. Not only that, but the art degrades. It's a shame since
could have benefited from some faster action & delivery. Yet somehow it ended up longer than the manga did, and that was already a 100 chapter arc.


People hatin' on Mob Psycho 100's look in here? SMH

I see some people comparing Bloodstained's delay to MN9. I think they're jumping a bit. Part of MN9's hype deflation was when they weren't just focused on a game, they wanted a whole franchise. Then Red Ash appeared and things were looking off.
IGA hasn't said anything about a franchise or any other projects, he's focused solely on Bloodstained right now. Plus, what's been shown of the game looks really good. Moreso than MN9 did prior to release.

Kickstarter campaigns always bring out the worst in people. So many "armchair developers" on GAF its insane. As for MN9, it being a franchise would've been a non-issue if the game delivered. People upset about that specifically always were and always will be stupid.


think of your favorite games, from past generations to current. what are they? got them visualized?

now which ones were delayed at some point? do you remember? do you care? does it matter?


I see some people comparing Bloodstained's delay to MN9. I think they're jumping a bit. Part of MN9's hype deflation was when they weren't just focused on a game, they wanted a whole franchise. Then Red Ash appeared and things were looking off.
IGA hasn't said anything about a franchise or any other projects, he's focused solely on Bloodstained right now. Plus, what's been shown of the game looks really good. Moreso than MN9 did prior to release.

Plus, it was just the simple fact that MN9 failed to deliver much in terms of gameplay after all this time. I don't think Bloodstained will have that issue.
The lore of Kingdom Hearts would be a lot easier to understand if I could just say "Oh, Arceus just made it like that huh?"

Still wouldn't explain the zippers tho...
I see some people comparing Bloodstained's delay to MN9. I think they're jumping a bit. Part of MN9's hype deflation was when they weren't just focused on a game, they wanted a whole franchise. Then Red Ash appeared and things were looking off.
IGA hasn't said anything about a franchise or any other projects, he's focused solely on Bloodstained right now. Plus, what's been shown of the game looks really good. Moreso than MN9 did prior to release.

This is why I tell everyone to read the manga first. Maybe go to YouTube for the action scenes. The pacing takes a major hit and it shows. Not only that, but the art degrades. It's a shame since
could have benefited from some faster action & delivery. Yet somehow it ended up longer than the manga did, and that was already a 100 chapter arc.

You could really just watch
Episode of Sabo
and skip half the arc and not miss much.
think of your favorite games, from past generations to current. what are they? got them visualized?

now which ones were delayed at some point? do you remember? do you care? does it matter?

And then with my last breath, I whispered..."PS4 Pro..."

Man God

Non-Canon Member
NARUTO - EPISODE SIXTY-ONE: Ultimate Defense, Zero Blind Spot!

BONUS: The real hero.

Oh shit, Neji has transformed into the 1986 Chicago Bears according to the title! Iruka is doing paperwork, worrying about Naruto. Kabuto is also interested in Naruto...after taking out AN ANBU BLACK OPS member all on his own. Wow what a feat! Naruto sends the clone squad against Neji. He knows the real one and uses the TOUCH OF DEATH on him. He coughs up blood! Shadow clones start disappearing. Hinata has sympathy coughs from having her own lungs messed up.


He was also a clone! He was hanging back to make you think he was the real one. Tricky! Kiba thinks this cool. Neji just throws up his rotation shield when Naruto goes to punch him. Oops. TWENTY knows all about it. Naruto makes seven clones and surrounds him. Twenty gives the audience the Bleach explanation of the eight trigrams rotation. When he senses an attack his body releases chakra from the eight major points and he rotates creating an (almost) perfect shield. This is real special as even Jonin level ninja have trouble controlling vast amounts of chakra from more than one point at once. Ten Ten thinks it is better than Gaara's ultimate defense. Hinata's sister thought only her dad could do it and he says that it is a main branch only technique. He discovered it on his own.

FF VIII Summon Time.

Naruto is in range for the Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms technique. Neji proceeds to go all Fist of the North Star on him (in fact the gentle fist is basically less lethal Hokuto Shin Ken) and his uncle thinks that Neji is the strongest Hyuga despite being a member of the branch family and his brother should have gotten his birthright. All of Naruto's 64 chakra pathways have been sealed. He is lucky to still be breathing. Even JYB thinks it is over.

Hard work is an illusion? Hinata still sympathy coughing? Ino thought he could win! Naruto remembers Lee and Hinata, they never gave up brother! His fist still works! When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside. He's hulking Nine Tailsing it up! Hinata is coughing up blood! An ANBU BLACK OPS member who sounds suspiciously like Kabuto is going to help. Neji wants him to just give up as he's got nothing personal against Naruto. Naruto does have something personal against him though; his treatment of Hinata. Your mind games brother. Mocking her as failure. Politics in the back brother. This promo is a shoot. Doctor ANBU BLACK OPS lays Hinata down and starts using medical ninjutsu on her.

Smells like emotional back story.

Neji goes into tragic backstory mode. The main family puts a curse mark on the branch family to control them. Hinata and Neji's fathers were identical twins, but Hinata's dad was born first so he was the main branch. I know this feeling all too well. He was branded on the day Hinata turned three, the same day the Leaf signed a peace treaty with the Land of Lightning.


Later on they were watching Hinata train when her dad sensed some bad juju coming from his brother, so he fried his brain and told his nephew to take him home and that no, he wouldn't kill his brother tonight. What charity. Sometime later Hinata was abducted and her dad owned the fool but the intruder had some own political capital, the head of the Cloud Ninja. (It's a weird position at the the top of the ranks similar to the Sanin and only they have it) They...weren't happy that their chief ambassador was killed so they demanded the body of the killer, so they sent the spare to avoid going to war! Only in death was his father free. So I guess it makes sense why Neji despises destiny so much, he even weeps over his fate but promises Naruto a similar fated end to this fight!
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