Yeah I found dandy's boot right off and noticed the old man and the girl...It's the yellow part.
The rest of the dump though is fantastique!
Thanks! And yeah, just ignore the yellow stuff for now ;-) I'm adding in a lot of "probably to be covered by another character later" Bits to this one, rather than having a clean divide for each segment, as in the past Dandy Mega-Covers. Makes for sloppy in-process, but hopefully works out in the end!
Been watching Eureka 7 for the first time. I've always missed it during it's run on Toonami. This show is very good.
Up to episode 24 now.
I rather enjoyed it, too. The show did a great job of really making me care for the characters, and I didn't feel like it held back much at all, which is something that comes up in the regular shonen. It feels completely honest with it's script and throughts, and what it's being honest about isn't goofy and off-putting.
Great stuff as always, I really do enjoy your ideas for crossover and shout=outs to other video games or anime.

If you every get a job in video games or anime, reference Toonami.

And I glad you include Jack's stupid awesome rave gear.
I'm actually working on a pixel character for a guy right now, and for an attack he wants me to base it off of an anime I might not be familiar with called One Piece. From that point on, it's like "yea~no, this is going to be fun!", lol.
I always loved shout-outs in works back in the day. Seeing Masukazu Katsura making Batman refs in the Video Girl Ai manga felt so surprising to me back then. Or how designers from works would stick characters they worked on previously into backgrounds of later works, like Lum popping up in the Dirty Pair TV series, or Chun Li appearing in Breath of Fire and Final Fight 2. I think it helps feel things feel less like products of corporations and focus testing, and more like works made by a bunch of fanboys and fanbabes; giving a human element to what would otherwise just be a name on a page.
I like how the sketch has some cross shows and references lol
Thanks! I wonder what next weeks thing will be... I guess Gamescom related? That, or depression over Sony paying even less attention to the Vita. Find out next Dump! XD
This Zero Hut is hilariously awful, who heard that voice and went "yep good casting"
I think it's similar to how SNKP said they wanted people to hate Ash in KoF from the very start. As soon as you hear Zero, you want to punch him in the face, and see him killed off, ha.
Good morning everyone. Woke up later than usual, I guess I was really tired last night.
Good work as usual SAB
Thanks for that, and for the Impressions!
So what was the point of Mephisto?
For me, all he did is make the story kinda Stupid. "NO, THE SON OF SATAN CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO EXIST! Somone call up the BROTHER OF SATAN, whom we employ, and tell him of our grievances!"
Now I want Satan to reply to the "Demons and Humans can live together" stuff with a "Naw, sure, you see, my brother already works for your dad!" or something like that.
Kinda late this morning but fantastic dump. Really like the Dandy opening image.
WOHOO! I had fun playing with the colors of that part. That didn't come out at all like I was planning to make it over the week, but I think it turned out better for the main episode characters, so totally works out.
Great stuff this week SAB, love the random references to old shows in your drawings
And I haven't even watched Initial D! Heh. Though trying to get it's style for Barb was surprisingly fun. Gotta keep everyone on their toes!
Both Clone Wars and Jack are suffering lately with a lack of certain characters.
Jack has been Aku-less for months now and Clone Wars has gone quite a while without a real Obi-Wan or Anakin episode. Yes I'm starting to miss Anakin episodes now.
Honestly, Asohka episodes are all the Anakin I need. She's the result of his training, idealogy, and personality, and she lets us reflect on the only real interesting revelations of Anakin Pre-Vader in this show, IMHO. Doesn't hurt that I started to more than half-watch the show in it's original runs around the Aso-focused stuff.
Guess it ALSO doesn't hurt that she's the only one who pulls off the Jedi Pride-speak without making me just wanna hate her, actually. Obi's so slick about it it's annoying, and Ani's so dark about it that it's like an eviljoke, knowing his future. Aso's young enough for it to make sense, but yet still reeled back in by her position so as it never feels entirely overblown.
I don't know either but when you think of manga and sniper, you immediately go to Golgo 13.
Sure, it would have made more sense for me to use Yoko here, but... as you said...
is anyone else kinda disappointed at what they did with Scarlet's character in Space Dandy?
It was weird at first, but I like her a lot more this way, really. After her butt-kicking fight in S1, I was worried they were going to make her into a character that really only played with a professional side, and a rough-and-tumble "renegade" side. But getting to see that she's just as apt to letting loose on her emotions as the rest of the cast (even with a much more believable reasoning than the others, in Alcohol), makes her feel more like one of the shows ever-growing cast.
I also found it funny that the only way to make her stand out as a sub-par choice in such a situation, was to place her by a friend built like a triple re-enforced Brickhouse. What a nice way to push her confidence to lows that she probably has no business being at, if compared to normal human girls.
animation and......animation?
Speaking of that, really, the amount of secondary and personality-quirk detail of the show was a delight to see. Even things as mundane as watching Rin and TheKingOfGames walk out of the snowy hut at the end had extra motions accommodating for shifting weight, or stepping on an unexpected surface. If the show was judged just by animation alone, it'd probably be one of my favorite shows to air on the block since Tenchi OVAs.
Here are my reviews for last night along with a choice comment from each episode. Enjoy!
I actually did enjoy that, lol. Wonderful thread-based retrospective, felt like reading a good blog post or enthusiast gaming magazine editorial.