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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Slight spoiler for this arc, though it's more of a semi faded memory from me.
The rivalry between this filler bug clan and the Aburame's is over something really dumb. Really, really dumb.


SotC it is. I put down Ico for now and SotC makes sense. I have played all 3 but I have fonder memories of the other 2 even if they are flawed. SotC is one of the few games that put me to sleep lol but I should approach it again with fresh eyes to give it a fair shake.


I remember the Hard mode time trial of the 3rd colossus was such a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?"


We open on Lady Tsunade taking a bath and drinking Sake. Shizune stomps in complete with cartoon sound effects. No time to get drunk and loaf around. Cut back to the office and four giant stacks of paperwork. The price of a peaceful day. Tsunade never finishes anything that's why the paperwork stacks up. If you're wondering what all this has to do with what's going on in the general plot, well, worry no longer. ANBU sent a report on the Kamizuru clan stirring. They were the ninja specialists from the Hidden Stone village. Many considered them equal to the Aburame but they've almost died out. She crinkles up the report and sinks it straight in the trash can.


Thanks for the backstory Tsunade. We join Team Eight and Naruto. Too many insects here. Hinata is worried about getting stung (tee-hee) but Shino has a bug repellent if things get bad...though it'll drive away the Bikochu so they aren't going to use it.


That rock has evil eyes...and talks in a sultry voice. They are curious as to why the real number one bug training ninja clan would be in the valley of all bugs. Yeah. It's clearly filler ninja. Oh shit, three eyes brown rock in defense mode. They put on their octo camo and then take it off to introduce themselves. They've been sent to get the Bikochu no matter what.

Shino has a picture of the female Bikochu. Naruto claims to have seen one before in his apartment. He left some food out and a whole bunch of them came out. Cockroaches. Naruto is bug blind. They all give him shit about it, even Hinata.

The three filler ninjas are Suzumebachi the lady, Jibachi the younger brother and Kurobachi (the one with Jett's voice) They've been here for ten days and haven't found shit and like all filler villains are just going to let a bunch of kids do all the work and steal their shit. This is why their clan is almost dead.

Naruto can't find crap. Shino is using his jutsu to sort Insects but his bug sense tingles as he walks by the rock the three filler ninjas are inside. Kiba and Akamaru are in the trees looking at a different beetle, he notices the rock too.

Cut to Eureka blissed out surrounded by butterflies. Flashback to her dad telling her not to screw up so she gets to work with her magic eyes. Insects are too small but she can see the idiots in the rocks. They are the recon team after all so they meet up to discuss this information. Hinata wonders if Naruto noticed. Kiba says he'd be yelling his head off if he did, best not to tell him anything.


Naruto comes in, screaming his head off. He found a Bikochu! Panning triple shook shot.


Filler ninja also shook. Reverse panning shook shot. Hinata praises him, Shino wants to see it though. It's a Goliath beetle.


The Bikochu isn't active at night so they get ready to call it a day when Naruto comes running up. He's spotted it. They ask him and after checking the picture he's 100% sure. The filler Ninja are following. The shape of the antenna is right, it looks similar. But there's one issue.


Yeah. Shino starts warning him about it as he's up the tree already. They eat people and don't like to be prodded in the nose. The elephant beetle chases them and knocks the filler villains out of the tree as the crow calls out this comedy bit.


We come back from the break to Hinata training on a rock at a new waterfall. This time fully clothed. She needs to focus harder to find an insect. Filler ninja lady watches on. We get a montage of Team eight and Naruto looking hard the next day and then back to Hinata training.


The boys are up in a tree (yes by god I will capture every shot possible of Naruto in that hat.) Shino says the air pressure is changing and Kiba says that means rain. Hinata agrees. Today and early tomorrow is it. Naruto pledges to find one no matter what. Back to montages as the clouds move in.


The villains show up and hint that the Aburame were the reason their clan sucks now and that the ultimate revenge will be taking this admittedly useful but one off beetle. Kiba is worried that those idiots haven't moved. Shino knows their plan exactly. Wait and steal. Akamaru senses the rain and now it is pouring buckets. Hinata has another flashback to her asshole dad and almost starts crying. She see's Naruto searching and cuts her own promo while up tempo music surges; It was her idea. Naruto won't ever give up and neither will she. Shino appears out of nowhere and claims the rain will probably help her out because of the cooler surrounding temperature. She decides to go crazy with her Byakugan. First she sees Naruto, then small mammals, then finally insects.


She spots one. It's pretty close. She points it out to Naruto. It flies away but it isn't a ninja. He's got it. It's a female. Kiba is impressed with Naruto but he gives Hinata all the credit.


All the credit. Akamaru barks and the beetle lays an egg! The villains are excited too!


Hinata is at the stream bed, cooling herself off after a touch of the vapors. He pressed his face up against hers! Suddenly kunai. She knocks them away with her hand. It's a three on one handicap. Ninja Art Honey Bee jutsu! Not the bees, not the bees! Every bee she kills lays a honey like substance on her that stops her movement.


Her special honey has paralysing chakra or something like that. Hinata meanwhile is out of juice while Suzumebachi sends a tranq dart bee into her neck as we fade to black.


The rest of team eight are on the hunt. To be fair since they all knew this was going to happen they should have told Naruto and also, you know, not separated, but this arc needed more girth. They didn't even notice Hinata got jumped. They ask Naruto who tells them that Hinata went to go wash her face but its been awhile.


Message kunai that was aimed right for Naruto's face! His bro Kiba has got this though. They kidnapped that female Kunoichi and they'll trade her for the Bikochu at midnight. Great job leading Shino.


Hinata sure is in a sticky situation as we end the episode.

NEXT EPISODE: "A Battle of Bugs: The Deceivers and the Deceived"


OK, help me Toonami-GAF. Shadow of the Colossus, Borderlands 2, or Bioshock Infinite?

Infinite. I'm assuming your playing on PS3 (cause all those games have been free on plus in the last few months). I couldn't play SOTC on PS2 cause it ran like shit, and its better on PS3, but not by a whole lot.

Fun fact though: If you have a Vita, you can remote play SOTC on your Vita from PS3! Its like 1 of 5 games that support this feature


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I just watched the sonic boom tv trailer, not gonna lie, I digged it, will watch.
"What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?"



Is this the one where Hinata is doing stuff naked under a waterfall or something like that? cant quite remember, she learns a move here that they put in naruto clash of ninja revolution 2.

We open on Lady Tsunade taking a bath and drinking Sake. Shizune stomps in complete with cartoon sound effects. No time to get drunk and loaf around. Cut back to the office and four giant stacks of paperwork. The price of a peaceful day. Tsunade never finishes anything that's why the paperwork stacks up.

Goddammit Shizune, can the HILF relax for at least once in her life?
What's your fav Toonami Era?

Moltar Era, 1997-1999

First Tom Era, 1999-2003

Tom 2 Era, 2003-2004

First Saturday Toonami Era 2004-2007

Second Saturday Toonami Era 2007-2008

Adult Swim Toonami Era 2012-

Mine would have to be First Tom Era. So many shows that sparked my interest in anime like tenchi muyo/universe/in tokyo, Dragonball, Big O, Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Outlaw Star and so on and so forth. All the extra stuff like the online games and the intruder were great as well.

Tom 2 Era was great as well because of the premiere of shows like Dragonball GT, Cyborg 009, SD Gundam, and Ruroni Kenshin. I really liked the graphics they used for the intros and ads for Toonami shows.

My least favorite by far was the Second Saturday Toonami Era. It was obvious at that point that Toonami was on life support and CN didn't want much to do with anime at that point. The designs of Tom and his crew were fucking awful.


Why are they all on beds?
They're negotiating hostesses. ;)

ok...why does she have a skirt....it's not like any of the other girls do.....
Guess Reaper version of those

I have a bottle of Jack under my desk for this week.
That what I drunk that night.

WAY stiffer than that buddy
Like what?

I really was not the usual kids in middle school.

From the United Kingdom! I'm looking for heaven! I'm going to California! Excalibur!


Finally, someone who knows that's what the reboot name should be.

What the hell was I thinking as a child not watching this? The music, art, ambience...it's all perfect. This is a really good 4AM show, this is very soothing.
I wonder myself as a kid sometimes.

You guys havent seen samurai jack?

If this episode is already blowing your mind than you first timers are going to lose it with the next episode :)

Well, I just finished watching the SAO episode. Is there a way for me to forget all I just saw?

You'll probably have to use all of them.

why we never got that chaos theroy anime we may never know o r mstick with that.

now imagine IGPOX being like Ender's Game..y ikes.
...I do not remember posting this. For the record, I have recently finished reading Ender's Game.

why we never got an anime splinter cell, marco.
I said this before.

I was about to laugh but then had to constantly "uuggghhhh" to not do so.

Both are god awful though so it's basically like saying I like a kick in the ass over a punch to the gutt
More like rather you want your body injected with acid or have your body be poured with lava from the feet up.

shit, I was gonna use a Kirito avatar after SAO ended, but I get the feeling I need to use an Oberon avatar instead

Next week will be special.
Is the suffering over?


I didn't get drunk fast enough but the sting from the drink may as well be the pain watching this episode...Jesus H. Christ.
What's your fav Toonami Era?

Those images are giving me those nostalgic feelings!

I'd have to say Moltar era for the reasonings you gave to 1st Tom. I was just rediscovering anime in a more serious capacity in the mid-90s and Toonami helped with that. To explain further, like most people I think, I watched shows when I was a child like Voltron, Grimm's Fairy Tales and Robotech, but didn't really know "Hey this came from another country." but enjoyed the content they liked and soon discovered that there was a whole art style dedicated to it.

1st Tom era continued and expanded on that, fueling me all through high school. It was a good time to be at that age.


What's your fav Toonami Era?

Mine would have to be First Tom Era. So many shows that sparked my interest in anime like tenchi muyo/universe/in tokyo, Dragonball, Big O, Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Outlaw Star and so on and so forth. All the extra stuff like the online games and the intruder were great as well.

Tom 2 Era was great as well because of the premiere of shows like Dragonball GT, Cyborg 009, SD Gundam, and Ruroni Kenshin. I really liked the graphics they used for the intros and ads for Toonami shows.

My least favorite by far was the Second Saturday Toonami Era. It was obvious at that point that Toonami was on life support and CN didn't want much to do with anime at that point. The designs of Tom and his crew were fucking awful.

Lol I didn't realize how cheesy that Moltar era logo looked.
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