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Toonami |Dec14| Watch the reruns, Shinji

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Sorry, but "herp derp go read the classic literature my manga on Nazi zombie cyborg vampires is based on if you want to understand anything that is happening" is NOT good writing. You can't assume your audience has that prior knowledge. It's OBJECTIVELY BAD writing.

I'm not denying that it's dumb to assume the audience has read some classic literature in the same way it's dumb for FFXIII to basically say "go read the data logs to know what's going on" or Destiny to have a website with all the explanations on it. In the end their is an explanation if you care to look it up, and if not you can just go "OP vampire fights nazi cyborg vampires k". In the end how Alucard became a vampire isn't important, the important part is he is a vampire and he is OP.


I guess it's good to be well known.

And I think I'm gonna bow out for the night. The stream keeps dropping, making it kind of hard to watch a movie I've never seen before.


Gives all the fucks
So wait, wouldn't the logical thing be to ASK THE PARENTS where said item they were looking for before killing them?


Master of the Google Search
Well hello to you too, random movie power or force that is somehow never mentioned in the main plot.

I mean Alchemy comes from the movement of tectonic plates and the earth

Though this is revealed to only be half-true in Brotherhood but it's not like these filler characters know that!


The "legend" of magma? This is basically an alternate world early 20th century Germany/Europe. There is nothing "legendary" about magma.

Also I'm amused that this girl says to others "we can't use human transmutation" and then SECONDS later yells how she wants to use human transmutation.

I'm not denying that it's dumb to assume the audience has read some classic literature in the same way it's dumb for FFXIII to basically say "go read the data logs to know what's going on" or Destiny to have a website with all the explanations on it. In the end their is an explanation if you care to look it up, and if not you can just go "OP vampire fights nazi cyborg vampires k". In the end how Alucard became a vampire isn't important, the important part is he is a vampire and he is OP.

Sure, it doesn't "ruin" the OVA or make it unwatchable but that and a lot of other, some major, plot points don't make sense without the prior knowledge. Way too many times I was confused as fuck until someone in this thread offered an explanation from the book. It's BAD writing and any halfway decent editor should have slapped Hirano upside the head for it and made him explain his own plot points.
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