Yay, then I have 7 to go! Guys, assuming im not in a car or surrounded by rabid little kids trying to eat my soul, im totally joining you for next toonami one piece
Our parade of character focus episodes continues onward to put a capstone on how useless the Tree of Doom arc as they are already upgrading each of the scouts to the new Star powers. Really, when it get down to things the only worthwhile Crystal upgrade has proven to be Sailor Moon's as she still uses it for the moment to villain ending effect, until it is her turn of course. Anyway, this episode decides to focus on Rei in relation to the walking lawsuit she calls a grandfather and he hapless and pointless dead end of a love interest called Yuchiro. This is unusual because even at the stage of Sailor Moon R the series was beginning its long purge of normal humans. Though these two proved to be surprisingly resistant, hanging around until at least Super S, which is an eternity for the regular humans.
Anyway, not much else to say, this is pretty typical Sailor Moon. Though I will note that the producer change over does shine through even with the less substantial episodes, it is something I can't quite put my finger on yet, but ever since the Ikuhara era began, the very essence of these episode feels changed, more character then narrative driven, it is something I hope to have the words for in due time. Anyway, recommendation to watch.
Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 64:
Oh look an episode designed to make me feel sad emotions towards Chibiusa, that is almost adorable, the only sadness I feel is the sadness that she did not get roasted by the lightning and Uasgi for that matter since they were both on the bratty side this episode. Also, have I mentioned I hate the break up subplot lately because it bears mentioning every time I have to watched the contrived bullshit of them not being a couple on my screen.
Anyway, standing in difference to the Sato era things are getting mixed up and new approaches are being taken. Usually the pattern is we get a row of singular character focus episode featuring the token powerup for that arc or season. We actually take a break from that so that Sailor Moon R can do something else not typically seen up to this point, building up intrigue for the overarching plot. Not that the series is unfamiliar with the idea, but those episode usually come at the beginning and end of arcs and it actually rather refreshing to see.
Indeed, we are getting the first real bits of Chibiusa's backstory as she is a kid from another era of time sent back into the past in order to save her mother and is being guided by a mysterious timekeeper who is decidedly not Artemis.
Also, things to look out for, certain chracter traits are beginning to be ratcheted up and I believe the term is Flanderized. Ami is become a lot more focused on her studies, I knew this was a thing that happened though the series but I didn't think is got this ridiculous this soon. Finally, as much as I detest many things in this season, I do like the Black Moon clan as overall villain force. I have mentioned one of the biggest failing with the filler villains is the lacked the menace and the Black Moon Clan not only bring back the menace but also give an escalation to the threat level. The clan is expansive enough where the commander in charge of ground operations has his own quirky mini-boss squadron. Anyway, overall, this episode has a high recommendation to watch if only for the storyline progression.
Last week and this weekend were crazy, but I think the gifs will (must) flow this week. I have two extra days off and nothing pressing. No new furnace, no extended work trip, no surprise visit from an old friend, no six hour nap on Saturday.
*does best to explain in detail game mechanics & such to OP who made thread asking if they should buy a game, contributing to topic*
*sees people who clearly didn't play the game nor have any interest in it drive-by posting annoying crap that contributes nothing & sort of insults the people that played it*
I still don't understand this logic of "I don't give two craps about this game/movie/topic, but I feel the need to go into this thread about it and insult people who do have interest & the subject in question itself". If you don't care for it, why did you even enter in the first place? Edit: Oh & the obligatory "LOOK, THERE'S PEOPLE WITH *blank* AVATARS" crap.
Don't play much Smash 3DS online due to Smash 3DS online code being a bit iffy even on my pretty decent internet (assuming my brother/family aren't all streaming shit -.-)
More excited for the PS3 version, but I agree let me know when they dub it with the tv show cast so that I can go into the dub announcement thread and shake my head at the dub haters saying the dub is bad.
Don't play much Smash 3DS online due to Smash 3DS online code being a bit iffy even on my pretty decent internet (assuming my brother/family aren't all streaming shit -.-)
World Ends With You
Theatrhythym Curtain Call
Fire Emblem Awakening
1st half of Bravely Default
Phoenix Wright 1-3 & 5
Final Fantasy 4 DS Remake
A Link Between Worlds
Ocarina of Time
Elite Beat Agents
Super Mario 3d Land
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Contra for the DS
That should be a good list for games I thought were worth playing
Phoenix Wright vs Layton is quite good as well and Apollo Justice (aka AA4) may be the weakest in the series but it isn't a bad purchase if you are a completionist.
Make sure you get the DLC case for AA5 too. It is *fweet* *fweet*-ikkin tastic.