I still believe Endless Eight could've actually worked if they didn't make it last 8 freakin' episodes (granted, it's in the damn title, but still). I love the concept & it could've worked if they made it, say, 3 episodes.
Episode 1: Everything is as normal
Episode 2: Deja Vu is experienced in both the viewer & slowly in the main character, to which they then realize the loop. Tries to break it but fails.
Episode 3: Deja Vu once again, but the main character notices it quicker, tries harder to break the loop & succeeds.
I mean, I did like the small touches within each episode to show that the loop wasn't always the same (clothing choices, what events they focused on, etc.), but damn, when 8 episodes out of 13 of the season are almost the exact same, it takes quite the toll.
Still don't know if I should bother with that new Suzumiya anime that focuses on Nagato actually having emotions.