My favorite part of this is when it says "Japan's Newest Episodes" and then shows a One Piece clip from an episode that aired FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO.
My favorite part of this is when it says "Japan's Newest Episodes" and then shows a One Piece clip from an episode that aired FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO.
Alucard's powers are repeatedly explained by the fact that he's a vampire, and even then he rarely does anything that's too difficult to buy. Vampires can shapeshift. Vampires keep all the people they've eaten within them. Vampires are borderline unkillable. None of this begs an explanation since it all boils down to "because he's a vampire."
Schrodinger is exactly the opposite of all of that. What am I supposed to say for him? "Because he's a catboy?"
Because his powers are based upon the Scheodinger cat principle, thats literally all the explanation it needs. They established this back in his introduction in episode 4 that he's everywhere and nowhere, that sometimes he's alive and sometimes he's dead. They shoot him at the meeting and the next scene he's back with the major. The bigger problem was that he proceedes to not do anything relevant until the finale when he intentionally lets himself get absorbed into Alucard. IIRC the only other scenes he's in are comedic scenes.
Because his powers are based upon the Scheodinger cat principle, thats literally all the explanation it needs. They established this back in his introduction in episode 4 that he's everywhere and nowhere, that sometimes he's alive and sometimes he's dead. They shoot him at the meeting and the next scene he's back with the major. The bigger problem was that he proceedes to not do anything relevant until the finale when he intentionally lets himself get absorbed into Alucard. IIRC the only other scenes he's in are comedic scenes.
That is not all the explanation it needs, because there is no reason for him to have those powers at all. You can say everyone else is a crazy experimental vampire because that's what they are. Schrodinger is just there because the writer needed a way to kill Alucard, and it's bullshit.
My favorite part of this is when it says "Japan's Newest Episodes" and then shows a One Piece clip from an episode that aired FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO.
yes but over/under four and a half years until it's on toonami
That is not all the explanation it needs, because there is no reason for him to have those powers at all. You can say everyone else is a crazy experimental vampire because that's what they are. Schrodinger is just there because the writer needed a way to kill Alucard, and it's bullshit.
The Major didn't care what happened after killing Alucard. He just wanted his war.That's really the bigger problem, the Nazi's go to all this trouble to kill Alucard... and then have no real plan after this fact. Eliminate Schrodinger and eliminate Alucard's death and the ending plays out exactly the same minus the need for Alucard to disappear for 30 years.
They could have just gone the X-Men route ans say Schrodinger is a mutant or something.
The real problem is killing Alucard accomplished nothing, by the point Alucard "died" the only people left were
Walter, who was already dying
Church girl, who wasn't on the nazi's side
The scientist, who Walter would have killed anyway
The Major, who would have probably been destroyed by Integra in the end even if Seras wasn't there
Seras/Integra, where one or the other could have killed the Major
That's really the bigger problem, the Nazi's go to all this trouble to kill Alucard... and then have no real plan after this fact. Eliminate Schrodinger and eliminate Alucard's death and the ending plays out exactly the same minus the need for Alucard to disappear for 30 years.
The Major didn't care what happened after killing Alucard. He just wanted his war.
Ive had a super awful day today
is this what missing toonami for two weeks does to a man
I think thats where it throws people off though- if you disregard the comedy anime styled scenes, the series doesnt present itself in a silly way most of the time.Cat boy being involved in the ending and having no explanation for his what.
They don't explain anyone else's powers or why they work for whom they work for. I still have no clue what Anderson's powers were before his Jesus upgrade and I don't care. The series was always silly.
Akame ga Kill! - Episode 24 (END)
No regrets.
It wasn't as bad as Bones Eater ( it's difficult to top that BS), but it was still pretty terrible. I don't even read the manga, and even I could tell that some things weren't right.
Ive had a super awful day today
is this what missing toonami for two weeks does to a man
Yeah I feel like I haven't posted in ages.
Noone cares about Shippuden Non-Canon material.
Only some weirdos.
So what OP episode are you guys on? Im on 274, and I still need to know what movies and specials I've missed lol
pfffffffffffffffffff, this guy^
So, I'm gonna try to resolve a claim with Sony Japan on this one, but........
Here's that Toonami edit of Soul Eater's 3rd ending. The awesome jump cut at the end.
What if, WHAT IF.........................
Soul Eater replaces Deadman as yet another FUNi favor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Casshew please.
Maybe we'll get it after Deadman ends.Holy shit, that'd be wayyyy better.
Maybe we'll get it after Deadman ends.
maybe we'll get gxp
Why would you even say something like that.maybe we'll get gxp
I don't know if I would discount Thundercats or Samurai 7 showing up in the back half of the block sometime at random.I have faith that the four worst series on Nu-Toonami won't ever reair.
Thundercats, Tenchi Muyo GXP, Beware the Batman, Samurai 7. Gone forever.
I wouldn't mind S7 that much truth be told but I'm sure it's never coming back.