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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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You'd be wearing out the VHS fast with how many times you have to fastfoward.

I generally just skip most of the cutaways and stuff. I also generally skip the Buu absorption/Mystic Gohan/Super Vegetto stuff as well, or just read the manga of it to go through it faster.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Search for the Rare Bikochu Beetle"


We begin today with Team Eight visiting the lovely Konoha Hospital. Hinata has flowers, gee I wonder who for. They run into Tsunade and Shizune and wonder why the hokage is here. Shizune spills the beans; Tsunade is cutting work again. Kiba tells Hinata not to faint when she sees Mumrah-Sensei in a shocking continuation of continuity. Airy is blushing and doesn't want to talk about it. Medical curiosity gets to Tsunade and she asks if it's anything to worry about. Shino starts in on a story about the time she visited Naruto but Eureka gets even more flustered.


Kiba starts in next laying the whole scene out. Mikuru took one look at Naruto all wrapped up in bandages and keeled over. Yui promises this time is different and she'll be fine.


She wasn't fine. Naruto was looking for Granny Tsunade all day and dodging him was partially responsible for her shirking off. Hinata reacts..well, let's make this a rare two parter.



Hinata is down! Kiba wants her to get a hold of herself. She's in la-la land though and wants Naruto to get a hold of herself. She doesn't know what to say as the title card appears.


Hinata gets an adorable wake up call. She's in Kurnenai's room with Team Eight and Shizune. They discuss how Mizuki was just a pawn in Orochimaru's plans and then Kiba brings up how they failed to bring Sasuke back while Shino believes rightly that Naruto is being torn up inside by that. Our girl Hinata is looking out the window as we clearly hear Naruto giving Tsunade the business from far off.


He wants to go find Sasuke but she won't let him. That's why the fourth snuck out. He wants one good reason why he can't go off and go looking for him. (I've got 86 bad reasons) She says you're supposed to be training but Naruto brings up that Pervy Sage ditched him. Tsunade counters that they have no leads but Naruto is going to go gum shoeing. Tsunade calls him stubborn and he calls the kettle black.

Cut to Neji training with his uncle as Hinata makes them a snack, cameo intensifying as runs off to join Team Eight. Uncle slyly brings up that it's unfortunate Hinata had to go off as she could have benefited from watching and Neji was surprised she'd do something so nice (We're less than half a year removed from him trying to kill her, remember?) Seems Hinata's dad has softened a bit too.

Team Eight is training in the woods. Hinata is in the clearing while someone throws a million kunai at her, unfortunately it's not a Twenty cameo.


She stopped them all! Some are even bent or broken! Shino wants a break and Kiba is hungry. She's almost got the rotation down. She thanks them for the training and Shino claims what are comrades for? In Mother Russia comrades train you! She's clearly thinking of Naruto though and how his nakama has left and wants to think of a way to track down Sasuke. She wants to know if they can help. Kiba says the trail has gone cold but Shino has an idea.

The (titular) Bikochu beetle as we quick cut to Tsunade saying that. A rare insect that she thought had died off. Shino insists that the Aburame clan stopped using them when they were nearly extinct so that they could repopulate. Shizune wants to know what is up and Tsunade goes into the backstory.


These Heracross looking mothers haven't been used since the end of the last great war. When they hatch they grow quickly and if you attach them to a certain scent before they are fully grown they can track it to the ends of the earth. A thousand times more sensitive than a ninja hounds. However they only lay eggs every few years and the window is tiny. Shino says this is the right year and the right season, Kiba says that Sasuke left plenty of stuff. Tsunade asks what are their chances of finding one and while Shino doesn't think it's great it's still worth a shot, maybe around 10%.


Tsunade starts her usual filler shtick; the village situation isn't very good, they need all hands on deck, no gallavanting around the countryside. However Kurenai is out of action so she doesn't mind setting them out as the upbeat music starts. Shino is leader..but then she starts talking to the ceiling? Is god there? And why did she throw a Kunai at god?


Naruto falls out of the ceiling. Thus begins the commonest of setups for an arc in Filler. Naruto wants to go off and train or go off and find Sasuke, is bugging Tsunade when the squad of the day (Team Eight, Team Ten, Team Guy) has a real mission and Naruto tags along. Sometimes it is reversed and she sends Naruto and the team joins up with him but still, this is our basic setup. No matter what Tsunade says or does Naruto would just tag along anyways, something Iruka figured out last arc.


This is Naruto's last chance; bring back the Beetle or give up the sauce. My kind of intervention. Naruto claims he has this in the bag but Tsunade decks him off camera as Hinata looks on happily.


Back from commercial and Naruto is packing his things including Sasuke's headband as a scent to track. I wouldn't pick that as Naruto has been holding it forever now, but whatever, the beetle is smart. We actually don't cut to a flashback as Naruto wonders out loud where Sasuke is.

Hinata is getting ready when her dad tells her to get the tea ready again, trying to get the two to train together...sorta. She has a mission though. "Try not to be a burden to those around you if you can help it." Good advice to give if you're a dick or LORD SESSHOMARU. She promises she will as she runs around the corner...


As Neji appears! She piroettes around him! Neji is legit shook. She apologizes for being in a hurry. Neji is impressed!


The team has assembled by the gate. She apologies for being late. Naruto is ready to go, running off into the distance with a cartoon sound effect. They don't follow at speed. Shino is leader, remember? It's two days away at Ninja speed. Naruto runs back with Flintstones sound effects, demanding to know why they are dragging their feet. Shino explains that they only hatch after it rains and gives him the stare down. He is leader, follow orders. Naruto asks Kiba how he puts up with it. Kiba says you get used to it and Hinata agrees things will work out if you get to know him.


Lunch time. No it's another cameo, this time by Sakura. The bunny has a broken paw and they are in Tsunade's office. Tsunade asks her if she wanted to go along. Sakura thinks about it. Shino knows bugs, Hinata has eyes, Kiba has Akamaru's nose, and she adds...what exactly? She'll be useful when she learns medical ninjutsu.


Back to Team Eight+1. Shino wants to make camp, Naruto isn't tired. Shino gets...what Shino wants. Kiba is putting up a tent. Shino talks some naturalistic shit about going to bed early because animals go to bed early and eventually Naruto goes along with it.


He talks about not being tired and falls asleep instantly. Kiba talks shit as he's want to do.


Hinata gets up in the middle of the night and we hear the sound of running water. It's a waterfall! Naruto has to go to the bathroom and finds a bush not too far off. I think you know where this is going. He hears a noise in the distance and finds...a waterfall. What is that shape in the distance? Someone is dancing on the surface of the water!


It's Sailor Mercury! Shine Aqua Illusion! Naruto calls out to the mystery girl impressed as he slips on a rock. When he looks up though she's gone like Batman as we see Hinata's clothes folded on a nearby rock.


He's got a cold the next morning. He explains the story as Hinata sneezes demurely into her fist. A waterfall, with a beautiful woman standing under it! Hinata is shook but noone noticed. Every time she moved her arms the water flowed with it. It was awesome.


Embarasment intensifies. Kiba thinks it was just a dream. Naruto comments that her face is turning red and that she must be coming down with something.

Shino finds some fruit that is safe to eat, but not the bigger human sized ones. "Avoid them at all costs."


Ayup. He's eating it. The comedy music hits as he ducks behind some bushes. They want to go on ahead and his pants fall back down after he rushes to catch up with them. Hinata doesn't faint surprisingly.


Another night, another empty bed. Hinata is training, fully clothed this time. Next morning Naruto wonders if they are there...and they are.


Like a zone out of World of Warcraft. A paradise for insects. Naruto is shook. Easier than the Chunin exam. Shino warns him as leader to not fall. He puts up his hands to complain...and falls. Shino is a bro though and makes an insect rope. Naruto wants to kick his ass for...being slightly terse and warning him?


A filler arc just isn't a filler arc without filler villains. (One of them is voiced by Jett.) Filler. Leaf Shinobi only have one reason to come here, the same reason they are here, the Bikochu beetle, which all belong to them, the Kamizuru clan! End of episode.

NEXT EPISODE: "What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've never had any trouble on the gaming side. People just need to be a bit more civil. It does tend to be a graveyard when certain topics come up.

I picked most of mine up as they released them months before Toonami aired the new stuff. That was like my monthly purchase from Wal-Mart for the longest time. I'll never go back to watch them again, but it'd be nice to see a Kai version of the entire arc.

A friend of mine and I did this during the Android saga. So expensive to be about two months ahead of TOONAMI.
Nintendo needs to get with the times. Releasing a game a year and a half later in other countries is so 1990's. Monster Hunter 4 should have been here equal with Japan or VERY shortly afterwards, not fucking in "early 2015" when they got it Sept of last year.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Nintendo needs to get with the times. Releasing a game a year and a half later in other countries is so 1990's. Monster Hunter 4 should have been here equal with Japan or VERY shortly afterwards, not fucking in "early 2015" when they got it Sept of last year.

Why are you blaming Nintendo?
Blame Capcom.
Nintendo needs to get with the times. Releasing a game a year and a half later in other countries is so 1990's. Monster Hunter 4 should have been here equal with Japan or VERY shortly afterwards, not fucking in "early 2015" when they got it Sept of last year.

Uhh you do realize MH4G/U isn't out anywhere yet correct?



It's Sailor Mercury! Shine Aqua Illusion! Naruto calls out to the mystery girl impressed as he slips on a rock. When he looks up though she's gone like Batman as we see Hinata's clothes folded on a nearby rock.

Now you got me comparing Senshi to Naruto girls.

Sakura=Sailor Moon
Hinata=Sailor Mercury
Ino=Sailor Mars/Sailor Venus
Tenten=Sailor Jupiter
Temari=Sailor Uranus/Neptune
Tsunade=Sailor Pluto
Want a real shock? These first dozen or so episodes are AMONG THE BEST.

Yeah I mean as a whole these episodes aren't bad it's just hard to motivate myself to watch them lol I'm not even going to bother making a gif from 146 because it was actually a solid overall episode minus Mizuki's utterly confusing story arc now.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah I mean as a whole these episodes aren't bad it's just hard to motivate myself to watch them lol I'm not even going to bother making a gif from 146 because it was actually a solid overall episode minus Mizuki's utterly confusing story arc now.

Yep. It's less confusing when you just listen to Mizuki and ignore everyone else. He really is and always was an irredeemable piece of shit which is saying something in Naruto where mass murderers frequently are forgiven.
Yep. It's less confusing when you just listen to Mizuki and ignore everyone else. He really is and always was an irredeemable piece of shit which is saying something in Naruto where mass murderers frequently are forgiven.

Honestly even then Mizuki's reasons for why he does things seem to change depending on the scene or who he's talking to. I've also noticed that all these Naruto filler arcs (minus the race one in the 100s) have some out of nowhere important female character who's the only one who knows or can do something.


Honestly even then Mizuki's reasons for why he does things seem to change depending on the scene or who he's talking to. I've also noticed that all these Naruto filler arcs (minus the race one in the 100s) have some out of nowhere important female character who's the only one who knows or can do something.
I guess that's one thing filler Naruto has over regular Naruto, then.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Honestly even then Mizuki's reasons for why he does things seem to change depending on the scene or who he's talking to. I've also noticed that all these Naruto filler arcs (minus the race one in the 100s) have some out of nowhere important female character who's the only one who knows or can do something.

His motivation goes from escaping, to killing Naruto, to killing Iruka, to getting the potion to kill Naruto in front of Iruka.

He is deliberately shown as not a rational player when he first meets with his fiancee but he does ok.

You're absolutely right about the random female filler character of the day. 9/10 of them I'd bet are ladies. Usually they have knowledge or jutsu or both that is vital or are the subject of the mission. They are usually looking for someone who might be dead but isn't. This happens a few times.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well, it's par for the course of Naruto. A few of them stand tall.

The girl from the first one for example wasn't a very good ninja at all but she kept throwing herself into danger and actually saved Naruto and Sakura.


Sakura=Sailor Moon
Hinata=Sailor Mercury
Tenten=Sailor Mars
Temari=Sailor Jupiter
Ino=Sailor Venus

Tsunade=Sailor Uranus
Shizune=Sailor Neptune
Kurenai=Sailor Pluto


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
That X thread is making me angry, gonna have to leave it, was expecting alot of loving reactions, came in and got the exact opposite, I was legitamately confused by the reactions, its like 90% didnt bother know a thing about xenoblade beforehand.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
His motivation goes from escaping, to killing Naruto, to killing Iruka, to getting the potion to kill Naruto in front of Iruka.

He is deliberately shown as not a rational player when he first meets with his fiancee but he does ok.

You're absolutely right about the random female filler character of the day. 9/10 of them I'd bet are ladies. Usually they have knowledge or jutsu or both that is vital or are the subject of the mission. They are usually looking for someone who might be dead but isn't. This happens a few times.
They're just made for naruto to be shipped with.
That X thread is making me angry, gonna have to leave it, was expecting alot of loving reactions, came in and got the exact opposite, I was legitamately confused by the reactions, its like 90% didnt bother know a thing about xenoblade beforehand.

I was very surprised as well. For the amount of love it usually gets, you'd think people would have realized it was probably going to be similar to previous games (read: xenoblade). On that note, FFXII also gets a ton of love on these boards too, so for people to have been offput by the combat is strange to me.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I was very surprised as well. For the amount of love it usually gets, you'd think people would have realized it was probably going to be similar to previous games (read: xenoblade). On that note, FFXII also gets a ton of love on these boards too, so for people to have been offput by the combat is strange to me.

One person said the people saw the pretty graphics and thats all they saw of it and I might be inclined to agree.
I feel like the only people upset about the X trailer are people who didn't play Xenoblade and were shocked to find out it was infact a JRPG and not an action game


The only part about X I'm not totally sold on yet is the mech gameplay. Everything else looks familiar to Xenoblade.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Just hook the game to my veins!

Yeah, a lot of the posts seem to come from people that didn't play Xenoblade.
It's Xenoblade with robots! How is that a bad thing?

Also, Bayonetta 2 looks great, Little Mac in Smash Bros 4 is amazing, it's interesting to see Nintendo try F2P (I applaud them for using new IPs and not big ones as doing that would devalue the brand, can you imagine F2P Mario), I'm surprised by NES Remix 2 (I loved the first one), can't wait for Kirby, I'll have to try out Inazuma Eleven down the road, and I just hope that Capcom releases the new Ace Attorney in retail. Would be nice to hear about the 3DS Trilogy (there's no excuse not to release that in retail since the Japanese version already has English text in it, just like the DS games).

Baaaaack on topic, how slow will Shippuden be this week? And SAO still sucks.
Just hook the game to my veins!

Yeah, a lot of the posts seem to come from people that didn't play Xenoblade.
It's Xenoblade with robots! How is that a bad thing?

Also, Bayonetta 2 looks great, Little Mac in Smash Bros 4 is amazing, it's interesting to see Nintendo try F2P (I applaud them for using new IPs and not big ones as doing that would devalue the brand, can you imagine F2P Mario), I'm surprised by NES Remix 2 (I loved the first one), can't wait for Kirby, I'll have to try out Inazuma Eleven down the road, and I just hope that Capcom releases the new Ace Attorney in retail. Would be nice to hear about the 3DS Trilogy (there's no excuse not to release that in retail since the Japanese version already has English text in it, just like the DS games).

Baaaaack on topic, how slow will Shippuden be this week? And SAO still sucks.

You still haven't played AA5 yet have you >:[
The thing about that is- Look, flying smut!


You need to stop making excuses and just DL the game, with Inazuma 11 being a digital only title I wouldn't be surprised if more niche Japanese games are digital only like most OP games, X, and upcoming AA titles


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Never! If the digital future is going to try and drag me in, I'm going kicking and screaming!

Wait, X? Do you mean Monolith Soft's X? At what point did Nintendo imply that's digital only?
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