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Toonami |Dec14| Watch the reruns, Shinji

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Whisper of the Heart is something pretty much only I would say is best. Because it literally changed my life and made me a better, happier person.

As far as what I'd think if this hadn't happened I'd probably say Porco Rosso is the best. It's the best written by a long shot.


I couldn’t discern any kind of theme this week. It was a good night though so, on with the reviews:

Attack on Titan - Some of the best looking action scenes in the series are in this episode. I really like the camera moves over the CG buildings to emphasize the speed at which they are moving in their omni-directional gear. Too bad Eren is constantly yelling and manipulating Mikisa into acting like his homely waifu. She could do better for herself; a man who treats her like an equal. Especially considering she’s actually both smarter and more skilled than him. The lesson to be learned from AoT is that for a series to be good, you have to make the main protagonist someone you like. Not just someone who’s “driven”.

Hellsing Ultimate IX - I’m still a little confused about what happened with Walter exactly. I think he was captured (or volunteered) to join the Nazi’s back in WWII to become a vampire as an undercover agent? And then he infiltrated Integra’s ranks and masqueraded as her butler (even making himself look old somehow?) so as to get reveng on Alucard… for some reason. Is that right? Aside from that confusion (and some suggested rape) the episode was AWESOME! I love how hype this series is. The characters are so overpowered and yet they all feel vulnerable because every other character is equally over powered. I like how Police Girl brought Alucard back from the abyss with her smile. I loved the scene when she and Integra bid a polite farewell to Walter even though he became their enemy. I love when Schodinger gets his head blown off because you know he’s likely to still have a battle coming. Such an exciting and blood pumping show, pun intended!

Summer Wars - This is a very good movie. There was clearly a lot of heart and care that went into making it. Having said that, I’m going to break this up into the things I didn’t like and the things I really liked.

Didn’t like:
The story depends on the funny/crazy antics of this overly big family and to be honest I kinda grew tired of that aspect pretty quickly. The whole matriarchy verses patriarchy theme feels overly forced. I think in general I don’t like when anime depicts puritan family values of the women living in the kitchen while the men are sit around being lazy, whether that is accurate or not. Another complaint would be the depiction of Oz. Not that it doesn’t look amazing but that I don’t really get what we’re looking at. If using Oz is simply staring at avatars on a phone or windows on a computer screen, then what is it we’re seeing in the movie? I thought it was going to be like VR but instead I guess what’s happening during the Oz scenes is just a representation of the rather boring looking stuff in the real world. In particular, when the dark skinned kid (with the Rabbit avatar) is fighting, it’s like this Smash Bros type battle where the kid is sweating. Yet, all you ever see him doing is typing on a keyboard really fast. So, like, what was he doing? I can understand people playing card games on their phones but typing commands into a keyboard to have a brawl doesn’t really make sense. Lastly, some avatars look like flat 8-bit sprites while others look like 3D model from a fighting game. I know I’m reading too much into it but I guess the technophile in me wanted the online world to be depicted more realistically. Lastly, I don’t really understand how a dumb baseball game (dumb side plot) was still going on while the world was falling apart due to hacking. I mean, we’ve got missiles coming down and chaos with traffic and such yet this baseball game (not to mention the TV station broadcasting it) seems unaware.

What I loved:
What I really liked about the story was the honest and genuine portrayal of the characters. Yes, some where a bit cliche but overall they seemed to be down-to-earth folks who are all relatable and endearing. The main girl was sweet as a button and while she was a little manipulative (like her grandmother), she really just meant well. The main male character was equally nice and humble but was willing to stand up and do what was right when the circumstances called for it. A really great protagonist, unlike Eren. The grandma’s sense of honor was a bit over the top and unrealistic but she too was well meaning and even humble behind her family’s back. I really liked when the whole family pooled their unique resources to fight back and did all this in honor of the passed granny. Even the antagonistic Uncle has a worthy redemption. The animation style was fantastic and not just in Oz. The character animation in the real world was wonderful and very Ghibli-esque. The action scenes in Oz all looked spectacular and that finale where strangers from all over the world sacrificed their identities to help the main girl win (and her awesome magical girl transformation sequence) was really heart-warming. I’m glad they two main characters ended up together at the end (you know they did!) I would certainly recommend this movie to others.

Cowboy Bebop - One of the best episodes of Bebop. The hunting for the Betamax player was really neat and going back to the ruins of Earth is very interesting. Of course, it’s all about that final scene where they watch the tape. The editing in this sequence is spectacular. Not just in the “found footage” editing of the tape itself but the close-up reaction shots of Faye and her stunned reaction to seeing a version of herself she has no memory of. Also, it’s such a stunning concept to think that Faye was born and lived her childhood in the 20th century and now lives as a women centuries later, making her technically the oldest person on the Bebop. That final line in the episode that cuts to black is perfect. The only other ending I like more in this series is the one where Faye uses this tape to find her childhood home while Ed leaves the crew as well. The music in that episode was awesome.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - I usually don’t stay up for FMA but I couldn’t miss one of my very favorite episodes, the origin of the first Homunculus and the start of everything. It asks about as many questions as it answers like: what is a homunculus anyway? Why does it know things that humans don’t? Where do they really come from and what are they exactly? It kind of messes with your brain. The way that the dwarf in the flask tricked Xerxes and killed an entire nation really makes you feel sorry for Von and what he must live with as an immortal human. The final line is this episode (like with Bebop) was also great. “What am I? I am a philospher’s stone in human form.”. Great stuff.

While I miss not watching DBZ, One Piece and Gurren Lagann, this was a pretty awesome night all the same. Next week’s Hellsing finale is sure to be awesome and I’ve never see then FMA movie so hopefully that will be good too.


Whisper of the Heart is something pretty much only I would say is best. Because it literally changed my life and made me a better, happier person.

As far as what I'd think if this hadn't happened I'd probably say Porco Rosso is the best. It's the best written by a long shot.

Whisper of the Heart is a beautiful film. Perhaps my favorite Ghibli film, though I could never truly settle on a favorite. It switches too much


I honestly think the best part of hellsing this week was the scene with anderson. He was one of the show's better character and it was sad to see him leave.


Of course, it’s all about that final scene where they watch the tape. The editing in this sequence is spectacular. Not just in the “found footage” editing of the tape itself but the close-up reaction shots of Faye and her stunned reaction to seeing a version of herself she has no memory of. Also, it’s such a stunning concept to think that Faye was born and lived her childhood in the 20th century and now lives as a women centuries later, making her technically the oldest person on the Bebop. That final line in the episode that cuts to black is perfect.

There are so many things I like about the final scene. A girl giving a message to a herself that doesn't exist yet, and a woman hearing a message from a girl she doesn't remember. It has a lot of small things that come together in making the scene. Young Faye flustered and covering up the camera leading a switch to adult Faye watching in near disbelief. The total silence from the viewers in contrast with an energetic young girl emphatically cheering with pom poms. Even the lead up to it, where Jett tells Faye she can't watch because of something as trivial as money, helps to hammer how taken aback everybody is in this scene when that becomes an afterthought. Additionally, many of the lines the girl in the video speaks, while poignant, are elegant in their simplicity: 'Do your best, Do your best'. (hence the episode's title). The timing of the scene is great too, almost unexpected as it follows a mostly silly episode with Jett and Spike meeting with a goofy enthusiast and spelunking through an abandoned mall - yet the whole episode builds to it as one is curious to see what's on the mysterious tape.

Faye has been exhibited as an independent, doesn't need support from anybody type of character (she says something like this outright in Jupiter Jazz), and, of course, we learn that she knows nothing of her past. And here we have not only a glimpse of the past she forgotten, but a girl supporting her and "always cheering you on".

It's probably my favorite scene in the series, and my attempt to put it into words is probably awful, but there's a reason it's my favorite episode.


I havent seen a Ghibli movie.

But I very rarely watch movies.

I always say I will but I never do and it kinda saddens me. I want to watch Wolf Children but it's just sat there for months and months, untouched.

Also, sorry about super slow OP pace guys, its my dad's weekend so I don't watch much anime. And finals are in 8 or so days so I'm kinda in that state of mind. I have 25ish episodes to go though, so yeah!

Spirited Away scared me as a child to be honest...


Love spirited away. It was my first anime movie. I think the lil nuances abd attention to detail in facial emotion really sold me on it when I was younger.It also felt like a film to come back to after a few years. Not much of a constant repeated viewing type of movie.

Drifted during parts of Summmer Wars but liked alot of what I saw so I will definitely go back and watch again from the start.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Hellsing Ultimate IX - I’m still a little confused about what happened with Walter exactly. I think he was captured (or volunteered) to join the Nazi’s back in WWII to become a vampire as an undercover agent? And then he infiltrated Integra’s ranks and masqueraded as her butler (even making himself look old somehow?) so as to get reveng on Alucard… for some reason. Is that right? Aside from that confusion (and some suggested rape) the episode was AWESOME! I love how hype this series is. The characters are so overpowered and yet they all feel vulnerable because every other character is equally over powered. I like how Police Girl brought Alucard back from the abyss with her smile. I loved the scene when she and Integra bid a polite farewell to Walter even though he became their enemy. I love when Schodinger gets his head blown off because you know he’s likely to still have a battle coming. Such an exciting and blood pumping show, pun intended!

Walter is one of those hype characters in anime and manga, that just wants to fight the toughest dudes, cause thats how they get hype so they would do anything they can to have the fight of the life time, walter betrayed people he honestly admitted he enjoyed and appreciated just to fight alucard
At what point did you ever think that this world was canon?

Next weeks thread title should somehow reference the finale of Hellsing Ultimate and Sacred Star of Milos someone think of something clever


Let us unite under the sanguine star.

*Translator note: Sanguine means blood red*

...I got nothing.

The Elrics have a hell of a good time?


I've seen swimsuits that were a LOT more NSFW than what was linked.

But they were probably labeled NSFW or you knew beforehand they you were going to be looking at swimsuits.
I'm more peeved he didn't give a whole lot of context as to what the link contained.


so is this movie from FMA or Brotherhood, or is it DBZ style non-canon for both?


Unconfirmed Member
so is this movie from FMA or Brotherhood, or is it DBZ style non-canon for both?

Doesn't matter too terribly much, but officially speaking it goes with Brotherhood. It was actually announced in the broadcast of the Brotherhood finale.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 61:

If I may be frank here, I have not made disdain I hold for Sailor Moon R very secret, of course much of that is borne out of ancient hatreds, though so far my loathing has been justified time and again. The Tree of Doom arc is still a monumental waste of time, Chibi-Usa is still a plane of hell made flesh and given the personality of Usagi and Rei in twain and this episode introduced the third nightmare from the carnival of stupid. Well, kind of, I should say a confounding continuation of the hatred that the writers had for Usagi and Mamoru as a couple. I wonder if any of them went on to work on Friends? Anyway, this is the episode that gave us what has been charitably been called the Mamoru Break Up Arc and uncharitably as a massive pile of idiocy.

So the gist of things is Mamoru breaks up with Usagi out of the blue due to some strange portents and while I suppose the idea is not without merit, the execution is so haphazard that the obvious logical flaws are commented on almost immediately. Indeed, this is also how you can tell we have returned to cannon, the knowledge that Mamoru and Usagi being eternal lovers is secure. Anyway, the other big problem is Mamoru just flat out refuses to give his reasons, instead he evades, he lies and he shatters hearts. If I recall correctly this was a move so ill thought out it caused friction far beyond what was expected, like it was referenced in future seasons. Anyway, in spite of all that I would still recommend this episode because the change into the new era has given this show such a shot in the arm that it can overcome the larger storyline and character deficiency.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 62:

Right, with the larger paradigm shifts established it is now time to issue the first character focus episodes of the arc and this time it is Ami who draws the first straw and we get one of those well worn chestnuts when it comes to team plots. Ami all of a sudden has the opportunity to study in Germany in order to realize her grand dream of becoming a doctor but this would come at the expense of her duties as a Sailor Solider. Yea, the plot is pretty old hat and the outcome is obvious, but that not what this episode is really about. I am not sure if the change in staff is at the root of the matter but there is different kind of focus here in the current arc. This episode was about exploring Ami's hopes, wants and dreams as well as insights into her personality and character. Like her rationale into not inviting her friends to see her off because she feels she is more wishy-washy then Charlie Brown. Usually this would be the b-side in service to whatever zany scheme the villains are cooking up that episode. That being said, the monster of the week plans are stuff fairly stupid. Also, new powers, new sticks, new watches, all out of the blue. Yea, I am sure that could have been handled better. Anyway, this episode is mildly recommended.
If I may be frank here, I have not made disdain I hold for Sailor Moon R very secret, of course much of that is borne out of ancient hatreds, though so far my loathing has been justified time and again.

lol vintage shard. i enjoy these review/summary pieces.
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