Yo I just saw this on my FB feed too.
Sold out.
Sold out.
Is it because its heat reactive?
What does that even mean.
Remember when we thought Hunter x Hunter would be on Toonami, let alone dubbed?
Good times.
Good times.
There was a time we thought Jojo would never be dubbed too
What if we are all just side characters in Kayos' anime?What if Kayos is living in his own anime?
I'll be the harem lead's best friend that never gets any.
Does this make me the tsundere one? Because it's not like I'd want to be the tsundere or anything!
I'll be the American character that can barely speak English but can speak perfect Japanese.
Only if you have twintails and like being pat on the head.
*Pats skLaFarebear
I probably should've seen that coming
I nominate Seda as the mascot character.
hey guys what's going on in here
hey guys what's going on in here
I actually can't figure out what you guys are talking about
kayos90 is to blame