So I read through a fairly significant portion of the manga, so I mostly know what to expect. Nothing I'd call a fight yet, been mostly disappointed with the action so far. Akame is dull as usual though I like how they're portraying that she's happy that her team isn't dying. The strip down for wound check scene could've been handled better, but I liked that it was there. Bulat is always fun. I kind of forgot how much of a dick the prime minister is and what a chump the emperor is. Ogre kind of gave me Assassin's Creed vibes. The whole faces thing with the pint-sized torturer in the first episode was asinine, a complete miscarriage of how they should have portrayed the scene. I like how quickly Protagonist (Tatsumi, probably?) killed her. First episode was kind of hilarious/sad with foresight. The script was written such that a lot of the lines had double meaning, which was fun. I always liked how Spider Web Boy straight up killed that random girl he found attractive. Very clean. Cat Hands is doing a good job of providing amusing commentary. Snickety Snick Scissors continues to have no character presence, even worse than Akame. Boss is bitchin' as per the norm. I am almost always amused by characters like Pumpkin Projectile, though I wish they hadn't done one of those stupid "no one knows how to knock" things. They've gotten past the "let's show off the weapons" episode so now things can start happening. And the eye guy has arrived. I guess everyone with a soul working for the empire either quit or got murdered T_T. Also, why was that Assistant Instructor at the best martial arts training center in the country unable to break the grip of some random guy over the course of like 15 seconds. Or hell, kill him. Both of his hands were free and Protagonist wasn't exactly dodging. Awful action choreography, just terrible. Oh yeah, that whole "these chores are actually training thing" was complete bullshit. Terrible writing, no effort shown at all. I always liked Pumpkin Projectile's power, because it seemed like it'd be scariest fucking power to have to work with. You need power to kill this guy or thing, but you have to be in danger to power up. Seems like it'd be really stressful to work with.
Final Thoughts: Red Eyes Sword is a really stupid name for a production group.