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Toonami |Aug/Sep16| NUDE GIRLS!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member


Gives all the fucks
Hmm, so 3 episodes of Parasyte on the same night.....but granted, they're the final episodes, soooo......

Will be interesting to see what happens on Oct. 8th. Perhaps OPM will be the rerun show & they'll just show the first episode as the rerun.

....unless OPM somehow isn't the rerun show.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
NARUTO - EPISODE SIXTY-EIGHT: Zero Hour! The Destruction Of The Hidden Lead Village Begins!


Explosion in the top box. Shit is popping off everywhere. Gaara's siblings are out to get him. ANBU versus Sand. The Ninja guarding the Third gets knifed to death. The Third is grabbed from behind by the Kazekage who takes him at knife point to the roof. Oh hell no, it's the Sound Four! They've got some witty banter. Some ANBU are going to get involved. Nope. The Sound Four put up a death barrier. ANBU black ops suffer their first big humiliation in the series. The stadium was compromised, the Hokage kidnapped. Guy and Kakashi are discussing this when they are confronted by Kabuto in his disguise and some random Sound Ninja hidden in the audience. Genjutsu, pretending to be ANBU. Sand has betrayed the Leaf. The treaty was a ruse all along. The course of history has changed forever. He's gonna start a war! Joekage wants peace. Fear of death makes one more cowardly with age...Sarutobi-sensei. The wall guards (including Steve Blum) are talking about missing that Uchiha kid instead of paying attention to the giant and really obvious summoning circle out in the woods. Ten guesses to what they summon. Giant colossal titan snakes that run right through the wall. Paper bombs aren't gonna cut it.

Sand Ninjas Run Deep.

Temari and Kankuro are trying to get Gaara to resume his mission. Gaara just wants to kill Sasuke for making him bleed. Baki shows up to scold them. Gaara starts flipping out. Gaara is almost out of chakra and his wound is deep. He shouldn't have tried to transform so soon. They need to come up with a new plan. Baki tells them to retreat and fix him up. The operation will continue when his chakra returns. Baki is going to fight JYB and the Sauce. The siblings jump over the stadium wall. JYB asks if Orochimaru is the host of the party. Baki doesn't know or care. JYB tells him that he's already Chunin level and that he needs to go track down Gaara, but that this isn't a game son. Shino sees Sauce jump away and so does Kakashi.


Kazekage is still having fun with the Joekage. Oh well, he wanted Gaara to jar the sauce when he transformed, but no matter. He wanted the Leaf and the Sauce. Correction, he just wanted the Sauce. Kazekage thinks he has won already....but the Joekage taught him better years ago...right Orochimaru?!? DUN DUN DUN! I mean I guess it's kinda surprising that the Kazekage was Orochimaru. He did let the cat out of the bag at the beginning of the episode though. Oh well, we get Orochimaru's dope ass theme out of the deal. The Third knew this day was coming, but he gives him the stank eye. Orochimaru told him that he should have picked the Fifth Hokage before today, because he's going to die! Iruka is having recess with some young ass kids at the academy. Having kittens about Naruto. But he musn't play favorites. He wants Naruto to win! Konohamaru and his pals laugh at him daydreaming. Konohamaru wants him to call off the class but no dice. They see smoke coming from the arena. So do the other wall guards, who have a chat about Orochimaru's backstory from Ibiki, the proctor of the written exam. They had a falling out over Orochimaru's inhumane experimentation and he was driven out of the village. Ibiki met him as a kid and thought he was a demon in human's clothing. He was legit shook. A report comes in, the Sand are attacking! Oh did I mention the giant snakes are three headed hydras?

A Lost GIF from Casshern Sins

Guy and Kakashi notice Orochimaru. Sakura stands up. She's shook, he's after her boy. Who is also G-O-N-E. She stands there uselessly as two sound ninja come to decapitate her. Kakashi dispatches them and tells her to lay low while he thins their numbers. Kabuto is standing there, doing nothing. Guy and Kakashi are back to back, murking fools. Leave the Hokage to the ANBU Black Ops. Kakashi thinks the third can handle himself.


Orochimaru is crying. Is it from happiness or sorrow from killing his own teacher. He goes to strike with his knife...and puts it right in his palm. He's no longer sleepy! He walks away from the third. He doesn't hold a grudge either. No goal or motive. Orochimaru has a goal, he doesn't like a world that lies still. Finds it boring. To get the world he desires he needs to crush the Leaf! Kakashi and Guy continue to fight off the sound. He's glad he taught Sakura genjutsu as she really has a gift for seeing through it. He orders her to wake up Naruto and Shikamaru. Naruto will be delighted to get an A rank mission. Sakura is SHOOK.

BONUS GIF: I think he's a bad guy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
How do you even pay attention and make gifs at the same time?

I have a couple of tricks.

1. When its something like classic Naruto or SAO I've seen it a few times so I generally know what I want to gif and when it is.

2. I usually pause when I edit, but watch while the gif previews are loading.

3. Being anime there's tons of good dead zones to write while only paying half attention unless it's wall to wall gifs.

4. It takes me about 40 minutes to watch Naruto. I upload the gifs to imgur during the end credits and preview, and add in the gifs and proof read the post during the opening to the next episode.

5. My longest episode was 5 hours. The all gif Ino episode. Kakashi Laughs and The Bleach Beach Episode took about 4 hours.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
NARUTO - EPISODE SIXTY-NINE: Village In Distress, A New A-Ranked Mission!


Naruto recaps are short. Kakashi wants Naruto and Shikamaru to back up the Sauce as he feels weird about Gaara's chakra. Screw Ino and Chouji. No time for scrubs. Four person party limit like it was Final Fantasy 6. Four is the optimal number. That means Kakashi is coming along right?


Yes Pakkun time. He's the fourth member. What just a puppy? She didn't say cute you rascal. She wakes up Naruto. He almost gets hit by a flying kunai. Time to wake Shikamaru up.


He was faking this whole time. He couldn't care less about the Sauce. He does like playing with Pakkun though. Naruto is just confused and almost gets leveled by a Sound Ninja.

Might Guy Time.

Oh look, a convenient exit. Naruto is confused but since Sauce's name was uttered he's good to go. Pakkun gets Shikamaru to come along by promising to let him touch his soft paw pads when they get back.

Okay Maybe That Did Not Work.

He bites him instead and drags him along. Shino was hiding behind the corner of the wall overhearing this. Orochimaru is glad to be fighting Sarutobi one last time. The barrier can only be broken from the inside...so the Sound Four fix that by putting a barrier up in each corner. Orochimaru really wants a one on one fight. Joekage uses some Tile Shurikens and Orochimaru uses striking shadow snakes which get the old man by the neck...It's a mud clone. Earth style, great mud river. Turns that into an earth dragon and uses his own mouth to produce a fire dragon. Orochimaru is dead. Nope, he was hiding in the roof. Joekage knew that though. Orochimaru is all talk. Difficult students are the ones most worth teaching. Konohamaru knows the jig is up in his study hall. All the teachers are gone, the smoke coming from various sections. Moegi's pencil splits in half. Udon offers his up but hers was a limited edition color. The sun has a double rainbow around it. Kabuto is chilling with his sound ninja looking at Naruto's ninja info card. The ninja he is talking to thinks Naruto is a dweeb but Kabuto tells him not to underestimate your opponents or you will surely die. The Sauce is on the move. Tracking with some dirt. Oh wait Gaara is leaking blood sand. That makes sense. The teachers of the academy are meeting in their office. They need to evacuate without panic...so it's a drill.

Player 2 Outfit.

Sarutobi is ready to take the kid gloves off. Or in this case his robes and hat. Prepared for a fight. Orochimaru changes into his now standard grass themed clothes. Orochimaru won't take it easy on him for being old and doddering. If Orochimaru's jutsu is any good he won't send him back to the academy. They do some off brand chakra powering up before the fight begins. The ANBU are shook seeing a real fight for the first time. Sarutobi begins with some shuriken techniques but Orochimaru busts out the big guns and starts the reanimation jutsu. The First, the Second and...a third coffin reappear, but Joe sends the third one back. Orochimaru is smiling anyways. The coffins begin to open and He can read the characters on them. He can't believe these two were summoned.

Hokagémon Black and White.

The First and Second Hokages! The evacuation "drill" begins. Only Konohamaru has seen through it because Moegi and Udon are dumb. Iruka too serious. Colored pencil breaking. Double Sun Rainbow. Flashback to him and the third. The weird rainbow, once symbolized snakes and foretold the arrival of evil. He didn't think it was true back then but now...The hokages can talk! The third got old! Sarutobi never thought he'd have to fight these guys. The ANBU are shook. Black is first, White is Second. The greatest shinobi. The ones who built the village. The hokages talk it over. They were summoned. Forced to fight the third. Orochimaru thinks they talk too much. Life is conflict. Orochimaru has a kunai with a spell tag on it. The four person (being?) squad sent after the Sauce talk over why they were sent as about twenty Sound Ninja hold up the Naruto Ninja Info card, it was the one who talked to Kabuto!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
NARUTO - EPISODE SEVENTY: A Shirker's Call To Action, A Layabout No More!

Actually My Favorite Tree Flying Sequence In The Entire Series.

More recap piece. Literally has part of the same recap the last episode did. Plus the awesome Shikamaru gif. Track down Sasuke and stop him. Wait in a safe place for more orders. So Naruto gets it; the Sauce is cocky and impatient. Shikamaru wasn't even supposed to work today. Orders are orders. Pakkun has the scent. They're moving fast so it might take some time. There's two Sound Ninja squads coming to get them from behind. Make it Nine Ninja following them. Who is the Ninth man? They stop to do the hide their footprints trick. Naruto thinks only lame ninja will fall for it. The Sound see a broken branch and didn't fall for it. Shikamaru thinks they are Chunin or higher and are going to wipe them out.


Pakkun thinks they are all Jonin and the ambush won't succeed. Shikamaru will explain. Ambushes require two things. Ninja on the run must be quiet and find the enemy first and off guard, and attack and hide quickly. They can do the first and the second well...the pursuers know the layout of the village from Orochimaru and are a special persuit ninja squad.

Core Four.

Versus a fool, a kunoichi with no particular talent, a mutt, and a shirker who doesn't even want to be here. Shikamaru suggests instead that one of them acts like a decoy. Though they'll probably die. They sit and think about it. Pakkun can't be the one he's needed to find Sauce. Naruto goes to volunteer...but Shikamaru says he's the only one who has any chance to survive and succeed. Shadow Possession was made as a delay tactic anyways. Shikamaru does the cool holding his hand up without turning his head pose. Sakura wonders when he became so dedicated and hopes he is careful. The Sound notice the trail and continue to mark it for their backup. Pakkun thinks the enemy is too close and wonders if Shikamaru is even trying. This gets Sakura pretty spooked but Naruto has faith. He's lazy and always complains, but he'd never betray us. If he says he's gonna do it, he's gonna do it. Believe it. Pakkun wants them to go faster.

Hyper Combo Finish.

Shikamaru is in fact kneeling by a tree. He's also leaving false footprints for the dog. Ooops, he caught them. He's tired though. The Sound are embarrassed. Shadow Paralysis is the old name for it. Shikamaru is still tired from the exam. He's got a fistful of shuriken though. Can he kill all eight in one shot...but where is the ninth man. A reserve? Yep, there is a ninth man who stopped all of Shikamaru's shuriken. His shadow isn't long enough to catch him though. He looks to the clouds. He just wanted an average life. An average looking wife. Two kids, a girl and a boy. Retired when his daughter got married and his son a ninja. Playing Shogi. Die before his wife in his sleep at a ripe old age. But no, he had to volunteer. Sakura is sorry he doubted him after Pakkun reports that the pursuers were stopped. Shikamaru lets them go. The Sound leader tells the mysterious ninth man to come on out and cut off his head.


But Whose Side Is He On? It's Asuma, Asuma Sarutobi is here! He throws the Ninth man away like yesterday's news and punches a guy in the face with his knife. Stabs another one into next week. Gets two kunai in the back...of course its a log. Missile drop kick to the third guy. Four and Five are attempting death from above...double clothesline as they are about to land. Asuma tries a similar tactic but this time with the sun to his back and does a flying jump kick to number Six. Throws Seven into Eight. Shikamaru is legit shook by this colossal beat down. Shikamaru goes and takes a nap...way too much work. The Sand Siblings need to go faster as they have three people trailing them. Actually four with Pakkun. Naruto and Sakura want the Sauce. Joekage...doesn't want to fight the men who taught him. Orochimaru is about to use his special kunai for something...
Toonami isn't going to shut the door on any of the distributors. I doubt the quote implies more than that.

Exactly, just because they don't have any shows from them now doesn't mean they won't in the future. We know there is a 99.99% chance when SAO season 3 is a thing Aniplex will dub it and Toonami will air it. Same if/when Sentai got a show that had buzz around it like AgK or Parasyte did. When every slot is a long running shonen you aren't going to see a whole lot else.


Gives all the fucks
See no reason why they'd cut their relationship off after being all "well sorry, looks like you ran out of shows that could qualify for the block". More of just "hey, let us know when you acquire anything that looks like it'd fit with the other shows we're airing."

Aniplex just has a smaller library compared to, say, Funimation, & there's not as many that're action-related, let alone would have a dub.


Gives all the fucks
Considering Funimation is now handling the dubs of any shows that Crunchyroll will get, seems very possible. Hell, maybe we'll get Crunchyroll commercials again. Though maybe Funimation will make commercials for FunimationNow to promote dubs are now exclusive to their video service since Crunchyroll will mainly focus on subs.

Been a while since I last looked at Sentai's catalog, but I'm sure they still have a decent amount of action shows.


We've discussed this before, but there aren't too many open slots unless Toonami expands or drops the rerun.

1.) Gundam will get a replacement in December/January
2.) Jojo will get a replacement in April/May (Jason said there'd probably be a Jojo break before Part 3)
3.) Gundam's replacement will get a replacement like next July/August.
We've discussed this before, but there aren't too many open slots unless Toonami expands or drops the rerun.

1.) Gundam will get a replacement in December/January
2.) Jojo will get a replacement in April/May (Jason said there'd probably be a Jojo break before Part 3)
3.) Gundam's replacement will get a replacement like next July/August.

And there is a chance for #3 that the replacement might be ibo's second season


We've discussed this before, but there aren't too many open slots unless Toonami expands or drops the rerun.

1.) Gundam will get a replacement in December/January
2.) Jojo will get a replacement in April/May (Jason said there'd probably be a Jojo break before Part 3)
3.) Gundam's replacement will get a replacement like next July/August.
1. Samurai Jack replaces Gundam. Second season replaces Samurai Jack.
2. JoJo gets replaced by MHA/Mob Psycho. Attack on Titan S2 replaces that.
3. Stardust Crusaders replaces Gundam S2.


Gives all the fucks
I completely forgot that next week, not only is the block shifting back an half out to midnight, but we also have 3 episodes of Parasyte as well.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I get the feeling Samurai Jack won't be ready until next year.

I won't do my rewatch until we have a date.


Sorry for the double post but here's Episode #24 of the ToonamiGAF Podcast!

In this episode, everyone is a character from Space Ghost, lewd acts with potato chip bags, tiny planet driveways, amazingly animated jobbing, Human Debris clearance sales, ckohler really hates Illumi, giant snake throwing, and a final farewell to Sniper King.


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01:57 News
06:11 DBZ
12:14 OPM
18:56 IBO
29:02 HxH
36:23 Naruto
41:04 One Piece
48:22 Parasyte
50:26 Sign off


Sorry for the double post but here's Episode #24 of the ToonamiGAF Podcast!

In this episode, everyone is a character from Space Ghost, lewd acts with potato chip bags, tiny planet driveways, amazingly animated jobbing, Human Debris clearance sales, ckohler really hates Illumi, giant snake throwing, and a final farewell to Sniper King.


Subscribe to this podcast in your favorite podcast app using this URL:


01:57 News
06:11 DBZ
12:14 OPM
18:56 IBO
29:02 HxH
41:04 One Piece
48:22 Parasyte
50:26 Sign off

Was the naruto segment cut? I remember talking about it.
Man Ace Attorney 6 is a weird game. I'm enjoying it, but it feels like it went through some radical changes mid development.

Case 4 feels like it's supposed to be case 1.
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