Is it really too much to ask for an animator to try during a movie? I mean One Piece Movie 6 had insteresting villains, good sequences for animation, and it actually had a touch of feels.
those B-team fights are way more entertaining than this.Broly has far more downtime than Cooler's Revenge ever did. are you even watching this movie?
Is it really too much to ask for an animator to try during a movie? I mean One Piece Movie 6 had insteresting villains, good sequences for animation, and it actually had a touch of feels.
I know, LOL that's why I'm saying the shitty 90's nu-metal music made this a dumb fun kind of flick with it's dumb action and dumb story, without that shitty music this is just boring
We really need to get a good DBZ movie AKA Battle of Gods on Toonami
Yes and as I've said it's dumb fun fighting, yeah the fighting isn't very good but it's certainly entertaining. The thing ruining it for me is the lack of any music something Cooler largely suffered from as well. Neither film was good but if you're going to make a shitty filler movie I'd rather it be almost all fight like this then mostly boring not fight like Cooler.
Apparently we can overlook a lot of things in the face of metal.Man, 90s kids must have had a nice tolerance for stupid because this movie is full-on stupid and people apparently loved it.
Man, 90s kids must have had a nice tolerance for stupid because this movie is full-on stupid and people apparently loved it.
Hey! Don't say things we would regret.Vegeta is worse than Eren.
the ratio of fighting to not fighting is way bigger in this than it is in Cooler. once the fighting actually STARTS, after far more setup than Cooler had, it goes in awful fits and starts of Get Rekt by Broly, Reflect on the Futility of it All, Get Rekt More by Broly
This movie is older than me.
Me too.