Disguises in Hitman 2 barely work in a way that's INCREDIBLY frustrating and honestly just not fun at all, even if it does appear to be intentional (albeit super fucking finicky).
Hitman Contracts is where they lighten up on the disguise limitations and consequently it's when the series actually got good.
Yeah, Hitman 2 is best left to memory if you've played it, and if you haven't, you're better off just starting at Contracts. Most of the Hitman games suffer from just odd glitches and game oddities, but Hitman 2 is perhaps the most random odd stealth game I've ever played. If a person is moving, you can't sneak on them, because your sneaking speed can't match a person's natural movement speed. Sometimes guards will just randomly ask for your id for no apparent reason, and there's no escaping an alarm then unless you kill them. In missions with moving vehicles, sometimes a random guard will get run over, and the game will assume you killed him. Guards will sometimes walk through doors and walls. If spotted in an area where you're not supposed to be, you can try to run out of the guarded area, but that sometimes results in a guard following you for the entire level.
*modern stealth game*
*hitman 2*
Pick one, or is 2002 modern for you?
You see, here's the thing tho. Hitman 2 isn't a good game, but you can blow through it. You can beat the average mission is like 10 minutes, and there are only 20 missions. I'm on 17.
Might as well finish it.