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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Having played a bit of Bravely Default, honestly I'm not bothered by Stephanie Sheh as Airy.
She actually sounds intelligent, and isn't constantly going "DADDY DADDY MOMMY MOMMY" in every line she has.
I am 4 episodes into Gundam Build Fighters and while the battles are entertaining the whole High Schooler thing gives me whiplash. I hope they have whole episodes dedicated to Gunpla battles soon.

My only regret...x

GBF drops the school stuff at 7 and te battles get better as we'll
Did BtB not do well ratings wise? Or was it the classic "show did well but not with the age group we wanted" shenanigans?

For the month of July (its debut) it averaged 1.22 million viewers for 10AM Saturday premieres and 870K for Sunday encores. In general it pulled in lower ratings than it's predecessor though, Green Lantern: TAS. Here's the full grid:

Episode 1 (7/13/13) 1,340,000
Episode 2 (7/20/13) 1,120,000
Episode 3 (7/27/13) 1,200,000
Episode 4 (8/3/13) 1,220,000
Episode 5 (8/10/13) 1,170,000
Episode 6 (8/17/13) 1,110,000
Episode 7 (9/7/13) 1,020,000
Episode 8 (9/14/13) 1,090,000
Episode 9 (9/21/13) 1,520,000
Episode 10 (9/28/13) 1,220,000
Episode 11 (10/5/13) 1,250,000


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
So I was right on Edea being Sugu, though damn it, Yui is that fairy that was shown at the beginning? Is this a freakin' SAO reunion or what?

JRPGs have a disgustingly small pool of voice actors.
JYB, Laura Bailey, Troy Baker, Bryce Papenbrook, Sam Riegel, Matthew Mercer, it gets really redundant.


Oh god wanted to play some Bravely Default to make up for the crappy day that I had & I cannot unhear Tiz as Kirito now. Wasn't there a second character (female) voiced by someone from SAO?

Yep, this is why I hate the game.

So I bought Danganrompa today and played it till my Vita had no Battery Vita left. This game rules. I'm gonna keep playing, but maybe stop live-tweeting it with pictures like I did today, because it's gonna get hard to keep it spoiler free.

You guys should all buy Danganrompa


Gives all the fucks
Yep, this is why I hate the game.

So I bought Danganrompa today and played it till my Vita had no Battery Vita left. This game rules. I'm gonna keep playing, but maybe stop live-tweeting it with pictures like I did today, because it's gonna get hard to keep it spoiler free.

You guys should all buy Danganrompa
NIS America shipped my LE today & from what my tracking number says, I should get it Thursday. Can't wait to get that as well.


Yep, this is why I hate the game.

So I bought Danganrompa today and played it till my Vita had no Battery Vita left. This game rules. I'm gonna keep playing, but maybe stop live-tweeting it with pictures like I did today, because it's gonna get hard to keep it spoiler free.

You guys should all buy Danganrompa

Sadly I watched the anime so I think I know most of the big twists. Have fun though.


Catching up (oh god why) on SAO.

This aerial fight in ep 22 in the interior of the world tree is surprisingly well storyboarded, especially with the flashbacks. If I liked Kirito more and didn't think of him as a complete asshole I'd be rooting for him. I think it helps a lot that he isn't really saying a lot (well, anything he is saying is complete shit) but the music and the direction is really speaking for him a lot. That said, how weird is it to have a literal health bar on screen during a dramatic moment in a show's plot? Bizarre.

Also, Kirito, your stupid 'durr i'm not a hero i can't do anything' schtick is... I don't know, kind of not really indicated before this episode at all

/edit I guess this is 'well animated flashbacks: the episode'

//edit LOL




I actually kind of feel for Sugu here, wow. Poor girl.

Kirito's a fuckin' idiot though lololol

/edit the bee metaphor for the inside of the world tree is kind of interesting. But pretty much everything involving this reckon idiot is dumb


Beware the Batman was so damn ugly

It definitely looked pretty weird.

It wasn't a bad show, but I don't think I could call it really good either.

The early episodes aren't terribly impressive, though later ones improve on this a bit.

As mentioned though, it's just kinda weird since a lot of the usual villains don't show up at all, replaced with more obscure ones, and Gotham itself doesn't look all that lively.
It definitely looked pretty weird.

It wasn't a bad show, but I don't think I could call it really good either.

The early episodes aren't terribly impressive, though later ones improve on this a bit.

As mentioned though, it's just kinda weird since a lot of the usual villains don't show up at all, replaced with more obscure ones, and Gotham itself doesn't look all that lively.

i'm kinda surprised it was cancelled just because of how obvious its budget downgrade from the previous DC shows was. like, even getting past the art style, it did noooooot look very good.


What? Cavalry arrives out of nowhere for no clearly defined reason despite getting no possible indication that the team was inside the tree? And the tree isn't instanced so just anyone can run in a raid? This game. At least they bothered to set up the army at all beforehand.
Okay, one of youse was hasslin' me about catching up on one piece, who dat


Man God

Non-Canon Member
"A Clash of Fate: You Can't Bring Me Down"


Mizuki the Tiger looks grrrreat! Team Iruka is shook. His power chakra level is through the roof! It makes Pakkun's nose twitch! Tsubaki just can't handle this. Naruto runs in first after Mizuki taunts them and gets clocked for it. Iruka is worried about Naruto when he should be worried about himself as Mizuki flashes behind him Bleach style and chops him in the side of the head. Tsubaki grabs his arm and tries to reason with him.


This...goes about as well as you could expect. Iruka catches her before she hits the trees.


This...also goes about as well as you'd expect. Short roundhouse through a tree.


Naruto makes 12 Shadow clones. Same boring ass attack. Mizuki moves so fast it looks like he disappears. Naruto calls for a 360 spread, a whirlpool formation if you will. The shadow clones can see him because he let them. He can't hit him, he's too slow. He kicks the last of them into the ground. Seems like the real one. Iruka calls out for Mizuki to fight him, but he'd rather torture Naruto to death first for the ultimate revenge. Iruka brings his A game...he throws three shurikens while Mizuki gets him in a headlock. Iruka calls him out for juicing, that body ain't natural bro! Iruka gets tossed as Mizuki continues his generic bad guy promo. Jealous of my new power, blah, blah. Soon Orchimaru and him will be best buddies. Mizuki pulls out the windmill Shuriken and we fade to black as it apparently clanks on Iruka's dome!


Nooo, Naruto! You were so young! Mizuki laughs pointing out what all of you reading this right now are thinking, this shit's been done before. Nothing ever changes! Only difference is this is filler and he's a tiger man.


No seriously. He ate the Cat-cat fruit model Bengal Tiger. He's a tiger man. Let's all have some real fun, indeed, Mizuki.


We cut to Ina-Shika-Cho at the end of their reserves. The idiots have broken free and are preparing to run wild! It's clobbering time! But they can't move for some reason.


It's...it's Granny Tsunade taking the field for the first time as Hokage! Leave the rest to the lady hokage. The two are legit shook. She asks them to explain themselves before flicking them into oblivion and asking them to apologize. She beat them like it was an episode of Bleach. The only reason they got out of line is that they were promised a feast at Orochimaru's place.


Team ten meanwhile is discussing why the idiots are so scared of Tsunade, it's clear they've had run ins before. Tsunade tells the kids to rest up, they are going in as backup. Shikamaru worries about Fujin and Raijin but Tsuande has set them straight and they know what will happen if they cross her. If they are late they get no dinner. Choji understands all too well.


Back to Naruto and Tony the Tiger. Tony kicks him in the shins but all Naruto cares about is the Sauce. Pakkun points out that Mizuki is employing the same idea Trunks used on Perfect cell; he's slowed himself down getting this beastly swole. No cardio bro and too much bulk. Iruka is waiting for his shot. Naruto doesn't give a shit about all of Mizuki's taunting and just keeps asking him where Orochimaru is. Naruto keeps him talking saying he ain't in the Sound village anymore because he went there. Mizuki is out of the loop remember so he thinks Naruto is lying to buy time.


Someone is flashing Naruto the bat signal, Iruka is setting a trap. Naruto runs under his shoulder and begins the chase. It's some kind of paralysis trap. Naruto prepares a Rasengan! Iruka is impressed as he hasn't seen Naruto do this shit before. Mizuki goes flying! The fourth's jutsu!


They are talking shit over Mizuki's body when this happens. It's the ultimate body, he's gonna go to the Sound Village. No chance says Tsunade coming from stage right. His cells are fucked. The potion wasn't fully finished.


We head to the cave where a medical ninja is giving a report. All prisoners accounted for, Shizune was found and she'll be okay after some treatment. Tsunade does the rundown. Orchimaru found that recipe and it combines the traits of animals and combines it with the human genome but it doesn't last. It puts too much stress on the body to safely use. They speculate on the exact involvement between Orochimaru and Mizuki when Iruka drops a broken bond line, a first for this ongoing series. Tsunade says it was all a joke to Orochimaru but Mizuki will live. He'll never be strong enought to be a shinobi again though.


Mizuki is getting treated as they walk over. He cuts a lame heel promo about the next time they meet, he'll get you and your little squirt too! Iruka ain't shook and says Naruto is already better than he'll ever be and he'll be even stronger next time. Next Tsubaki wants to start a new life but she needs to atone first. Tsunade is admiring the sunset as we cut back to the village.


Cut to Sakura still working on those fish. This one she manages to bring back to life! The fish is shaking...legitimately.


Enter Naruto, Iruka, and Team Ten. He's treating them all to ramen. You get a bowl, and you get a bowl, and you get a bowl. Pakkun wants in, Choji wants all three types. Killjoy Tsunade wants Naruto to go to the hospital first. Sakura comes running up flagging down the Hokage. She did a minor miracle, whoop de do. They beat a Tiger and some morons. Actually Tsunade is impressed. The 5th thinks she might be a medical genius even better than Shizune. Iruka is impressed that Naruto saved him this time (he kinda saved you last time after you saved him, but whatever) and the arc ends with Iruka wondering just how strong Naruto will become.

NEXT EPISODE: "Search for the Rare Bikochu Beetle"

I bet some of you know what this means! I'll drop a small hint; I basically know exactly what gifs I'm going to produce for the next few episodes.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
To be fair this arc wasn't as soul crushingly disappointing as it was when I caught up to the series right in the middle of this airing. There's some more character growth (this will not last much beyond this arc) and this story had an interesting twist on a long forgotten character from the very beginning of the show...and then he had to turn into a tiger.

Team Ten getting a mid tier ability upgrade was fun though and I liked Raijin and Fujin in the dub. The full press of the filler hasn't started coming down yet.

Tony the tiger though, what a dumb decision. You can see where they are going because the previous curse seal people all had an animal thing going and maybe this was a prototype of that but man...not a good look.

Funny thing is buff as fuck crazy as fuck cutoff vest Mizuki was already whopping Iruka's dumb ass. He didn't need the potion; he was already a genetic freak and Iruka KNOWS he can't beat him. Throw in Naruto who only has a 33 1/3% chance of winning and his 66 2/3% chance and...
Beware the Batman was so damn ugly

My problem with it is the same problem that I have with every cgi cartoon; it's like it take place in purgatory because there is nobody around but Bats and whoever he's fighting. I know that's because its super expensive to make a lot of 3d models, but still it looks slapdash. I did appreciate their stance on using more lesser known batman villains instead of the usual suspects.
While BtB hasn't been officially cancelled, I am fairly sure it was run off the air for pitiful ratings. Whether that is true or not, is to be determined, because honestly sometimes CN will just blame bad ratings or no toy prospects just to kill shows off (Symbionic Titan, Young Justice, Green Lantern) when they want to just switch gears at Stuart Snyder's whims.

I watched BtB weekly and despite being initially stand-offish to the show as I am to most CGI programs, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up liking it. I enjoyed it less than any other Batman show that I can think of, but it still was something that made me DVR it or tune in. The points brought up by others in this thread are absolutely true, Gotham just felt like any other city. It didn't have any kind of style or presence. It was just a backdrop that could have been replaced with a curtain with city buildings having been shoddily painted on it. Katana was a neat addition, but much like their choices of villains, I got the distinct feeling that the creators of the show were the kind of people that sat at home with the comics and wanted to be contrarian to what characters were actually popular. The kind of comic book fans that will argue all day and all night that this one obscure character/villain was more deadly than the Joker.

For me, this ended up feeling like the series creators were trying a bit too hard to be different for the sake of being different. Instead of Robin, we get Katana, a character from the Outsiders. Instead of old gentle Alfred, we get burly ex-MI6 Alfred who is really the only character I didn't care for. Dude sounded like Rex from Star Wars: The Clone Wars trying to help Batman. The villains, again, just pushed into being obscure characters that very few outside of comic readers would even know. I understand not just wanting to make the same villains prominent like always. It worked for Justice League Unlimited after all to really dig deep into DC's pantheon of characters. That being said, in JLU you still had Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, etc. to be the pillars of the show. They didn't just say "Here's our Justice League program. Superman, GL, The Flash, Batman, WW and J'onn aren't there. Instead the team will be led by Etrigan, Deadman, Jonah Hex and Negative man from the Doom Patrol." It felt like they were starting off on the wrong foot right from the beginning by being obstinate. Fans want Batman fighting the Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill). I don't think this is necessarily what sank the show, but it did create un-due animosity from the start. Oh and you know, the fact that it was blamed for killing GL:TAS and Young Justice, arguably two of the greatest shows that had appeared on Saturday morning Cartoon Network in years.

Something weird is going on at CN with regards to the DC Nation block. They were VERY amped about it before it came on, but when it came time and afterwards, they just kinda let it languish. I don't know the details behind the scenes but I get the feeling that the relationship between DC and Turner isn't as amiable as it once was. Also, I think it was a depressing hit when Disney acquired Lucasfilms and killed SW:TCW. That was an extremely solid show for them and season 5 had just kicked off to great things. CN had a very solid Saturday morning presence. Then in a matter of days, it was just upended. It never recovered.

What? Cavalry arrives out of nowhere for no clearly defined reason despite getting no possible indication that the team was inside the tree? And the tree isn't instanced so just anyone can run in a raid? This game. At least they bothered to set up the army at all beforehand.

When Kirito gave the two groups his moneyhats, they were planning to use that to get themselves raid gear and come join him in the tree. Also, I believe most MMO references in anime still are built off EQ's era of design where we had open zones. No instances whatsoever.


Gives all the fucks
Bo-Bobo confirmed for J-Stars Victory Vs.

God, I cannot wait what insane attacks he brings.....I need to see if the complete series is available as a bundle instead of those damn 4 episode DVDs.
Bo-Bobo confirmed for J-Stars Victory Vs.

God, I cannot wait what insane attacks he brings.....I need to see if the complete series is available as a bundle instead of those damn 4 episode DVDs.

Did they confirm anyone else? Bo-bobo doesn't seem like a big enough character to announce by himself
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