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Toonami |Aug/Sep16| NUDE GIRLS!

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Gives all the fucks
Technically, 4th, since there was a spin-off called L: Change The World.

.....or maybe Japan's making it so they can be all "no, America, THIS is how you make a live-action version of a manga!", like Toho did after the 1998 Godzilla film.


Asura's Wrath is the best anime within a game. I remember not having any interest when it was first announced, but then during Captivate 2011, I saw the fight during that giant buddha dude & was instantly hooked.

.......I really wish it got a sequel, I would love to see how CC2 would try to top some of the fights.

I liked it well enough.


Technically, 4th, since there was a spin-off called L: Change The World.

.....or maybe Japan's making it so they can be all "no, America, THIS is how you make a live-action version of a manga!", like Toho did after the 1998 Godzilla film.

I meant third linearly. I already knew of the spinoff, and don't count it numerically regardless of quality.


Gives all the fucks
I meant third linearly. I already knew of the spinoff, and don't count it numerically regardless of quality.
Ah, okay, wasn't sure.

Reading the plot, interesting to see they're basically going the "same plot, but brand new characters" route. Not really a fan of "let's just reuse the same story since it worked last time", but at the very least, it might create some new ways of trying to outsmart each other.


Sitting down for Suicide Squad, god help me

I probably won't be around tonight. Thank the Magic Pro Tour for being in Australia, and the Top8 starting at 8pm EDT
Based on what I read, Suicide Squad just seems boring. The written plot can't be as big a disaster as Batman v. Superman, because for a movie about a spec-op squad of villains, it plays it pretty safe.


Suicide Squad is not good. Like 1/3 of the team has no reason to be in the movie, they're so irrelevant. The villain goes from a promising start to essentially a bad Syfy original movie tier villian.

Deadshot, Harley, Waller, and surprisingly El Diablo are good. Everything else in the movie is lame. Half the jokes aren't funny, the action scenes aren't good, with the exception of one
moment, and the climax is the worst I've seen in a superhero movie since... X-Men the Last Stand, maybe?

It's not complete shit, but it's bad. There's some good stuff buried in it, but it's not enough to save the movie.
Suicide Squad is not good. Like 1/3 of the team has no reason to be in the movie, they're so irrelevant. The villain goes from a promising start to essentially a bad Syfy original movie tier villian.

Deadshot, Harley, Waller, and surprisingly El Diablo are good. Everything else in the movie is lame. Half the jokes aren't funny, the action scenes aren't good, with the exception of one
moment, and the climax is the worst I've seen in a superhero movie since... X-Men the Last Stand, maybe?

It's not complete shit, but it's bad. There's some good stuff buried in it, but it's not enough to save the movie.

Is it true that The Joker is really only in the movie for around 10 minutes, and
has almost no impact on the story?

Because, fuck.


Is it true that The Joker is really only in the movie for around 10 minutes, and
has almost no impact on the story?

Because, fuck.

He has
a very minor impact on the story. There's basically one Harley/Deadshot scene that doesn't happen if he's not in the plot, but that's it.
He's mostly there to give context to Harley Quinn's character. Sort of like Deadshot's daughter.

And this would actually be okay if they used that time to flesh out the other members of the squad instead. It is their movie, after all.

But they don't.
Suicide Squad works in comic form because the audience knows a good chunk of these characters so we don't have to waste too much time reestablishing them. Most of these characters are getting a film debut in SS and I imagine like BvS the film assumes you already know who everyone and everything is which doesn't really work in a story driven movie.


No Scrubs
Suicide Squad works in comic form because the audience knows a good chunk of these characters so we don't have to waste too much time reestablishing them. Most of these characters are getting a film debut in SS and I imagine like BvS the film assumes you already know who everyone and everything is which doesn't really work in a story driven movie.

Which is definitely part of the problem. Instead of taking their time and establishing all of their characters properly they're trying to cut corners and it shows. That and they either don't hire the right directors or meddle for no reason.

I actually heard their was a cut of SS that was really good, basically there was a Batman vs Joker movie going on in the background that these guys had to navigate while they did their thing and they kept getting caught up in it. Which, on it's face, sounds like it could be pretty goddamn cool and apparently was. Until they ruined it.
Which is definitely part of the problem. Instead of taking their time and establishing all of their characters properly they're trying to cut corners and it shows. That and they either don't hire the right directors or meddle for no reason.

I actually heard their was a cut of SS that was really good, basically there was a Batman vs Joker movie going on in the background that these guys had to navigate while they did their thing and they kept getting caught up in it. Which, on it's face, sounds like it could be pretty goddamn cool and apparently was. Until they ruined it.

Yep when audiences resonated with the tonally innacurate to the original cut and didn't resonate with the tone of bat v sup I get why WB panicked and ordered the reshoots, but you can't cobble together a dark film about villains being forced to fight other worse villains and a sarcastic anti hero romp.


Suicide Squad is not good. Like 1/3 of the team has no reason to be in the movie, they're so irrelevant. The villain goes from a promising start to essentially a bad Syfy original movie tier villian.

Deadshot, Harley, Waller, and surprisingly El Diablo are good. Everything else in the movie is lame. Half the jokes aren't funny, the action scenes aren't good, with the exception of one
moment, and the climax is the worst I've seen in a superhero movie since... X-Men the Last Stand, maybe?

It's not complete shit, but it's bad. There's some good stuff buried in it, but it's not enough to save the movie.

Good. They better not destroy The Wall.

He has
a very minor impact on the story. There's basically one Harley/Deadshot scene that doesn't happen if he's not in the plot, but that's it.
He's mostly there to give context to Harley Quinn's character. Sort of like Deadshot's daughter.

And this would actually be okay if they used that time to flesh out the other members of the squad instead. It is their movie, after all. But they don't.

That's a shame. Seems like the movie, for all its talent on screen, really lacks in the personality department. Just like Batman v. Superman, adding the stuff they cut won't save the movie. Not with all the problems people are mentioning.

In other disappointing, but not terribly surprising news, Telltale Batman runs like crap on PS4. (That's not even mentioning how it launched on PC.)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A DC movie is bad?

A Telltale game has performance issues at launch?

What has the world come to?!?

Save us, Kirito.


why would you guys spend money to go see those films

you could be spending that money on buying SAO instead


I used to think that Nurse Rachet in One Flew Over the Cucoo's Nest would never be topped as far as human personification of evil, but I think Amanda Waller in Suicide squad may have set the new standard. I'm pretty sure that wasn't what I was supposed to take away from the movie!

I actually enjoyed Leto's Joker. It's probably the only thing in the movie I didn't despise.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Every single Tenchi show is worse than the one that came before. It's consistent as hell. I never thought they'd be able to top GXP, but they did.


No Scrubs
Every single Tenchi show is worse than the one that came before. It's consistent as hell. I never thought they'd be able to top GXP, but they did.

I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. We're going to need to do a group watch to be sure.
I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. We're going to need to do a group watch to be sure.

Agreed, theirs nothing worse then GXP in terms of Tenchi and if this is worse like you say man god, then it must be watched.

Bring War on Geminar to Toonami.

We're getting too many good things lately.

We deserve it.

Also agreed, we need a good hate watch to bring us together again. think we've all recovered from Akame ga kill at this point.


*cracks knuckles*

I am already dead, Ill probably start watching tomorrow and give another Jarate based breakdown. It's a great idea because not only will I try to break down the show, but there's a good chance I'll have a breakdown as well

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It used to all be up officially on the youtube.

It's definitely on Funimation's streaming service if not. Best subscription deal ever in my book.

Anyways, one episode a day for 26 days? Sound good for everyone?


I mean people are literally saying that basically "if you've ever had a negative thought about gb16 at any point for any reason you're secretly sexist" because apparently the only reason to dislike the film is gender based. It spills into other topics when people who claim to be fighting for equal rights and progression are so stubborn and narrow minded they aren't able to see other possibilities at all. No one is saying the legit sexist opinions are bad, the point a lot of people are making is that it was an over blown criticism by a vocal minority like what happened with TFA and FR but that makes half the internet sexist in cerain posters eyes.

Also the film would be underperforming even if it had more of a comedy budget like Fieg's pasts work, and isn't the billion dollar idea he originally pitched to Sony.

I think its somewhat fair to say that sexism has clouded the opinion of the film for some on a subconscious level. I do think one can have or express sexist thoughts without throwing around expletives or giving statements as extreme as "get them wimmin' out og my Ghostbusters!". There are degrees to everything.

That said, I do think some people on the otherside take it too far. What you're describing kind of reminds me of a while back when Star Wars VII came out and there was that whole conversation about Rey and if she was a "Mary Sue" or what not. Me and most of my real life friends, and I'd describe most of us as full-on feminists, thought her character was lacking in some respects. I remember popping in that thread and reading basically an essay (I remember who wrote it but I'm not going to mention names because who cares at this point) to the effect that "many/most critical or Rey were like just jealous and self-loathing" and some other non-sense. Seeing that didn't make me lose faith in humanity. It just told me I should probably stop posting in that thread because interesting conversation was unlikely to be had.


Do you remember those two Naruto Shippuden episodes back in the Immortals arc that were decent and kinda well animated? Same director dude is back for not tonight's episode, but next week's.


Rey was a super Mary Sue, just like Luke was basically one as well.

Ghost Buster 16 looked like crap, but then again, I think most major Hollywood films kind of look like shit. Ive seen a lot of films that had incredible rotten tomatoes scores only to be disappointed in the end. Im a super big film snob I guess, which is strange considering I watch anime.
*cracks knuckles*

I am already dead, Ill probably start watching tomorrow and give another Jarate based breakdown. It's a great idea because not only will I try to break down the show, but there's a good chance I'll have a breakdown as well

Y-You sure man? the last time we barely got your mentality back you may not come back this time.


Y-You sure man? the last time we barely got your mentality back you may not come back this time.

I feel like I got a nasty flu coming on soon, so I'll probably be stuck doing that as I have a hard time playing video games when I'm sick unless it's like Dynasty Warriors



Cool. I'm going to listen over lunch.

Do you remember those two Naruto Shippuden episodes back in the Immortals arc that were decent and kinda well animated? Same director dude is back for not tonight's episode, but next week's.

Anything to lessen the pain.

Btw, I'm watching future One Piece on Crunchyroll and I was surprised to see "Hands Up" starting off the episodes. Didn't you guys say it wasn't available in the US? Maybe this means it'll air in a few years on Toonami.


Btw, I'm watching future One Piece on Crunchyroll and I was surprised to see "Hands Up" starting off the episodes. Didn't you guys say it wasn't available in the US? Maybe this means it'll air in a few years on Toonami.
If I recall it was Funimation that definitely didn't have it.

To be fair ignoring that post (and the one saying Aerith was a prostitute) that thread is actually full of quality discussion about FF7 and its expanded universe and character interactions.

I think its somewhat fair to say that sexism has clouded the opinion of the film for some on a subconscious level. I do think one can have or express sexist thoughts without throwing around expletives or giving statements as extreme as "get them wimmin' out og my Ghostbusters!". There are degrees to everything.

That said, I do think some people on the otherside take it too far. What you're describing kind of reminds me of a while back when Star Wars VII came out and there was that whole conversation about Rey and if she was a "Mary Sue" or what not. Me and most of my real life friends, and I'd describe most of us as full-on feminists, thought her character was lacking in some respects. I remember popping in that thread and reading basically an essay (I remember who wrote it but I'm not going to mention names because who cares at this point) to the effect that "many/most critical or Rey were like just jealous and self-loathing" and some other non-sense. Seeing that didn't make me lose faith in humanity. It just told me I should probably stop posting in that thread because interesting conversation was unlikely to be had.

It just felt bad when I posted something obviously sarcastic and multiple people took the bait agreeing with that post. And yeah TFA's and FR show that there is always a group of sexist/racist haters who hate because women/black but they're a fairly small but vocal minority that were drowned out by most people who responded positively to trailers and the film. My gut feeling is that the people who are so on the opposite side in their passion to decry any little thing as sexist/racist they paint progressive people in a light that isn't really ideal for getting people to the open and accepting side of the fence. My comment was also a bit hyperbolic, obviously I lost faith in humanity when SAO became popular :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Cool. I'm going to listen over lunch.

Anything to lessen the pain.

Btw, I'm watching future One Piece on Crunchyroll and I was surprised to see "Hands Up" starting off the episodes. Didn't you guys say it wasn't available in the US? Maybe this means it'll air in a few years on Toonami.

The simulsub had we go for the entire time hands up ran so maybe they worked something out.

We won't know for sure until the dub DVDs get there...late next year or early 2018 as even without running for an entire extra arc We Go was already one of the more prolific openings.


A great stress reliever

I wanna be real here, Dynasty Warriors got me through a lot of bad times, and I appreciate the shit out of that series. Im glad that western journos are a lot nicer to the series nowadays then they used to be, but man, those games were great after a really rough day of high school.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I wanna be real here, Dynasty Warriors got me through a lot of bad times, and I appreciate the shit out of that series. Im glad that western journos are a lot nicer to the series nowadays then they used to be, but man, those games were great after a really rough day of high school.

To be fair they basically released two dynasty warriors games a year for about a decade. These giant, review proof games would end up on your desk every six months, and that's before they started the other franchise collaboration games.

DW games are a reviewers nightmare.


I wanna be real here, Dynasty Warriors got me through a lot of bad times, and I appreciate the shit out of that series. Im glad that western journos are a lot nicer to the series nowadays then they used to be, but man, those games were great after a really rough day of high school.

Agreed. I grew up on the series, myself.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It seems Funimation.com's episodes still don't have it but Crunchyroll does. I bet they have the rights now but Funimation.com never bothered updating their videos whereas Crunchyroll has.

Yep, the crunchyroll deal is a lot newer than Funimation's.

Like I said though we won't know for sure for a long ass time unless they dub a ton of OP next year. They might get to We Go
aka the timeskip
by the end of this year, but then they'd still have another seventy episodes to go.
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